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~*~ Pictures ~*~

~ 26 Front Street - December 8th, 2001 ~

*** The Fans, 1st Set ***

Something about a man in uniform.

Hill, Jeff, & Bobby.

Me & Mindy. Hmmm... where was Dana??
Oh yea, that's right - she was a NO SHOW!

Leslie & Mike. Thanks for letting us crash in Evan's room!

Crazy Al, Erin, & Gary. Nice finger :-)

Aisle*Nine girlies...
Johnnieanne, Gina, & Amanda - who btw has not fallen down since her b-day.

My favorite Gap'ers, Evan & Tom.

Billy, Bobby, and G-money.

Look - it's the "winners circle" once again :-)

Gary & Robbie playing nice.

Next set of pics...