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~*~ Pictures ~*~

Our two hours on the water finally came to end. But in that short time, we rocked that boat. We'll be going again soon and hopefully we'll get even more folks (Mindy!) to join us.

~ Back on Land ~

But before we docked, we did a little dancing on the back deck.

I was waiting for the "dip".

Say cheese!

Fellow sailors.

"Honey" & Timmy.

G'Bye River Rose, we shall return soon!

Back on land and straight to The Blue Martini where we met up with Mike & Denise.

Mmmm.... mmmm, the best martinis around.

See Pete, it's not "feminine" for a guy to drink a martini !

Our night continued with some bar-hoppin' along the waterfront bars. Unfortunately, no pictures were taken
from this point on. This is probably a good thing considering things got a little crazy, especially at Gullys.
The rest of the night is a little hazy but I do remember a good game of Pass the Ice being played.....