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~*~ Pictures ~*~

~ March 17th, 2003 ~

** The Parade Marchers **

Grant and I had to take a little walk to an ATM machine.
It was only about 3 blocks away, but in that short time, we were going
to see just how many pics I could get into with parade marchers.

This band was from Long Island (Ok, I made that up).

I think these Junior High School kids were very
afraid of me (check out the dude to the left).

These cool gals even let me hold their flag... with a little persuasion.

He would NOT let me wear his hat, no matter how much I begged.
But hey, I banged his drum.

Yeah... this group wanted nothing to do with me.

Grant dared me....and I did always want to march in a parade.

Me and Saint Patrick.

Next set of pics...