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~*~ Pictures ~*~

~ March 17th, 2003 ~

** The Final Hours **

Well the day had to come to an end sometime, but we had a blast.
We will definately be heading back down next year and every
year after. New York City is a great place to celebrate St Pattys
Day. And also, a great way to enjoy our anniversary as well !

The police officer from Middletown.

Miss Dana... yes, it's much smarter NOT to run into the middle.

"Come on Min... just hold this banner with me and let's pretend we're with them".

"Um.... OK".

The Lapel Band.

Our meal for the day... HOTDOGS.

Dana and Mr Middletown.

The skyscrapers of Manhattan.

Coincidentally we ran into our friend Karen and her cousin,
who were walking from their class.

Our final walk... back to Grand Central.

Goodbye NYC, and a big thanks to all the Parade Marchers who did a fine job !!