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Life and Death times of Julian Ravage
Monday, 27 March 2006
Friday night magic...
Friday was a night where I had no idea what was going to happen next.

My friend Amber called me while I was out drinking and thinking about life. She told me a friend of hers could not make it out to Avalon. She had an extra ticket for 30 seconds to Mars. I had never even heard of them before but decided "What the Hell!". So I stumbled out of the bar and headed to 22nd and 6th.
The show was pretty damn cool. Amber and I made our way into the crowd and took in the show. Jared Lieto was very entertaining as was his band. I couldnt help but get into it. I had never heard them before and didn't know what to expect. A mosh pit opened up and I was very tempted to jump in but I was still in my work clothes and couldnt afford getting them trashed. (I really wanted to jump in. I miss thrashing about.)
All in all, It was very fun. A good memory for when I am old and stuck in an old folks home..;)

Part two of Friday night....

After the band, Amber and I went outside so she could get a picture with Jared. I stood out there and noticed I was getting sober. She saw the look on my face and talked me into going back inside. I agreed and made my attempts to get back in.

My trouble with bouncers...

I must have a look that bouncers hate. They always give me trouble. Every bouner I talked to, told me to go to another entrance. I finally talked to one, I showed him my wrist band and my ticket for the show. He looked at me like he didn't believe me and then finally called it in, told me to go to the side entrance and they will let me in. I walked over with a stupid smile on my face and talked to that bouncer. This one called on the radio and got the okay..again after I had shown him my wrist band and ticket. I walked past him, got to the door and ANOTHER BOUNCER came to the door and stopped me.
(Sigh)...I was very nice and explained again the whole story. He called it in even after the other bouncer yelled at him it was okay. I leaned against the wall and waited. He received a call saying it was okay and finally let me in. This whole part of the adventure took about 16 minutes.

Chruch at Avalon....

The reason why I never gave a review of Church is because when I get there, I am so tired from the day that I end up sitting and zoning out, drunk and not doing much. This is my second time there and the crowd was pretty nice. I loved the music and even danced a bit.
But my sleep angel tapped me on my shoulder and I ended up sitting down and barely kept myself awake. I think I even passed out a few times only to be awakened up by friends.

Amber and I finally made our way out when the lights came up, I fell out in a cab and crawled back into my apartment and passed out in my bed.

Whats so funny about that whole night, I had only planned to get a few drinks and go home.


30 seconds to Mars= good.
Bouncers= Bad.
Chruch= Cool.


Created by Julian Ravage at 12:20 PM EST
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