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Life and Death times of Julian Ravage
Monday, 24 April 2006
Aliens Vs Predator 2
First read this article.

(Caution Spoiler!!)


My thoughts:

I want to puke!

I was always a fan of both franchises but this just makes me want to gag. After I saw the first AVP I was so disappointed I think I gave up. You have no idea how many years I waited for this movie to come out and when it finally did, my heart dropped to the floor and crawled into a sewer.
Now AVP 2 may be worse the AVP 1. Where does Hollywood get these people to put these things together. I like bad movies but this is a bunch of grade Z movies if ever I seen one.

I will not go into super detail about the whole thing because just writing this is getting me heated. I know, I know, Its just a bunch of movies but I was always fascinated by these movie monsters during my teenager years. In a strange way, it's like when your parents tell you that there is no Santa. But in this case, its more like they dress up a homeless person in a Santa suit and they keep telling you its Santa. You want to believe but the dirt and the smell of liquor keeps telling you he is not.


Created by Julian Ravage at 12:40 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 24 April 2006 12:43 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 12 April 2006
No CDI this week.
Because of my health lately, I decided to take the week off and try to heal. I know this week is Spring break and even I have Friday off from work so this week would be the best time to do it.

But do not fret. CDI will be back to normal next week.

Have a good Spring break!!!!


Created by Julian Ravage at 9:06 AM EDT
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Friday, 7 April 2006
I have a hard time with music. It takes a long time before I can get into "it". Sometimes I can listen to a cd or MP3 once and will not listen to it for months. Then I pick that same CD up and it becomes my new favorite band.

Icon of Coil is my recent favorite.

Simply put, I cannot get enough of them. I keep listening to Machines are Us over and over again. I tend to listen to a lot of music but I always go through phases with certain bands. There are bands (Like Icon) that have been around for a long time and I drag my feet when it comes to listening to them regularly. I guess its just a quirk I have.

Give them a listen if you have not heard them before. I know my Ipod is going to say "No Mas!" after a few weeks.


Created by Julian Ravage at 1:46 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 March 2006
A Cure for Fear...
In my last post, I posted a picture with a spider getting it on with woman. The feedback from the picture was actually the fear of spiders.

There may be a cure.

I am still not sure how I feel about using drugs to help cure fear. This is already a pill nation and I don't think everything comes in a "Magic Bullet" but if this drug was mixed with therapy, it could be very helpful.

I used to be very afraid of spiders but I do remember one night while I was very drunk and out of it. I looked at my arm and saw a spider crawling on me. I thought I would have flipped but I just watched it. Either I was too drunk or just the fear simply didn't effect me like it should. I flicked it off my arm after a few moments but noticed I didn't have my fear.
Now I am more relaxed around spiders.

But I still have a healthy fear of other things.


Created by Julian Ravage at 12:58 PM EST
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Monday, 27 March 2006
Spiders need love too!

This its a French ad against HIV and AIDS.

I think the lady is gonna give that poor mutant spider HIV!

Will someone please think of the mutant spiders!!!!


Created by Julian Ravage at 12:46 PM EST
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Friday night magic...
Friday was a night where I had no idea what was going to happen next.

My friend Amber called me while I was out drinking and thinking about life. She told me a friend of hers could not make it out to Avalon. She had an extra ticket for 30 seconds to Mars. I had never even heard of them before but decided "What the Hell!". So I stumbled out of the bar and headed to 22nd and 6th.
The show was pretty damn cool. Amber and I made our way into the crowd and took in the show. Jared Lieto was very entertaining as was his band. I couldnt help but get into it. I had never heard them before and didn't know what to expect. A mosh pit opened up and I was very tempted to jump in but I was still in my work clothes and couldnt afford getting them trashed. (I really wanted to jump in. I miss thrashing about.)
All in all, It was very fun. A good memory for when I am old and stuck in an old folks home..;)

Part two of Friday night....

After the band, Amber and I went outside so she could get a picture with Jared. I stood out there and noticed I was getting sober. She saw the look on my face and talked me into going back inside. I agreed and made my attempts to get back in.

My trouble with bouncers...

I must have a look that bouncers hate. They always give me trouble. Every bouner I talked to, told me to go to another entrance. I finally talked to one, I showed him my wrist band and my ticket for the show. He looked at me like he didn't believe me and then finally called it in, told me to go to the side entrance and they will let me in. I walked over with a stupid smile on my face and talked to that bouncer. This one called on the radio and got the okay..again after I had shown him my wrist band and ticket. I walked past him, got to the door and ANOTHER BOUNCER came to the door and stopped me.
(Sigh)...I was very nice and explained again the whole story. He called it in even after the other bouncer yelled at him it was okay. I leaned against the wall and waited. He received a call saying it was okay and finally let me in. This whole part of the adventure took about 16 minutes.

Chruch at Avalon....

The reason why I never gave a review of Church is because when I get there, I am so tired from the day that I end up sitting and zoning out, drunk and not doing much. This is my second time there and the crowd was pretty nice. I loved the music and even danced a bit.
But my sleep angel tapped me on my shoulder and I ended up sitting down and barely kept myself awake. I think I even passed out a few times only to be awakened up by friends.

Amber and I finally made our way out when the lights came up, I fell out in a cab and crawled back into my apartment and passed out in my bed.

Whats so funny about that whole night, I had only planned to get a few drinks and go home.


30 seconds to Mars= good.
Bouncers= Bad.
Chruch= Cool.


Created by Julian Ravage at 12:20 PM EST
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Thursday, 23 March 2006
I was sick once....
This had me spooked.

Meningitis Outbreak

Two years ago during the summer I had viral meningitis. It scared me half to death because it felt like I was dying. I was taken to the hospital where they kept me in quarintine(Sp?). They drew spinal fluid and I was in general Hell for over two weeks. (I was only in the Hospital for a week but I still wasn't fully healed.)

The only thing I can say is if you really get sick, I mean really , REALLY sick in a short period, go to the doctor. Some of things I noticed whiched scared me into going to the hospital was I had a hard time thinking. Everything became really fuzzy. Thoughts did not connect. The fever and extreme weakness added to it so you are generally messed up where your memory comes in flashes.


Created by Julian Ravage at 12:27 PM EST
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Wednesday, 22 March 2006
Effort to expand...
In my effort to expand everyone's mind. Here is a very interesting article.

Pour sand on a wound

I think it is a fantastic idea. The side effect though is it can cause 2nd degree burns but if I had a gaping bleeding hole in me, I wouldnt give a damn about some burns.

In other news-

Photo shoots and more photo shoots. I will be taking more pictures to add more characters to CDI very soon.

Scenery shots have me at a little loss. Trying to take pictures in NYC of scenery without people being in the damn shot tends to make me grind my teeth. I think the reason why I was so sick two weeks ago was because I was out at night, in the cold, taking pictures of streets and buildings. (Yes, I do suffer for my art.)

Best time to take pictures of mid town.....1 am.


Created by Julian Ravage at 12:35 PM EST
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Sunday, 19 March 2006
V for Vendetta
Sunday night and I am at the computer with a glass of red wine and only my thoughts.

Friday I saw V for Vendetta with a few friends. I thought the movie was very good. I had read the comic ages ago and thought they did a very good job putting it on the big screen.

Good points- The very idea of revolution is great. Toppling corrput government has always been great material for the masses. They did an excellent job. Ms. Portman was a little flat when it came to her acting but she pulled off the cute parts. Hugo Weaving was wonderful as V and enjoyed the time he was on screen.

Bad points- The action was a little lacking. The matrix effects were getting a little stale. The movie did leave me wanting a little more. I felt the two and half hours was a little long. Indeed this is a comic book movie but I felt they should have kept it a little bit more along those lines. I felt they tried a little too hard to blur the lines bewteen comic book and reality.

Strange point- Yea. I want a Guy Fox mask, hat and outfit.

All in all, A good movie but if you read the comic, wait for DVD. If you did not read the comic book, see it in the theaters.


PS- I stand corrected. Its Guy Fawkes. :)

Created by Julian Ravage at 10:49 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 March 2006 10:48 AM EST
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Friday, 17 March 2006
Happy St. Patty's!
Happy St. Patty's day!

"You must be from Ireland because my penis is Dublin."

So I have been saying "They are always after me Lucky charms." In a heavy Irish/Scottish accent. Yes..It is driving everyone nuts. This makes me happy.

Tonight- Gonna see V is for Vendetta. But before that, I am going to be the crazy guy walking around taking pictures of nothing. (I need more material for CDI.)


Created by Julian Ravage at 12:36 PM EST
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