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Yep. This is the end. I hope everyone had a good time. I know I did.
Happy Belated Bday to LRTD! (It's B-day was on June 22nd but I totally forgot. Happy Bday anyway!)
It looks like Im gonna stop trying to do story lines for LRTD. Instead I am going back to the random silliness that I loved doing in the first place. It doesn't mean I'm getting rid of the little sprites that I love using but I am going to do more picture comics and use sprites a little less.
And if you haven't told your friends about Cyber Dark Infection, then you need to do that or I will be sad. (sniff sniff)
Sigh. Starting next week, LRTD is going back to only once a week. It will be published on mondays. Why? Because I simply dont have the time with CDI in the works. Please dont kill me..:)
I would like to introduce my next project, Cyber Dark Infection. Take a look and tell me what you think. C.D.I.
