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Lord Ravage Episodes

1.Fire walk with me
2.Super Powers
3.General Warning
4.Evil and Friends Pt1
5.Sexy Boozer
6.Evil and Friends Pt 2
8.Mating Stance
9.Komodo Dragon
10.Pure Talent
11.Friendly Accident
14.Sick Boy
15.Life Pt 1
16.Life Pt 2
17.Little Ravage
19.The Breaks
20.Spinal Vampire
21.Just Ask the Gods
22.The Scars of Dating
23.Lord of the Egg
24.Frog Whisperer
25.Key to Love
26.Casting my Vote
27.The Pledge
28.The Quest
29.Astral Pain
30.Demon On Speed Dial
31.Midnight Secrets
33.Super Power Fuel
34.Why Does It Hurt?
35.Enter The Zombie King
36.A Good New Year or Else!
38.Man & Nature
39.Stoned Work
40.Can I Buy You a Drink?
41.Evil Julian
42.What Do You Want?
43.The Stars Know All
44.Digital Breakup
45.Digital Friends
46.Why on Cthuthlu's Beard?
47.Who Needs NIN Anyway?
48.Feelings Are Crazy
50.Drunken E-mails
51.Storm Before The Storm
52.The Argument
53.The Aftermath
54. Good & Evil?
55. My Mind
56. Goblin Love
57. Enter Gloom
58. Dark Elf
59. Morning After
60. My Dad
61. Let slip the Zombies of War!
62. Make Over
63. Focus Man, Focus.
64. Dragon Man
65. Wants
66. Get Depressed!
67. In His Own Words
68. Magic Paintball
69. More Power!
70. Big Ghost
71. Join me and we can rule the...
72. Use of Force!
73. She is a witch I tell you! A Witch!
74. Happy 4th!
75. It's not what you think.
76. Side Kick Part One
77. Side Kick Part Deux
78. Look at the size of it!
79. Your guess is as good as mine.
80. iLord
81. Dream Land
