Weaponkail's House of Whatever
A site with...hrmm...STUFF. Mostly pics. My friend's site ^^

Another friend's site, about anime, directed towards Chibi. Verrry cute *g*

Achaea: Dreams of Divine Lands
Best MUD I've ever played..if you go, look for either Rikta or Ydachikachishiroul ;)

The Operator Site
My OTHER website. Strange..twisted...STUFF. Go go!

The Brotherhood of Izzy and Matt!
Hysterical site, about the brotherhood of Izzy and Matt (Digimon)

The Non-Brotherhood of Ryoga and Mousse!
Another very funny site about the NON brotherhood of Ryoga and Mousse! (Ranma 1/2)

Great site for fanfics. Look for me (Ydachikachishiroul is the author name) ^^