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~The~ Great~

~of Rhydin~

Archers, light of foot and keen of eye. They combine distance and near perfect aim as their means of attack as well as defense. Armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows, perhaps a small melee weapon just in case, they prowl the high towers of the castles. Out of the way from most of the sword swinging footmen, they exchange the horrors of close combat for light weight armor behind the walls. Expected to meet the enemy first, dispensing numbers of their enemies with well aimed arrows. As an archer you are to stop the advancing footmen and Calvary before they reach your own men. A hard task indeed, and it is expected that all actions involving archery should be given with the utmost quality.

(Meaning during spars and matches a minimum of 25 words per post. No exceptions!)

~Training Matches for the Archer~

There is not a set amount of people who may participate in an archery match. If two 1d6 is rolled for initial. If more than 2, then 1d100 is rolled Like any other match. The number of rounds should be stated in the rules at the beginning. 1d20 should be rolled upon a target unless you have modifiers and the scoring is as follows:
1 = Bullseye! - 20 points
2-5 = First Ring - 15 points
6-10 = Second Ring - 10 points
11-15 = Third Ring - 5 points
16-20 = Miss - 0 points

The one with the most points at the end of the set amount of rounds wins the match.

~Logging for a match~

1: Contest or Practice must be stated
2: Number of Rounds or Points
3: Whom Vs Whom or MP(Mass Practice)
4: initiative roll
5: judge or proc SN with reg #(optional)
6: Enhancers or None

~Gaining Modifiers or Enhancements~

Modifiers may be gained in one of 2 ways.
1: practice
2: bought


Practice modifiers are gained as so. an archer will move into the fields with his bow and a witness. A target will be set for them to hit. Same rules apply as a match. now once ready start a log or the recording process and set the terms as follows.

1: Call the match (practice)
2: Goal of the practice (hit this many targets to get what ever modifier)
3: state your name and your strength
4: witness state name and strength
5: state starting practice and begin.

Rules are simple. hit as many targets as you can in one round once you miss the targets reset and you must start over. Modifiers cannot be used in a practice only in a contest or a match.

Targets hit and what you gained for a match:
1-3 = +2 to bow use
4-6 = +4
7-9 = +6
10-12 = +8
13-15 = +10

Anything more then that will give you more, pending on the HC desisin.


Buying Modifiers is just the same as enhancers infact they are one and the same just different titles. the High archer may sell you a modifier only if he or she feels that you are good enough to have one. They are also the ones that may set the price.

~Spars and Mass spars~

sparring in a normal match you will us your normal dice and if called may use your modifier same follows the mass spar and we ask when you do such that you move to your best skill with the bow. including close combat. I am currently working on a siege battle if i get more then 15 archers in a rank.

For more information on the archers please talk to Lord Argoth Silverlan if you would like to add or improve this charter in any way.