By the early 1990s, there would be even more changes in the Western Suffolk BOCES James E. Allen system. (For one thing, Western Suffolk BOCES became the new name for what was BOCES 3.)
- By 1992, James E. Allen--Dix Hills became an elementary school for pre-school through sixth grade level children only. High school and junior high school aged children were taken out of that building. One seriously doubts that the lockers that were in the 400s and 600s clusters during the 1970s and 1980s are even there anymore.
- JEA--Carman road became the James E. Allen Middle School for sixth through eighth grade level pupils.
- The former Taukomas Elementary School building at the corner of Lee Avenue and Conklin's Avenue in Wheatley Heights, NY became James E. Allen High School.
- The former Washington Avenue Elementary School in Deer Park, NY changed its name to the James E. Allen Alternative School. (In the 1980s, when it replaced the Huntington-based Woodbury Learning Center, it was called the Washington Learning Center.)