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two of the spurned and bitter AFFLACK duck triplets

Uncle Lyle's Top Ten College Polls, Inc.
A large revolving letter N, signifying this site's support for The University of Nebraska Cornhusker Football Team

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Lone Tree Recreation Lodge
To visit the semi-unoffical site of Nebraska football, go to: No Respect!
an artist's rendering of a helmet once used by very famous NU football player, Charlie Choo Choo Winters

You gotta love those Huskers...Or do you? Live by the predictable run, die by the unsuccessful pass...Give us Polini or give us death...Ask not what Barney Cotton can do for you, ask what you can do for Barney Cotton...Frankie Shall Return!!!...Maybe...Ah ha, you don't have Eric to kick around anymore...Jammal is not a crook, (that we know of)...Of the new recruits, by the new recruits, and for the new recruits...Pederson has a dream!!! He be going to the mountain top!!!...Rumors of Frankie's death have not been greatly exaggerated...Don't shoot until you see the whites of the canadians eyes...Mr. Pederson...tear..down..that..wall!!!...

(Do you love Nebraska football? Do you love to hunt, fish, boat, or just simply get away from it all? Do you live in a 13,000 mile radius of Northeast Nebraska? If you can answer "yes" to these questions...)

Read on, my friend.

So, what's This About a Lone Tree Recreation Lodge?

Whoa... Slow down Hoss...Let's start from the beginning. Are you feeling down? Got a case of those "Tough to be a Husker Fan's Blues"? Just sat through another torturous debacle known as a Nebraska-Oklahoma game? Or for you younger bucks, Nebraska-Kansas State? And now, Miami...yet again? I know how you feel, because I lived through the 70's, 80's, 90's, too.

Even if you are not known as a Husker loyalist, this site could still well be for you. Hawkeye fans (bet you are a Cubs fan too-- sorry), Cyclones, Jayhawks, Buffaloes, you name it...Any team but the Yankees, and you are rooting for an eventual loser: and, you are no doubt quite upset about it. Because of this unfortunate fact of life, you might just feel like kicking something, grabbing something, or just plain blowing something to bits. (I know what you are thinking, but NO, Barry Switzer is not fair game-sorry.) Or, if you tend to live somewhere on the passive side of life, you may just want to hide somewhere and ponder the inequities of life in the college football fast lane.

Yes I am, and yes I do. So, how can a person best respond?

Well, first, I recommend that you read Uncle Lyle's Top Ten College Football Polls, Inc. His expectations of our Cornhuskers are so extremely low, that every single, teeny tiny victory is a cause for celebration. After reading these polls, even a victory over the Louisiana Outback State Educational Remedial School (LOSERS) will seem like a tremendous accomplishment. Believe me, reading these polls will make you feel much better about most of the dismal things in your drab and morbid lives.

Why do you diss Nebraska like this?

It's my job...This is what they pay me to do...

And if I don't want to read your stupid polls?

These polls are hardly stupid. They are respected worldwide. Yet, you don't have to read them. It's a free country. My second recommendation is to simply go hunting....Or fishing...Or boating...Or simply hide out in the beautiful location of Burt County Nebraska. This place has it all.

Any of those things sound better than reading your stupid polls. Tell me more about this place.

Glad you asked. This is what I suggest. As soon as our beloved Huskers screw up another big game, just pack up the ol' SUV and head out, up, down, or over to Decatur, Nebraska. Stop in at either Barney's Bar or the Green Lantern. Even the Dairy King (eat there, even if it kills you). Meet the nice folks of this quaint, second oldest settlement in the state.

You will then sit down and order some beers for the local folks and help them complain about how Nebraska football gets no respect. If you are into hunting, you'll then ask your new friends who owns the hunting grounds, or goose and/or duck blinds. If fishing is your passion,make sure you packed up all your gear. If you like river boating, bring your boat. If you just want to hide out for awhile and ponder, well, just bring your pondering boots.

Are there any women in Decatur?

Yes, of course! They are a bit shy, but here are just a few of the women that you may find about town.

Ok... so maybe I do come to Decatur. Where will I stay at night?

Good question. You COULD sleep in your SUV, or under the toll bridge (it's a little drafty, but comfortable), or even stay at the Motel 8 in Onawa, Iowa. It gives you the essentials: a bed, towels, free soap, yada, yada, yada. Yet you also have to think about this...You have to listen to passing traffic and squealing wheels on I-29, not one teeny tiny mile away in a small motel room with nothing to do except watch tv. And where is your personal space in a one room motel, if you have your buddies with you?

Is there another alternative?

I am glad you asked that question, because there certainly is another alternative. Instead of that cramped motel scene, you can spend your down time at Lone Tree Recreation Lodge, just outside of Decatur.

Why would I want to stay there if the elusive Elm Creek Monster is about? She looks quite dangerous.

She has been known to stalk on cold winter nights, as well as hot summer nights, and all those nights in between. Yet she has never been sighted beyond Highway 75 to the south, the Missouri River on the east, 7th Street to the North, and P&W to the west. With that in mind, here is a little bit more about Lone Tree Recreation Lodge (see table below).

Three bedroomsWaterbedShowerCompletely FurnishedIn the CountrySatellite Dish27" TVPrivacy

Sounds pretty good. What's it going to cost me?

Not much more than that Onawa motel we were talking about. An advance deposit may be required.

For those of you with various and eclectic tastes, there are several other areas of interest to be found here. Check them out now!

Ahhh, Nebraska. Paradise. This page will tell you just about anything that you ever wanted to know about this fine state. Go to:
this is a picture of a map showing Nebraska (barely 3 inches long) in 1895 when it barely more than a gleam in it's daddy Uncle Sam's eye--how it's grown--today, your monitor would have to be over 500 miles long (yes, 500 miles) to see the grown up state

Monitor the continuing and steady decline of the hated Fighting Irish! Ha, Ha, Ha. Uncle Lyle places a voo doo curse on South Bend. For more information on these bumbling and drunken, yet lovable kids, go to: Touchdown Jesus!

In two and 1/2 short years, we will celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. I can answer all of your questions about the Expedition of course, and I will be happy to, but you may find it more interesting to go to:
a sign signifying that the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial is coming in 2 1/2 short years

Hold on now...Interested in the New York City high school sports scene? Don't delay, go there What a mess...
Public Schools Athletic League
My nephew (by marriage only) Dave has a website too...OOPS...HAD a web site, but it was deemed to be illegal, so is no more. Had Dave not violated some very important federal laws, rules and regulations, you would have been able to read what Dave thinks, see what Dave does, see where Dave lives, see Dave's pictures, note who Dave hates, and read what makes Dave really really mad... Don't go to: Dave.

On the other hand, my nephew Cody has begun a website of his own. See the hilarious adventures, trials and tribulations of Mr. Big Orange. Check it out today at:
a recent photo of a humble Mr. Big Orange, just after being named Mr. Big Orange of the Year, 2001

a photo showing a supportive commercial airline, as Nebraska battles Louisiana Outback State Educational Remedial School (LOSERS), 7,000 feet below

My Favorite things about Angelfire.
  • Confusing
  • Slow
  • Excruciating
  • Inconsistent

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days (or something like that) until Lyle can retire.
