Before you decide to e-mail us asking what we are all about, please do us the favor of reading this question and answer page. Thank you.
Q: What does the word MANTIS mean?
- A: The word MANTIS has a very deep meaning to MANTISNada and myself. I would be lying to you if I said that we did not go through certain physical and mental changes due to our membership in the MANTIS Society. MANTIS plans to be a very tightly woven organziation and to have several charters across the world. One day we will be so powerful, possibly even god-like.
Q: Do i get to choose my MANTIS name if my application is approved?
- A: Yes, you will be able to choose your MANTIS name, however it must be approved by MANTISNada and myself.
Q: What are the main objectives of the MANTIS Society?
- A: The goal of the MANTIS Society is to grow into an influental force in the world of today and tommorow. We support certain views and idealogies. However, to become such a strong force we need to build this organization, that is the difficult part. Once enough members are enlisted we can have a formal meeting which we will all attempt to create a MANTIS Constitution. In this constitution, we will be setting down the groundwork for our Society.
Q: Are only smart and good looking people allowed to be in MANTIS?
- A: No, even though you do not share the same genius and dashing attractiveness as the co-founders, MANTISGoldfish and MANTISNada, you will still be able to join MANTIS (unless you are greek).
Q: Is there a membership fee?
- A: No, not at the moment. We plan to recieve funds from such organizations as the NAACP.
Q: Is that the theme from Delta Force in the background?
- A: Yes.