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Use fire starters especially if the wood is wet.

Use only black-and-white newspaper to start a fire. Colored ink releases chemicals when burned.

I don't have sawdust readily available so I use the lint from the lint catcher in my dryer. I fill the cups of the egg carton with lint, then cover with melted cheap paraffin, and let cool. You can easily break off two to three to start your fires. I keep my old cardboard/paper like egg cartons above my dryer to make it easier.

For those of you that use spin dryers, save your lint and used dryer sheets. Alone or together, they are probably the best fire starters available. Just tuck in under your logs, preferably with a bit of kindling. They'll ignite instantaneously and create an incredibly hot starter flame.

We do a lot of camping and I've never had one of these fail me. Take the rolls when the toilet paper is gone and stuff it full of dryer lint. We're always being warned of lint buildup could cause a fire right? Tug some of the lint out of both ends a little ways, lay it down and lay the kindling over it. Set the tugged out lint on fire, and you have a roaring fire in no time. Can even use the rolls from paper towels when they have a bonfire.

Use sawdust in egg cartons with wax melted over them for firestarters.

PINECONES used for color in fireplaces
Pinecones, Wax (you can re-use your old candle piece), Sawdust Melt wax in double boiler , not directly on stove as heated wax can ignite.
To add colour when burning use:
table salt (burns yellow),
no-salt substitute (burns violet),
Borax (burns green)
Dip pinecones in wax to coat and then dip in a mixture of sawdust and one of the above items (depending on burning colour desired). These make fabulous gifts when displayed in a wicker basket or decorate with ribbons, etc.

Tie strings around the pine cones and dip them first in melted wax and then in some fireplace sparkler stuff. Place in a decorative box using potpourri as a filler.

Pour bacon grease on newspapers.

Take an egg carton and fill the cups with sawdust. Melt down cheap paraffin and pour over the cups and let cool. You can easily break off two to three to start your fires. Add color (crayons, old candles, etc.) or scent (essential oils -very little goes a long way!)

Use a cotton ball covered in petroleum jelly to make a great fire starter. Simply roll each cotton ball in the jelly until completely covered, then put it in a plastic film canister. Each canister will hold about 30 balls. To start a fire, put two or three cotton balls under your dry kindling and light.

Make another excellent fire starter by cutting an old, worn web belt or hiking compression strap into 8 cm strips. Soak them in wax and let dry. Next time you want to start a fire quickly, use one.

Make fire starters by filling paper condiment cups with sawdust and pouring paraffin into the cup.

Use a ball of dryer lint soaked with candle wax to make a very good fire starter.

Here's another option for a quick fire starter. If you don't have sawdust readily available use the lint from the lint catcher in the dryer, fill the cups of the egg carton with lint, then cover with melted cheap paraffin, and let cool. You can easily break off two to three to start your fires. I keep my old cardboard/paper like egg cartons above my dryer to make it easier.

Take the rolls when the toilet paper is gone and stuff it full of dryer lint. You're always being warned of lint buildup could cause a fire right? When using it, tug some of the lint out of both ends a little ways, lay it down and lay the kindling over it. Set the tugged out lint on fire, and you have a roaring fire in no time. Can use the rolls from paper towels when they have a bonfire.

Use sawdust in egg cartons with wax melted over them for firestarters. These are the best firestarters around.

