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MTV VJ Damien Fahey

Right after I interviewed Daniel Bedingfield and the lovely ladies of Dream , I headed inside to check out the show. While upstairs in the VIP area, I spotted the newest MTV VJ to hit the TV screen, Damien Fahey! He was gracious enough to stop and talk with me and once I mentioned the site he was totally game to do a little quick one on one! He was totally cool, funny, and such a sweet guy! I wish him the best of luck!

Click HERE for an exclusive hello to MME from Damien!

MME: So, your a new MTV VJ, how does it feel to be the new kid on the block?
Damien: Feels great! I'm having the time of my life... meeting all the people that I've ever wanted to meet in music and talking about music and just living music. It's great.

MME: Who's been your favorite to meet or interview?
Damien: Santana. I just met him like a week ago and he was just so cool, so awesome!

MME: IS there anyone you might of met- off the record of course , that you didn't like?
[We laugh]
Damien: Hmm... off the record... Yeah, man I dunno but Carson Daly is just not a nice guy! NO! I'm just kidding!! [Laughs] Umm, I dunno- everyone is really nice, everyone is really cool.

MME: So, you just hear enjoying the show?
Damien: Yup! Yeah - that's it! Kicking back and relaxing, it's been a long day!

MME: Definitely! Alright Damien, thank you so much!!
Damien: No, thank you! It was a pleasure!


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