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to My Homepage

E-mail me here if you have questions about Chatpics, or Druidism. Ill try to have an answer for you asap. Thank You, and Blessed Be.

Presenly, I just started the page on Druidism that I promised, and you can now see it. I hope that you will enjoy!
Follow this medallion to the Druids page

Go to see the Memorial page for My Aunt Louise

I thank you A/all for bearing with Me as I build My page, there are presently a lot of things I would like to put in here, as soon as I can find enough time to do everything, that is. Any way, some things to look forward to are-

1- A Book of Shadows

... 2- A guest book

3- some more links to various and sundry pages.

4- Merlynn's Famly Tree

5- I recently added a new Gif Archive. clic on "Kool Spot" to see it.

6- Also recently I just added a chatpic blanks gallery

7-Clic on My Chatpic to the left to see My recent finished chatpic Gallery.

Go here to see My Personal page-(which is being built right now)ATTENTION:If You would like to link Your page to Mine, I have a banner on My Personal page that You can save and use. Thank You. I hope that you like My site so far, and will visit occasionally. May the gods be kind to you and yours. Blessed Be.

Hey, maybe you would like to check out a few of these kool links?

Visit The Hawks Nest, another friend of Mines site

Visit Storm Goddess's site

This link will lead You to the chatroom where these pics are used:

Here is a link to one of My favorite places, Stones-n-Bones.


And this link will lead You to Murin Ar Panterac's page, without Him My page would be just a dream. *s*

I would like to put a special thanks in here to Murin. I coudnt have done this without You, Bro. Thank You