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I recently found out My Aunt; Pearl Lousie Marvin; died Monday, Oct 8th, at the age of 48 with a heart attack. Not having slept since hearing the morbid news, I was helping to prepare My sons things for a road trip the other day (Oct 10th) and grew highly agitated with the rigors of everyday life. I apologized to My beautiful and understanding fiancee and went down stairs to smoke a cigarette. About 100 feet from My porch grows an old maple tree. I walked over to it and stared up into its branches, as if questioning the gods as to why they would take such a precious life from Me, and the rest of the family. Disappointed without getting an answer from the gods I started to turn away in anger, when I looked down. What did I see but the tiniest of mushrooms, sprouting up throught the autumn leaves littering the ground. That mushroom reminded me of a saying: "Every new begining comes from some other beginings end." My beloved Aunt will finally know peace beyond the mortal flesh, and I pray unto the gods to welcome her home with warm and open arms, for She has done much good. An I shall her again, and all the rest of My dearly departed family and loved ones; but not yet.

She will forever live on in our hearts and memories. Blessed Be, Aunt Louise, and rest in peace; With Love, Lee

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