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My Main chathandles- Merlynn, (of course), the Wolfish One, and Jedi Knight
My Name-- Lee, and thats all Your going to get out of Me *l*
My age--I am presently 24, going on 25 Oct.11th.
My hobbies-- *weg* more seriously though, I am an artist, (as you can probably tell), and I love everything outdoors as well as on the 'net.
My goals-- Im hoping to go back to school for multimedia design, but My main goal is to be a good father to My two favorite lilguys *smiles proudly*
My Music-- Metallica, Limp Bizkit, The Crow soundtrack, and anything with good bass.
My favorite foods-- Lasanga, and salads.

If You would like to set up a link to My page from Yours, I would appreciate it if You would use this banner. Thank You.

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Go to "Merlynn's Family Tree"

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Go to My animated gif archive

Go to My Book of Shadows