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Best Friends

Your the best friend that anyone could ever ask for.
Your always here for me, and anyone else who needs a friend.
So don't ever underestimate yourself, your a true friend through and through.
If we had to be alone here with no friends, it would be a lonely place.

You always put a smile on my face, with the things that you say and send.
Sometimes we never tell our friends just how much they mean to us.
Maybe we should take the time, to tell them their the best friend ever.

A friend is always there for you no matter when it is, or what the problem is.
You listen to all my problems, and I listen to all of yours.
If you don't have an answer you'll try to help me anyways.

So always remember my friend I love you for you.
Don't ever change a thing about yourself, and please just stay that way.
Always remember you have a friend in me, just like I have a friend in you.

To my best friend forever and ever, and may you stay as true.
That is what friends are for, to be there for each other.
So take care my friend, and remember that I love you for being you.

Poem Is Copy Written by Debbie Clements
All rights reserved 1998-2010

Song playing is Starry Night
Music is Dolphins Dream