Grail News

All the Grail-related news that's fit to print,, ink onto parchment with a quill pen.


Did quite a bit of housekeeping, including removal of dead links from the Links and Fanfics pages. Still have more updates to do, but they will be forthcoming. Sorry it's taken me so long!


Chapter 2 of Jenny's Simpsons/Holy Grail fic has been added. The Spamalot section will be up soon, I promise.


The first chapter of a new fanfic has been added to the Fanfics section. I was lucky to see Spamalot on June 4th, and had a great time (my throat was hurting from laughing so much!). I've written up a short review which will be posted in the forthcoming Spamalot section. Sorry for the delay!


No, this site certainly isn't dead! A new drawing has been added to the Drawings and Doodles page in the Fan Art section, and the Articles section has been redone slightly. Big things are in store for this site, including a mini-section devoted to Spamalot in the Articles section, some icons (LiveJournal, AIM, etc.), and a few other things. Now that Angelfire has added a photo album option, I will probably move the individual knight "shrines," as well as the behind-the-scenes photos to photo albums. I hope to accomplish this in the next few weeks if everything goes according to plan. Apologies if it seemed like I gave the site up for dead, but real life has been an incredible deterrant. More updates coming soon. In the meantime, if you've seen Spamalot already and would like to submit a review, I'll put it up in the soon-to-be-revealed Spamalot Newsroom section.

Olde News:


Spamalot the Musical now has an official website with some general information about the show and for ordering tickets. Check it out here!


A link to an article in the Glasgow Herald about Monty Python Day at Doune Castle has been added to the Articles section. Some more news about Spamalot, as well as part three of Eric's The Tale of Spamalot can be found here and here (respectively).


Additional casting for Spamalot has been announced. Read about who will play Patsy, Sir Galahad and Sir Bedevere here. Also, read part one of Eric's story about the creation of Spamalot here.


Tim Curry, David Hyde Pierce and Hank Azaria are expected to star in Spamalot. Read about it here.


Playbill's website has an interview with Eric Idle on the forthcoming Spamalot musical. Read about it here.


More pictures have been added to the "Grail Memorabilia/Collectibles" section, with still more to come in the future. I apologize for the poor quality of some of the pics, but my digital camera decided not to behave when I took them. Coming soon will be a list of the memorabilia shown there, with descriptions and possibly small reviews of some of the items (with the exception of the DVD, which I've already reviewed).


Once again, I apologize for lack of updating. A new page has been added to the Photo Album section, entitled "Grail Memorabilia/Collectibles." Here you will be able to find a series of pictures of various items such as posters, lobby cards, books, trading cards, and other Grail items. A photo of an original 1975 cinema poster has been donated by Rose and is up on the page. Thanks, Rose! Also, the Spam-a-Lot musical is slated to debut in Chicago on December 21, 2004 (thanks to Jenny for the info!).


Happy New Year! First update in just over a month, I apologize, but I've been working full-time for a couple of months and only have the weekends to update both my sites... anyway... Two new Grail trading cards (Dennis and Old Man) have been added to the Trading Cards page in the Grail Art section. I hope to complete the set soon. In other news, the first series of talking Grail figures has been released. Again, this set includes Arthur, Bedevere and Robin and should be available wherever fine (fine?) action figures are sold. If you have purchased/seen them please let me know because I've been looking for them for a while now and haven't had any luck. Series two should hopefully be released this summer.


The first series of Holy Grail talking figures is available for preorder from the Monty Python Direct website. This series includes King Arthur, Sir Bedevere and Sir Robin (Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad and the Bridgekeeper are included in series 2, due out sometime next year). Preorder the figures here.

In site news, a Lancelot wallpaper and a Robin wallpaper were just added to the Wallpapers page.


A new musical based on Holy Grail, called Spamelot, has just been announced. It is slated to open on Broadway in Spring 2005, with music and lyrics by Eric (Idle) and John Du Prez. Go here for more information.


The special edition Holy Grail DVD is being re-released as a special collector's edition by Columbia TriStar! It will include special packaging, a limited edition film cel from the movie, and a copy of the screenplay. It will be available starting on Tuesday, September 16th, and is available for preorder at and For more information, please see the full story here. (Source of info: PythOnline's Daily Llama)


Two new articles have been added to the Articles page, one from the Oct. 2000 issue of Hot Dog, the other from the Dec. 1974 issue of Films and Filming. Both lend interesting insight to the making of the film, from interviews with the Pythons. I have also added photos which I scanned from the articles. I do have larger versions and some others which did not scan quite as well, so if you're looking for something in particular, please email me.


1 new wallpaper has been added to the Wallpapers section on the Holy Grail Art page.


More details about the forth-coming Holy Grail figures from Diamond Select Toys. They will be talking figures, and will come in two series as of this writing...the first series will include Arthur, Bedevere and Robin and is slated to be released this Fall. The second series will include Lancelot, Galahad and the Bridgekeeper, and is slated to be released in Summer, 2004 (a whole bloody year from now, if we're lucky...sigh...). SRP is $12.99. For more details, see this article from PythOnline's Daily Llama.


Three new wallpapers have been added to the Wallpapers page under Holy Grail Art. Check em out!


A color drawing of Galahad by the talented Vicky has been added to the Drawings page under Holy Grail Art. More coming soon!


A new "Wallpaper" page was added to the Holy Grail Art page, where you can download cool (or tepid, at least) wallpapers for your desktop. There's only one wallpaper up there at the moment but there will be more to come shortly. If you have any you'd like to contribute, please send them to me and I'll post them on the site.


Holy Grail e-cards now available for you to send to your friends/loved ones/enemies/knights/servants/etc. etc. On the homepage is a link right above that for the Quiz which will take you to a page where you can choose from among a selection of greeting cards to personalize and send. Click here to send get started.


Diamond Select Toys will be releasing a line of Holy Grail figures later this year. From Raving Toy Maniac's site:

"Diamond Select has obtained a license to produce figures based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Monty Python's Flying Circus. The first two series of figures will be based on the Holy Grail, and the figures will be based on a seven-inch scale (seven inches equals six feet) and the figures will include bases that can reproduce lines from the film.

"Series One figures will be King Arthur, Sir Bedevere and Sir Robin. The second series is planned as the Bridge Keeper, Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad. The release dates for these figures hasn't been decided yet, but plans are for a late Summer or Fall launch."

For more details and pictures, go here.


Happy New Year, Grail fans! I have just finished my review of the DVD which can be found on the Articles page in a new section called "DVD Reviews". I've also added reviews from various DVD sites. More to come soon!


Two new fanfics have been added to the Fanfics page (wow, 24 so far! Keep them coming!). Happy Holidays to all Grail fans! :)


Two new drawings have been added to the Drawings and Doodles page, a black and white sketch of Sir Robin and another of Sir Galahad. Enjoy! One note: please take into consideration that none of us are professional artists and we're doing this for our own enjoyment...if you'd like to offer any criticism of the pictures you find there, please make it constructive criticism. We don't want any feelings hurt. On another note, look for a transcript of the BBC Film Night Report from the Holy Grail DVD soon.


Two more sketch parodies have been added to the Fanfics page, and in order to measure up to all those different fansites out there, a quiz has been added! There is a link to it on the homepage, but I'll throw one in here as well. Which Monty Python & The Holy Grail Character Are You? Click here to find out!


Today is Terry "Patsy/Co-director" Gilliam's birthday. Happy birthday, Terry, and many many more!

Another sketch parody was added to the Fanfics page. DVD reviews coming soon.


New fanfic added to the Fanfics page. It's a funny parody of the Lingerie Shop sketch, tweaked here and there for Holy Grail and written by Heather. Check it out. I apologize for the lack of updating on the site of late, both school and work have run me ragged. I am working on a review of the special edition DVD (a year in the making) as well as a links section for DVD reviews. They'll be up soon, I promise.


A new semi-fic has been added to the Fanfics page. It's a silly Top 10-style list of sorts called Signs You're Not Cut Out to be Sworn To Chastity. Enjoy...or not, your choice. ;)


At last I have added new pics to the various albums. The King Arthur, Sir Bedevere, Sir Lancelot, Sir Robin, and Other Personae shrines are now more or less complete. I'll take as many pics as I can get, though, so if you've got any good ones please email them to me.

And finally, there is a very good behind-the-scenes article which appeared in Hot Dog magazine several years ago. It will be up on the Articles page shortly. Also look for my review on the Special Edition DVD soon as well.


The MP&THG Unofficial Fan Site's First Birthday! Thanks to all of you who made this first year a great one!


There is a new (well, new to me, anyway) Holy Grail arcade game at the Battlemail website. For details, click here to read the article at the Daily Llama website (thanks, Hans!).


New article from Fade In magazine added to the articles page. In this one, Terry Gilliam speaks candidly about his directorial debut and on the making of Holy Grail in general. Lovely color photos.

New fanfic added to Fanfics page, check it out.


New message board!! After getting fed up with Network54's almost constant downtime, I have moved the message board to a better place. Click on Bedevere (on the home page) to get there.

Guests can post in MOST forums (except the News forum I believe), but if you want full use of the board and its options, I'd encourage you to sign up there. No catch or anything, and you can use a cool little pic to identify yourself too! If you yearn for the old board, however, just go here. If you can actually access it, please let me know because I'm having trouble getting there myself.

New fanfic added to the Fanfics page. Check it out.


In semi-Grail-related news, today is Michael "Sir Galahad" Palin's birthday. Happy birthday, Mike, and many many more!

In site news, I have added a new fanfic to the list, a new Holy Grail ending which hopefully you'll find not as, abrupt as the original ending. Also, new picture collages have been added to the Sir Robin and Sir Galahad shrines. Check 'em out!


Please read!! Plea from a Grail fan:

my husband was onstage with Eric [Idle] and John [Cleese] on the opening night (6/15/01) of the Holy Grail theatrical re-release at the NuArt theatre in L.A., and I have accidentally taped over our only videotape of this once-in-a-lifetime event. I am pursuing every avenue possible to track down someone who may have a videotape of the pre-movie activities from that night. Can you help? I feel horrible about destroying our video of a very special night in my husband's life, and am more than willing to pay for a copy of the tape.

If you can help, please email this wonderful lady. Serious offers only, please.

News in site updating: I've added a drawing to the Holy Grail Art page. It's a black and white sketch of Sir Galahad, made by yours truly. Just a warning, though, it's not a very good one, and was made fairly hastily by a left-hander, which is why the image had to be rotated a few degrees. ;) Comments welcome at the message board, and if you've got any drawings, etc. you'd like to send me, by all means please do.


Two magazine covers have been added. See the Art Pics page.

First major update in over a month, sorry to keep you waiting! Some pics have just been added to the new Art Pics page...basically some Holy Grail "trading cards" I made with some spiffy software. Magazine covers (made with the same spiffy software) and drawings to be added soon.


Some late-breaking news: A new fanfic "Holy Grail Today" by Abby has just been added to the Fanfics page, as well as part 3 of the "Holy Grail Project" fanfic. Also the new Art Pics page has been added, which you will find on the Photo Albums page. If you've got any Holy Grail drawings (portraits, cartoons, etc.) or enhanced images, please send them to me and I'll put them up on this page.

Some modifications have just been made to the home page. Instead of the boring ol' list of links, there is now a you want to call it...image of Arthur and the Knights. When you click on any of the Knights or Patsy, however, something magical happens. Okay, it's not very magical at all. When you set your mouse pointer over any of the Knights or Patsy, the pointer changes to a hand to indicate a link. Linger a few more seconds and some helpful text will appear to tell you what the link is about. For the already-confused (I can't blame you), here's a run-down: Arthur links to the script which is still unfinished, Lancelot links to, Robin links to the fanfics, Bedevere links to the message board, Galahad links to the photo album, and Patsy links to the articles. This is my first time trying anything with an image map, so I'd appreciate some feedback. If you think it's a nice change, please let me know either in email or at the message board. If you don't like it, think it's a waste and should be removed...well, let me know anyway. All feedback is appreciated.

Oh yes, and the 1974 New Musical Express article is up for your reading enjoyment. You'll find it at the Articles page.


Another site redux has just been performed by yours truly. Nothing too drastic, mostly adding a few clip-art thingies, mostly as a reminder that the shrines are still under construction. More pics to be added in the next few days. Oh, and how could I forget this brand new News page? Thought the home page looked too cluttered with news items going back 6 months.

In other page news, I have a few articles to add to the Articles page, one being an old New Musical Express article from 1974 in which the Pythons are interviewed on location. Look for it soon!

Last item for today and I promise I'll shut up. Coming soon to the Photo Album main page will be a page for Holy Grail art. If you like to draw or just play around with graphic-editing software, send me your drawings/creations and I'll put them up on the page. It's great to see fan input at the message board and in the fanfics you send, but showing off drawings and other artsy stuff will really show the world what fanatics of this movie we are. So whether it be an enhanced image, a sketch, even something you doodled in the margin during a boring class, please send it to me! Who knows, I may even hold an "artist-of-the-month" contest.

Okay, I think I've rambled on enough for one day. ;)

Keeping you ever informed,

Dr. Winston or Piglet


I performed a major site-update today: new pics in most of the photo albums (and more to come soon!) and an articles page where you can read articles pertaining to the movie, old and new. More updates to come in the next few days.


Another chapter has been added to the Holy Grail Project fanfic and more to be added soon. Happy 932 -er, 2002, you daffy kn-nniggets! ;)


New fanfics have been added to the fanfic page. Check them out! Happy holidays to all Grail fans!!


After you get your hands on the new Special Edition DVD, check out Columbia Tristar's special Monty Python and the Holy Grail website, with fun and games, DVD info and more! Dr. Winston or Piglet recommends that you view the "enhanced site" for optimal viewing pleasure!


Spite Your Face Productions LTD has created a film re-enacting the entire "Knights of the Round Table" scene in Legovision! Supposedly it's going to appear on the new special edition DVD, but you can also watch it here (must have Windows Media, Realplayer, or QuickTime player).


In the wake of the recent tragedy, Dr.Winston or Piglet (me) offers her prayers and condolences to the victims and their families.


Last June, I had the pleasure of seeing the re-release of Holy Grail at Cinema Village....and nearly 3 months later, I sat down and finally wrote a review about it, which you can read here.


And there was much rejoicing! The Digital Bits has just announced that the new Grail DVD will be a two-disc set with lots of cool extras. Read about it here.


Some changes are being made to the Photo Album page. Now each of the knights will have their own "shrine" (individual photo galleries), and there is one album for group/behind-the-scenes photos. The Sir Galahad Shrine and part of the behind-the-scenes album are both up. I hope to have the others finished by the end of the week.


By popular demand, I have obtained a brand spanking (not *that* kind of spanking!)-new message board. If you want to view the old one, go here. Just don't post on it. ;)


The new Monty Python & the Holy Grail special edition DVD is slated to be released on October 23rd! Read about it here.

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