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       29th Field Artillery Regiment   -   Message Archives   -   June 15 - August 25, 1998

Arnie B. Eastlick II August 24, 1998
My name is Arnie B Eastlick, II. I served in the 5/29 at Fort Carson from late 1985 to June, 1987 in the S-3. I'm looking for SP4 Luis Badea, who served under MSG Prichard as our driver as well as SP4 Jose Morales, the S-1's 71L. If anyone has heard from SGT Mike T. Sault, a FISTer, I'd like to know how he is doing. Feel free to post my E-Mail address: You have a GREAT site and I look forward to seeing it from time to time. It's a shame that T-Shirts or coffee cups are not available with our crest.
Thanks Again,
AB Eastlick, II
(Note: Mugs & T-shirts can be ordered thru Insignia Imprints !)

Bernard (Jeff) Bell August 18, 1998
I proudly served as the 3rd Gun Chief C/6 29th Arty from 8/65, Fort Lewis, WA then in RVN until 9/67. I am looking for members who were part of the Fort Lewis/RVN contingent for the purpose of establishing a special 6/29 FA "Spotswood Dewitt" chapter and reunion group. So far we have found almost all the officers and several dozen NCO and EM comrades, with more being found everyday. By this time next year we hope to be at least 400 strong. If you are a comrade, please contact me so we, 6/29FA can sign you up and hopefully help us find the others. Thanks, Can Do!!

William D. Nelson August 16, 1998
I was the FDC Chief for 2/29 FA BN from 1989-1991. Good to see the Regiment on the net.

Glenn E. McKay August 16, 1998
Thank you for your time and effort in this site. I served in 2/29 from 1984 until 1992 and greatly appreciate the time and effort in finding the information on the Gulf War. Thanks again.

Gerry W. Howard August 13, 1998
To all 4th Inf. Division vets, friends, anyone who has an interest in our Arlington Monumemnt to be built across the street from the Visitors Center at Arlington National Cemetary. WE HAVE VOTED ON THE DESIGN TO BE SUBMITTED! We INTEND TO BREAK GROUND IN 1999 and DEDICATE IN 2,000! VERY SOON YOU WILL SEE THE ARTISTS RENDERING ON OUR HOMEPAGE. WE HAVE ABOUT 1/3 OF THE MONEY(70,000$). LOOK AT THIS MONUMENT AS YOURS, WE EARNED IT, WE'LL PAY FOR IT! THE NEW "CENTURY CLUB" IS $100.00, WITH SILVER LEVEL AT $250.00, GOLD LEVEL AT $500.00, AND PLATINUM AT $1000.00. IF YOU HAVE NOT CONTRIBUTED, PLEASE DO, IF YOU HAVE ALREADY CONTRIBUTED PLEASE UPGRADE. WE HAD MANY UPGRADES AT THE NATIONAL CONVENTION IN AKRON THIS YEAR AFTER THEY SAW THE DESIGN, WHEN YOU SEE IT, PLEASE SEND US THE $$$. Gerry W. Howard, Jr. Vice President, Chairman Monument Committee. A-1-8 VN 1969-70 3614 Montclair Rd. Birmingham, Alabama 35213 Want to talk about it? 205 879 2911 Gerry W. Howard (email -, Birmingham, Al USA.

Bernard (Jeff) Bell August 10, 1998
I did get in touch with Randolph P. Martz. So the address is up to date. It was a outstanding phone call we had. A lot of old memories. The last thing I said to him when he left Nam, was "You better get on that chopper young man" and he remembered that. I have been trying to get in touch with the guys in my Btry from day #1 and for 4 years on the net. Because of 29th Arty website and you, as of today I'm in touch with 8 people and counting. Me and John Kaye are trying to find as many as we can from the 6th Bn 29th Arty 1965-1967 The "CAN DO" BN. Thank you again Dan. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
(NOTE: This is great!)

Santos Alvarado August 9, 1998
Hi, to everyone!

Leon Baldwin August 9, 1998
Great information. It's helped a lot in putting together the picture of the 9th Infantry Division's role in Vietnam. Discovering little known units like H Bty (SLT) 29th Arty has been most interesting. Keep up the good work.
The 9th Infantry Division Web Site.
(Note: Leon also "fixed" our crest so the motto can be read!)

Don Williams August 8, 1998
Dan, I got your mail about the web site update. Still no PC at home (late September?) I've had my son print some of the site pages. Very good job you have done. I have some pictures I will try to forward. I am looking for: Bill Akins, Dick Hayes, Jerry Garrett, LT Ben Meredith, Herman Wahl, Frankie Story, Robert Wirth, Dean Emerson, and our BC, Armondo Lujan. Any help would be appreciated.

Vinnie Venturelli August 6, 1998
I served with the Battalion Aid Station, HQ Battery, 5/29 FA from 1986-1988. I just found an old friend on your email contacts page. Awesome, feels great! Please feel free to add me there too. My friend wrote back to me. It's really great to hear from him. Thank you very much for your efforts.
(Note: Thank YOU, Vinnie!)

1LT Philip Dawson August 3, 1998
I'm sorry I haven't replied earlier, but we are currently deployed to Pinon Canyon as part of our train-up for NTC in September-October. I was allowed to return to post new photographs on our site! CSM Williams has informed me that the 3/29 FA has assumed the role of Regimental Headquarters, and we have commissioned the creation of a 29th FA Regimental Room. I have to head back to the field today, but once back, will start posting updates on the Regimental Room. Thanks for your input!
(Note: By all means, the 3/29 FA "IS" our Regimental HQ, no doubt!)

CSM Tommy A. Williams August 3, 1998
I am glad to see that the history of the regiment is still being recorded and that fellow Redlegs are staying in touch. I am currently the CSM of the PACESETTER Battalion, stationed at Fort Carson. We are the ONLY active battalion left in the regiment. Currently, I am building a regimental room in the battalion headquarters and am looking for memorabilia to display. If anyone has photo's or anything they would like to donate, please contact me at 719-526-9500. Keep up the good work!
(NOTE: Let's support CSM Williams in this effort! It is OUR heritage!)

Randy Simmons August 1, 1998
I served as a Forward Observer while assigned to B Bty, 6/29 FA in Vietnam in August, September, October and part of November before being transfered to
B Bty, 4/42 FA. Both were in the 4th Infantry Division. I spent my tour in Vietnam as a forward observer first with the 3/12 Inf and then with the 1/12 Inf before being wounded as an aerial observer north of Dak To, while assigned to DIVARTY on May 21, 1968. I am a member of the 4th Infantry Association in Texas.
Good Web Page!

Robert Holmes July 30, 1998
I served with HHC, 6/29 FA, 4th Infantry Division 1967-1968, Pleiku/Dak To RVN and HHC, 69th Engineer Bn, 20th Bde, Can Tho 1969-1970. My hat's off to all the guys of the 4th ID DIVARTY. As well as to those throughout the Republic of Vietnam. I was at Dak To when TET hit the fan. God Bless All.
(Alternate email address).

Joe Elia July 27, 1998
I'm Joe Elia. I was with B Bty, 29th FA (SLT) in II Corps Vietnam from
May 1968 to June 1969. I was a repairman working out of LZ Uplift.

Laura Slayton Philli July 25, 1998
Dear Dan, Your pages are super! I have learned much by traveling through your very nice website. I think you have prepared a viable avenue to reach out and contact other veterans. I also appreciate your Memorial page. I am not a veteran, just a teacher. A teacher trying to make a difference. At our school in central Illinois ~ the teaching staff created a school, home, community project to teach our young people the sacrifices that were made by many men and women of our great country. Like yourself, VETERANS. We partnership with our local veteran groups and women's auxiliaries who come INTO our classrooms to teach our children. What do they teach? Patriotism, flag, respect, honor, and a multitude of things that are NOT taught from school books. IMPORTANT history and thoughts ~ that only veterans can share with our children grades K - 8. I am in the midst of getting this project into all schools in America. *smile* I want you to know from my heart, I appreciate your military service.
Veterans for a Change

Bill Baker July 23, 1998
I was a "Duster" gunner with "B" Battery, 1/44. Served with the men of 2/29 Arty on a number of FSB in Northern I Corps, 1970-71. Would love to talk to some of the guys from the crews of the guns at Lao Bao on Operation Lam Son 719, Feb 71. As well as locate the crews of the guns at our circle the wagon location at a place we called D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. on QL-9 at the base of Co Roc Mountains in Laos. I have some film and interviews of the crews at that location that I got from CBS evening news archives. God Bless you gents, was my pleasure to have served with you and your fine unit. Some very hard working men who got the job done when it needed to be done, with excellence.

Jake July 23, 1998
A tribute that took 30 years to be written:

Not many realize that the searchlights and quad 50's were essentially on their own, as well as the duster crews. Some 30 years ago as many others did, a small group of quad 50 guys, a handfull of 5th group boys along with the 1st/592nd 101st Inf. distinguished themselves during TET in a place called Song Be.....The 1st/502 made heavy contact in the village of Phuc Vinh with a reinforced battalion of NVA. The fighting lasted throughout the day. Desperate for support someone decided that the quad 50 perimeter firebase security from up the road 1/2 a mile could be used as assault weapons on a deuce and a half truck with rubber tires. Wrong! The small group of guys responded, Ed Lobb as section leader and others. The two trucks were overrun shortly and chuck turned the 50's around on the 502nd boys. Seeing this, Ed and his group without regard for their own saftey, took the quads back within minutes and destroyed...(this part was missing)...up the road a COL stood with tears in his eyes. He realized that the actions of the quad and light guys saved a lot of his infantry. The fighting lasted for days to include a full blown steamroll on the firebase......It was an honor to serve with these guys.....Don't know if they were decorated,,,,Ed Lobb, Frank P. Mumolo, Danny Guteriz, SP5 Prisk, LT O'Conner, Stanley from New York, J.J., Geib, Howard, Gerry Alley, John Johnson from California, our artist who painted the jeep logo's Shep. Roger Sampson, Nick, LT Todroff, 4th Inf, 1/28th.....5th group C Company, I battery, D/71st and others....Gentlemen you were hero's in the pure sense of the word.

John P. Kaye July 17, 1998
(In reference to Bernard (Jeff) Bell's Message of July 10, 1998)
I remember the first mission well as I was the Bn S3. It was a registration conducted by an AO while we were stationed on the beach south of Tuy Hoa-- Phu Hiep, or something like that. We had the guns oriented 180 degrees out as we were still very green. Forunately, the rounds impacted in a farmers field. After LOST, LOST, LOST, we woke up to the fact that we were firing backwards!! From that point on, we always gave AZIMUTH along with deflection. I don't remember who you BC was. Was it Paul Titus? Believe that C Btry was DS to the 3/12 Inf under Lt Col Daves Peters, but I could be wrong. Fill me in. In addition to Lt Col Lennon, I have found CPT Solymosy (BG-Ret) and CPT Dave Dollner. I'll get them to sign up. Let me hear from you. I visited C Btry many times in the field while we were in Tuy Hoa, and also Pleiku when I was Ass't DivArty S3.

Lynwood B. Lennon July 16, 1998
6th Bn, 29th FA - Greetings to all who visit this beautiful page. I was CO of 6/29 from June 1966 at Ft. Lewis until March 1967 when I turned over command to LTC Elritt Nettles. It has been a great pleasure for me to hear from several former members of the battalion including SFC Jeff Bell, COL (then MAJ) John Kaye, and COL (then CPT) Dave Dollner. I last saw COL (then MAJ) Bill Johnson 22 years ago while still on active duty in the Pentagon. Please let me hear from you and keep this page growing.
Lyn Lennon

Joel R. Flores July 16, 1998
Proud to see a 29th FA internet site! Was stationed at Mannheim, Germany 83-84 with 2/29 FA attached to 5/77th Armor (Benjamin Franklin Village) as a Forward Observer. Later PCS'd to Ft. Carson 84-87 and attached to 1/29 FA and 5/29 FA. PCS'd back to Mannheim 87-88 with 2/29 FA attached to 4/8 Inf (Coleman Barracks). Looking forward to hearing from old friends.

Irving Smolens July 15, 1998
I am a D-Day Veteran of B Battery, 29th FA. The gun crews of the battery were stripped to half strength for the invasion. We were equipped with M7 armored artillery pieces. They were lined up on the deck of an LCT, 2 in front, and 2 in back to fire high trajectory fire onto the beach in support of the infantry. Tragically, the LCT hit a mine and sank almost immediately. I was fortunate to have been one of the reserves who landed quite a bit later in the day. For the next several weeks, I was assigned to ride "shotgun" for a battalion agent carrying messages between command posts. When the battery was reformed, I assumed my role as #1 Cannoneer of the #2 Gun Section in the reformed B Battery.

Patrick M. Malone July 15, 1998
Yearbooks? I was assigned to H Battery, 29th FA Searchlight, II Field Force and was stationed at Rach Kien 1-68 to 5-13-68. I have a very hard time remembering names of many I served with and was wondering if anyone knows of any yearbooks that would show pictures. I'd love to get in contact with some of them, especially my Lt, James H. Kurtz. Please contact me if you have any info. Thanks. Pat.
(NOTE: Some units did make yearbooks, anyone know if the 29th did?)

Jim Gilbert July 15, 1998
Just to say hi, and Welcome home to all those who made it. I took Basic Training in A Bty, 29th FA in 65-66. Then was transfered to 5/16th. God Bless you all. Anybody out there remembers, drop me a line.

MAJ Vic Badami July 14, 1998
I was with 2/29 FA for Desert Shield/Storm, Dec 90 to May 91. I was 4/8 Inf Bn FSO and Co FSO in Mannheim, Germany, Jan 89 to Dec 90.

Don Blankin July 14, 1998
Was in RVN from Aug 68 - Aug 69. FO for 5 months with 2/35 Inf and FDO/XO for B Bty, 29 Artillery for the remainder of tour. You've got a beautiful website. Welcome home all 6/29 Fellow Redlegs! Hope you're well, take care.

Walt (Wally) Johnson July 14, 1998
I was with HHB, 6/29 FA at An Khe and Pleiku, and HHB DIVARTY 4th ID from October 1969-1970. Looking for SFC Whitley, SGT Stephen W. Schelley or anyone who might have known me. All photos I had of that period have been destroyed. I welcome anyone who just wants to write.

Jim Claeys July 13, 1998
I was with 6/29th in Pleiku-An Khe in 1969-70 as FO for 3/8 Inf and did patrols out of Radcliff, also LNO. Anybody else I know out there? I have put my Vietnam pictures on video-this is a great way to exchange memories-will trade for same! I also have many Vietnam videos, films, etc to trade. This looks like a great site of the 29th Artillery...I'll stay in touch.

Patrick M. Malone July 13, 1998
Dan, Thanks again for all your hard work. I was assigned to H Bty, 29th FA (SLT), II FF and was stationed at Rach Kien from Jan 68 til May 68, when I was wounded and sent stateside. My call sign was Flashy 26, section chief at Rach Kien. Thanks to all those who worked with me, would love to hear from you. Thanks also to the men on the Dusters for all their support. Welcome home.

Gene Delaney July 13, 1998
Served with H Bty, Can Tho, March 1968 to July 1969. Also at Rach Gia and other areas of the 1st Platoon.

Richard Ciavarra July 11, 1998
Nice to see something for the 6/29th. Was with B 1/14 Arty with Americal from Dec 67 to about May 69. Was transfered to C-6/29th but never spent any time on the guns. Was sent out as an RTO for the FO with Alpha Company 3/8 Inf. Then went to Delta Company 3/8 Inf. as the RTO, Recon Sgt. and FO, guess they were short FO's. Stayed out in the Boonies from Pleiku to Ben Het with Delta till Feb 69. Only saw C Bty once or twice all that time. Called in Fire Missions from 4.2 inch mortors to 175's and 8 inch. Will be checking back, hope this site does well,

Bernard (Jeff) Bell July 10, 1998
HOW GREAT IT IS!! Thank you for this website. I know I'm welcome home now. I served with C Bty, 6th Bn 29th Art 1965-1967. I'm going to take this opportunity to THANK THE MEN I SERVED WITH.

and he further writes:

The 3rd gun section fired the first round in the Bn in country Oct 1966. I carried C Btry colors for the parade when the Bn stood down to come back home in 1970. That was one of the GREATEST Honors of my military service. I haven't been able to get any contact with anyone from the Btry, but maybe now with the new website it'll happen. I have contact with our Bn CO COL Lynwood B. Lennon.

Robert Bellah July 9, 1998
Was with H Bty, 29th FA 1966 to 1968. Started with the Bty at Ft. Sill as one of the first 20 members. Section Chief of the Fifth Section, 2nd Platoon at Dong Tam and Rach Kein. Original Flashy 26 call sign. Left Jan 1968.

Paul Hale July 6, 1998
I served with A Btry, 6th Bn, 29th Arty, 4th Inf Div in the central highlands near Dak To from Nov. 68 to Apr. 69...was wounded Mar 26 1969...tour ended early

Lynwood B. Lennon July 6, 1998
Hi again, I invite all who visit here to check out the 4th Infantry Division Home Page and leave messages in the guest book.

Paul Hale July 6, 1998
Hello! I served with A Bty, 6/29 FA, 4th ID in Vietnam during the latter part of 1968 until early 1969 and would like to hear from those that also served in 29th Arty. Thanks, Paul.

Herb Artola July 6, 1998
Dan: Nice site, off to a good start. Not a Redleg (although I did attend the FA Officer Advance Course in '76), but I had the honor to witnes the awesome power of the King of Battle while serving in 'Nam as a rifle and recon platoon leader with the 3rd Bn, 22nd Infantry, 25th ID in 70-71. The 22nd Infantry Regiment Society is seeking all former "Regulars", offering comaraderie, fellowship, a newsletter, biannual reunions, and a super web site!

Tom Jones July 5, 1998
The 29th Field Artillery web page is a really good idea. Thanks for setting it up!
I served with III Corps in 69-70 at Ben Luc, Newport Bridge, and at
FSB St Barbara. I was with I-29 Arty searchlights out of a Duster Compound.
I would especially like to hear from anyone who was at FSB St Barbara.

Robert Baczik July 4, 1998
HURRY SUNDOWN was in H/29(SLT) Jan 69/Apr 71. 1st 6 months in Can Tho, as Orderly Room Clerk, the rest in 2nd pltn at Dong Tam and area outposts.

Larry Harris June 29, 1998
G Btry, 29th Arty 1966-68...Looking for Cliff Washington. Welcome home Cliff. Call me at....
(NOTE: For personal privacy number is on file if Cliff is found!)

Gary Puro June 27, 1998
29th Arty 1966-72...In the National Dusters, Quads, and Searchlights Association we have about 350 men located who served in B, G, H, and I Btry 29th. Good luck in locating men from the 80's and on.

Dan Fisher June 15, 1998.
I served with Service Battery, 6/29 FA in Idar-Oberstein, Germany, from 84-87. Looking to make contact with any and all who served!

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