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Last updated: November 27, 1999

Unit Crest

29th Field Artillery
World War II Photographs


If you have photo's you'd like posted here, send me your images!
I'll download them, put them on my server, and post them for you.

Dan Fisher

Note: These are very large graphics files! All have been reduced in size to speed loading !

World War II

Prior to D-Day on April 27, 1944, "OPERATION TIGER," an evening practice beach landing, was conducted on the coast of Devon county in southwest England by the U.S. 4th Division which was scheduled to land at UTAH BEACH. SLAPTON SANDS Beach closely resembled the area which they would land in Normandy. German intelligence picked up allied radio traffic, and nine German E-Boats sailed from their base in Cherbourg and created a large-scale disaster. LST 507 and LST 531 would be sunk; LST 289 was badly damaged, but would make port. A total of 746 men were killed -- more then four times the losses suffered at Utah Beach on D-DAY.

General Eisenhower wanted all bodies recovered, especially those 10 that had been issued the "BIGOT" maps of Utah Beach. All were recovered, and the mission was still secure.

American Troops Going Ashore!
American Troops Go Ashore!

More Troops Go Ashore, Harbor Is Jammed!
More Troops Go Ashore!

Landing Ships Carrying More Troops!
Harbor Is Jammed!

On June 6, 1944, landing ships carrying troops of the 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, move toward the coast of France. In this photo, the USS LST-73 is the closest vessel!
Photo Courtesy Of: US Army Military History Institute, Photo # 190462.

Troops Prepare To Debark!
Troops Huddle Together!
On June 6, 1944, American assault troops "huddle together" in preparation of hitting the beachead off the coast of France.
Photo Courtesy Of: US Army Military History Institute, Photo # 32091.

Troops Aid Survivors!
Troops Aid Survivors!
On June 6, 1944, members of an American landing party lend helping hands to soldiers whose landing craft was sunk by enemy action, off the coast of France. These survivors reached UTAH BEACH by using a life raft. Note: These may be survivors the the 29th FA and the LCT 458 sinking!
Photo Courtesy Of: US Army Military History Institute, Photo # 190366.

Artillery Barrage!
Artillery Barrage!
This photograph, taken on July 4, 1944, somewhere in France, shows an American artillery barrage, as it opens fire on the enemy positions of the German opposing forces!
Photo Courtesy Of: US Army Military History Instute, Photo # 190954S.

These photo's are readily obtained on the Internet!
The remainder of our photo series are "unique", and directly
related to the 29th Field Artillery Battalion during World War II.


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