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Escorpion 01


Content here Journal


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are used for the background, the fonts, the links and the scroll bar, all the codes are on this page.

CSS are easy once you have grasped how they work and since they are becoming the standard I suggest you start to use them if it is not already done. If you want to learn more about them I invite you to visit this terrific resource: Lissa explaints it all.

Font used: Hansa

Color codes

text main = #2DB97F
text side = #25AA2B
link = #028194
alink/hover = #95ED81
vlink = #46BEAB

EyeForBeauty logo
Please link back this logo to :


Like all the other linkware sets, this one can be used exclusively if you buy it for $90. Sets are sold on a first come, first served basis, and once your order is processed your set is no longer available for purchase from Eye For Beauty. You can buy your template via the *Request Form* as well.


Web set copyright © 2002 Eye For Beauty