1-8 GM T6H-4523A 1674-1681 1976 9 (I) GM TDH-3301 001 [1976] 1 9 (II) GM TDH-4519 C058 [1981] 2 9 (III) Flxible 35096-6-1 62333 [1988] 3 10 (I) GM TDH-4519 1317 [1979] 4 10 (II) Flxible 35096-6-1 62330 [1988] 5 11 (I) GM TDH-4517 1323 [1979] 6 11 (II) Flxible 35096-6-1 62330 [1988] 7 12 (I) GM TDH-4517 1326 [1979] 8 12 (II) Flxible 35096-6-1 62326 [1988] 9 12 (III) GM T6H-4521A 321 [1990] 10 13 (I) GM TDH-4517 1330 [1979] 11 13 (II) Flxible 35096-6-1 62336 [1988] 12 14 (I) GM TDH-4517 1335 [1979] 13 14 (II) Flxible 35096-6-1 62329 [1988] 14 15 (I) GM TDH-4517 C066 [1981] 15 15 (II) GM T6H-4521A 328 [1989] 16 16 (I) GM TDH-4517 1732 [1982] 17 16 (II) GM T6H-4521A 325 [1989] 18 17 (I) GM TDH-4517 540 [1982] 19 17 (II) GM T6H-4521A 324 [1989] 20 18 (I) GM TDH-4517 1501 [1982] 21 18 (II) GM T6H-4521A 330 [1989] 22 19 GM T6H-4521A 327 [1989] 23 20-21 Neoplan AN-435A DL013042-DL013043 1983 24 22-31 (I)Neoplan AN-440A DL013044-DL013053 1983 24 26 (II) Gillig 4096TD6V92 E1081106 [2000] 43 27 (II) Gillig 4096TD6V92 E1081110 [2000] 43 28 (II) Gillig 4096TD6V92 E1081113 [2000] 43 29 (II) Gillig 4096TD6V92 E1081117 [2000] 43 30 (II) Gillig 4096TD6V92 F1081233 [2000] 43 31 (II) Gillig 4096TD6V92 F1081236 [2000] 43 32 GM T6H-4521A 483 [1984] 25 33 GM T6H-4521A 470 [1984] 26 34 GM T6H-4521A 485 [1984] 27 35 GM T6H-4521A 459 [1984] 28 36 GM T6H-4521A 481 [1984] 29 37 GM T6H-4521A 471 [1984] 30 38 GM T6H-4521A 454 [1984] 31 39 GM T6H-4521A 446 [1984] 32 40 GM T6H-4521A 438 [1984] 33 41 (I) Flxible 35096-6-1 62324 [1988] 34 41 (II) GM TDH-5304 1895 [1990] 35 42 (I) Flxible 35096-6-1 62327 [1988] 36 42 (II) GM TDH-4521A 318 [1990] 37 43 GM T6H-5306A 211 [1990] 38 44 GM T6H-4521A 323 [1990] 39 45 GM T6H-4521A 319 [1990] 40 48-49 Ford --------- VHC01117-VHC01118 1998 41 50-65 Orion 05.501 T6032227-T6032252 1996 42 66-73 New Flyer C35LF VU017174-VU017181 1997 42 74-77 New Flyer C35LF WU018454-WU018457 1998 42 78-83 New Flyer C40LF WU018458-WU018463 1998 42 84-93 New Flyer C40LF YU021627-YU021636 2000 42 94-99 New Flyer C40LF 2U023763-2U023768 2002 42 212 GM TDH-4512 133 [1975] 44 213 GM TDH-4512 135 [1975] 45 214 GM TDH-4512 136 [1975] 46 232 GMC School Bus G2603E [1975] 47 233 GM TDH-4512 2260 [1975] 48 234 GM TDH-4512 2266 [1975] 49 261 Flxible 411HD-D11 75008 [1975] 50 263 GM TDH-3501 630 [1975] 51 1510 Flxible 35096-6-1 62334 [1988] 52 4533 GM TDH-4517 475 [1980] 53 4534 GM TDH-4517 612 [1980] 54 4542 GM TDH-4517 1103 [1980] 55
1 - ex-CATA 269, nee Fullington 269, nee Suburban Express 23
2 - ex-Transit Windsor 715
3 - ex-CATA 1509, nee Port Authority of Allegheny County 1509
4 - ex-Rhode Island Public Transit Authority 6081
5 - ex-CATA 1506, nee Port Authority of Allegheny County 1506
6 - ex-Rhode Island Public Transit Authority 1810
7 - ex-CATA 1502, nee Port Authority of Allegheny County 1502
8 - ex-Rhode Island Public Transit Authority 1814
9 - ex-CATA 1511, nee Port Authority of Allegheny County 1511
10 - ex-SEPTA 1205
11 - ex-Rhode Island Public Transit Authority 1807
12 - ex-CATA 1512, nee Port Authority of Allegheny County 1512
13 - ex-Rhode Island Public Transit Authority 1815
14 - ex-CATA 1505, nee Port Authority of Allegheny County 1505
15 - ex-Transit Windsor 714
16 - ex-SEPTA 1212
17 - ex-SEPTA Red Arrow 188
18 - ex-SEPTA 1209
19 - ex-SEPTA Red Arrow 160
20 - ex-SEPTA 1208
21 - ex-SEPTA Red Arrow 152
22 - ex-SEPTA 1214
23 - ex-SEPTA 1211
24 - Part of PennDOT Pennliner order
25 - ex-Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority 7346
26 - ex-Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority 7333
27 - ex-Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority 7348
28 - ex-Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority 7322
29 - ex-Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority 7344
30 - ex-Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority 7334
31 - ex-Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority 7317
32 - ex-Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority 7309
33 - ex-Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority 7301
34 - ex-CATA 1500, nee Port Authority of Allegheny County 1500
35 - ex-SEPTA 4191
36 - ex-CATA 1503, nee Port Authority of Allegheny County 1503
37 - ex-SEPTA 1202
38 - ex-SEPTA 4317
39 - ex-SEPTA 1207
40 - ex-SEPTA 1203
41 - 18 passenger van
42 - CNG fueled
43 - Originally built 1985, ex-Pierce Transit (Wash.) as follows: 26 (211), 27 (216), 28 (219), 29 (223), 30 (236), 31 (239)
44 - ex-Fullington Trailways 212, nee Ohio Valley 6403
45 - ex-Fullington Trailways 213, nee Ohio Valley 6405
46 - ex-Fullington Trailways 214, nee Ohio Valley 6406
47 - Leased, then sold to Indiana County (PA) Transit
48 - ex-Fullington Trailways 233, nee MK&O Transpotation 775
49 - ex-Fullington Trailways 234, nee MK&O Transpotation 781
50 - ex-Fullington Trailways 261, nee Suburban Express 15
51 - ex-Fullington Trailways 263, nee Suburban Express 17
52 - ex-PAT 1510, scrapped shortly after arriving at CATA
53 - Leased from Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (IL); nee Houston 151
54 - Leased from Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (IL); nee Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority 651
55 - Leased from Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (IL); nee Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority 672
Page created Friday, 1 March 2002
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