Active classes of buses will be highlighted in bold face.
FLEET # MFR MODEL YEAR SERIAL # NOTES 100-249 GMC TDH-5301 1961 2207-2356 300-449 GMC TDH-5301 1963 3645-3794 701-755 GMC T8H-5307A [1994] 1233-1287 A 800-804 GMC TDH-5303 1965 2925-2929 1000-1524 GMC T8H-5307A 1972 0443-0967 1600-1624 Flyer D901A-10240 1983 2950-2974 1700-1799 Twin 44-S 1948 0108-0207 2700 ACF-Brill C-48 1949 0001 B 2701-2702 ACF-Brill C-44 1951 922-923 2703-2727 ACF-Brill C-44 1951 940-964 2728-2750 ACF-Brill C-44 1951 980-1002 3000-3238 Flxible F2D6V-401-1 1965 52252-52490 3239 Flxible F2DV8VC-401-1 1965 52491 3240-3244 Flxible F2D6V-401-1 1965 52492-52496 3300-3449 Flxible F2D6V-351-1 1965 52807-52956 3598-3641 White 798 1948 343366-343409 3642-3647 White 798 1948 344489-344494 3648-3697 White 798 1948 358800-358849 3500-3694 Flxible F2D6V-401-1 1965 52958-53152 3695-3699 Flxible F2DV8C-401-1 1965 53153-53157 3700-3729 Flxible FD6VT-401-1 1965 53827-53856 3730-3752 Flxible F2D6VT-401-1 1965 53681-53703 3753-3875 Flxible F2D6VT-401-1 1965 53729-53751 3776-3800 Flxible F2D6VT-401-1 1965 53704-53728 3801-3875 Flxible F2D6VT-401-1 1965 53752-53826 4000-4361 MAN SL-40102L 1986 FC151057-FC761418 4400 TMC T8O-208 1989 KR826511 4401 TMC T8O-208 1989 KR826824 4402-4414 TMC T8O-208 1989 KR826956-KR826968 4415-4516 TMC T8O-208 1990 LR827015-LR827116 4517-4619 TMC T8O-208 1990 LR827118-LR827220 4620-4652 TMC T8O-208 1990 LR827280-LR827475 4653-4848 TMC T8O-208 1990 LR827246-LR827278 4849-4874 TMC T8O-208 1990 LR827477-LR827502 4875 TMC T8O-208 1990 LR827504 4900 TMC T8O-608 1990 LR827476 4901-4914 TMC T8O-608 1990 LR827505-LR827518 5000-5499 TwinCoach 52-S2P 1950 009-508 5500-5799 Flxible FL2P-40 1954 50001-50300 5800-5899 Flxible FT2P-40 1955 50351-50450 5900-5999 Flxible FT2P-40 1955 50502-50601 5300* Flxible 40102-6T 1990 LD101033 C 5300-5739 Flxible 40102-6T 1991 MD102075-MD102514 5740-5744 Flxible 40102-6TL 1991 MD102515-MD102519 5745-5764 Flxible 40102-6TC 1991 MD102520-MD102539 5765-5769 Flxible 40102-6T 1991 MD102945-MD102949 5800-5801 New Flyer D40LF 1994 RU015566-RU015567 5802-5864 New Flyer D40LF 1994 RU015747-RU015809 5900-5902 New Flyer H40LF 1996 TU016949-TU016951 D 6000 Flxible 40102-4D 1994 RD105007 6001-6304 Flxible 40102-4D 1995 SD105743-SD106056 6305-6329 Flxible 40102-6C 1995 SD106057-SD106071 6531-6582 GMC TDH-4507 1948 2254-2305 6583-6630 GMC TDH-4507 1948 2309-2356 6400 NovaBus TL40102A 2000 Y3000157 6401-6488 NovaBus TL40102A 2000 Y3000194-Y3000281 6489-6549 NovaBus TL40102A 2000 Y3000301-Y3000361 6550-6708 NovaBus TL40102A 2001 13000001-13000159 6709-6788 NovaBus TL40102A 2001 23000001-23000080 6789-6883 NovaBus TL40102A 2001 23000131-23000225 7000-7019 MAN SG220-16.5-2A 1979 0157-0176 7100 MAN SG310-16.5-2A 1983 BC010093 7101-7102 MAN SG310-16.5-2A 1983 CC020099-CC030100 7103-7104 MAN SG310-16.5-2A 1983 CC040106-CC050107 7105-7106 MAN SG310-16.5-2A 1983 CC060177-CC070178 7107-7115 MAN SG310-16.5-2A 1983 CC080199-CC160207 7116-7178 MAN SG310-16.5-2A 1983 CC170221-CC790282 7179-7204 MAN SG310-16.5-2A 1983 DC800283-DC050309 7205-7224 MAN SG310-16.5-2A 1983 DC060316-DC250335 7200-7299 Mack C-49-PGT 1957 1727-1826 7300-7413 MAN SG310-18-2A 1982 ----------------- 1 7400-7944 GMC T8H-5307A 1972 1288-1832 7500-7xxx NABI 60LFW 2003 ----------------- 2 8000-8149 Flxible FT2P-40 1957 50652-50801 8200-8349 Flxible FT2P-40 1959 50802-50951 8400-8498 Flxible FT2P-35 1959 50953-51051 8499 Flxible F2DD-40 1959 51052 8500-8649 Flxible F2D6V-401-1 1960 51053-51202 8650 Flxible F2D6V-401-1 1961 51270 8700-8849 Flxible F2P-401-1 1963 51352-51501 9000-9599 GMC T8H-5307A 1975 2937-3536 9600-9799 GMC T8H-5307A 1977 3740-3939 9800-9974 Flyer D901A-10240 1983 2775-2949 9822 (II) Flyer D901A-10240 1985 FP012515NOTES:
A - Ex-PACE (Regional TA, Chicago); only the following buses saw service for CTA: 702, 706-707, 711-712, 714-718, 720-721, 723-726, 728-729, 731-732, 736, 738-744, 746-747, 753-755
B - Ex-NYC Transit demonstrator
C - Mechanical training bus not officially on CTA passenger roster
D - Test fuel cell buses; Ballard Fuel Systems VINs VB092001-VB092003; stored out of service at South Shops as of 10/02
1 - Ex-King County (Wash.) Department of Transportation; awaiting confirmation of ex-KC Metro numbers
2 - Delivery reportedly in progress
Page updated Tuesday, 8 July 2003
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