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Chapter 22

Trish decided she wasn't going home, she passed by a lovely Park so she tipped the taxi driver and she went for a walk.
What the hell was wrong with her? what was the reason for all those stomach aches? She knew Alicia had something to do with it, maybe she placed something on her drink.

She sited down by a lovely lake, the moon was so bright , it was such a lovely night and those pains that didn't leave her rest.
She wondered about Linda, at the party did she managed to face Nick?


"Linda?" Nick called

"Yeah?" she answered

"You can talk now"

She had been speechless since that all thing with AJ, she couldn't even look at Nick's eyes, but that Nick that was holding her so tight wasn't the other Nick she had knew before, and even though she would never admit it, she actually liked it all, two Backstreet boys fighting for her. wow

"I don't have anything to say" she finally managed to say

He smirked, she was falling for him, and he knew how to do it, oh did he knew it, he had learned from the best of all.
he inhaled her sweet perfume, and started touching her long shining hair.

"You smell good,"

She let out a little laugh.. "Yeah , my shampoo, well not really mine, I took some of  a friend's"

"Smells nice, use it, makes me wanna eat your hair"

She laughed hard "You're funny"

"Makes me wanna eat you all" he thought

He now looked at her eyes, he had admit it she had wonderful eyes a beautiful deep blue, so innocent so full of love, he wondered then if he was doing the right thing, using her, but he danced that thoughts away.


"Shit I forgot to turn my mobile off" as he took it off his jacket, he saw D in the call id, so he decided to answered it.

"Hey D."

"Hey J, where are you, you left, are you ok?"

"Yeah I am fine, just needed to get some air,  yah saw what happened? I wanted to get Linda out of Nick, but I didn't managed, sorry"

"It's ok, don't worry, he is actually behaving, they are just dancing"

"Oh hope he does behave she seems like a nice girl" AJ took a look at his mobile "Shit Howie don't hang up, Sally is calling me, and I don't really wanna talk to her right now"

"Oh that's love." he joked

"Yeah sometimes she is sooo sticky man.. I like her she is ok, but.."

"You don't love her right?" Howie added

"Yup, just trying to find the right girl, yah know we aren't getting younger, don't know if you noticed it"

"Tell me about it, and where are you?"

"Oh well I'm just arriving at this park, man beautiful you should see it, man and the sky"


"What D?"

"You've changed... a lot, but I like that new J"

"But don't worry I still can dye your hair blue or green while you sleep"

"Some things never change"  Howie said between some laughs

"well, Sally gave up, I guess I'll talk to you later, ok?

"Ok,  take care of yourself"

"I will, have fun"


AJ placed his phone back in his jacket pocket, switching it off first, as he walked along the trees, couples everywhere, yeah what else was new? The sky was looking so nice, and the moon was shining so bright, he kept on walking, till he arrived to a little lake, in the dark he could see a figure laying there on the grass, he leaned down, and called.

"hey, you ok?"*


Brian sat down by the little bar they had improvised, next to Howie who was watching carefully Nick and Linda dancing.

"They kinda look cute together" Brian said

"Yeah, Linda seems to like that asshole a lot"

"She is one sweet girl"

"You seem to be the one who knows her the best"  Howard took a look at him

"Yeah we talked a lot" Brian managed to say, he didn't want his friend to know what actually happened

Nick was actually liking that confort Linda gave him, she was now more loose, and the way she perfectly fit in his arms seemed... perfect. But he had to have her, taste her, fell her, the way she gently moved against his body was driving him nuts, and his "little friend" was liking it too.

"Linda?" he softly whispered at her ear "Wanna go for a walk, let's just talk and shit"

Linda looked at his eyes, long before she noticed he was felling uncomfortable, the memories from the last encounter had flew away quickly, she nodded as he leaded the way.

Alicia had been watching it all carefully, she was gonna do her move, but not with Linda near her.


Trish tried to look up to the person that was there but she couldn't focus what the hell was wrong with her.

"Are you felling all right?" the voice asked one more time

"Nooo" and before she knew it she had threw up on him.

"yuckkkkkkk" the guy managed to say as he backed up "You definitely need some help"

He took her on his arms and went out of the park, when he reached the street he tried to get a taxi, all the cars slowed down at the look of that man holding a woman in his arms.

"Alex--ander" she said still half unconscious

"What?' You said my name?" A cab stopped by the side and he placed her in and then entered.

"Where too Mr?" the taxi driver asked

"Well..." Aj looked at the girl , he didn't know where she was from so he better take her to the hotel.


Howie entered the gents room. Too many beers, as he saw a familiar figure.

"Alicia, what the hell are you doing here? this is the men's room"

"Sure, that's why I am here I so need a man, Howie, care to help me in that issue?"

Before he could say a thing she started kissing him hard, and unboating his pants.

Chapter 23