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Chapter 3

“Ok, Ok, let me get my cell” he started searching for it on his backpack


“Hello? Who is it?” Brian answered

"Thank God he has his cell, “Hey cos it’s kev, where are you?”

“It’s none of your business, man leave me alone!” Kev, could see he had been crying

“Brian, talk to me we only want to help, Pleasee.” kevin begged, they were not starting their new tour with some more problems..

“Trust me cousin you don’t wanna know, and you CAN'T HELP ME! bye”

“Don’t hang up on me............... Shit” he slashed the cell on the wall across the room...

“Grrrrrr... What the hell happened with him??? Nick, didn't you talked with him during this period of time? Didn't he phone you or something?”

“ yeah yeah, he did, a couple of times but you know me and Brian we aren't that close since well, since he married Leigh..”

“Nick, it’s no time to get those kind of feelings out.. Please you know better...” AJ, slashed at Nick's face, he knew Nick always had hard feelings about that all situation, he personally thought they were kinda childish, but anyway...

“What??? You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt Rok, and when he called me....” it all came back to him “One day, he did called me, shit..”  as he sat down “.. well it was too early and I had some company, but he was crying, and when he asked me if I was alone and I said no, he didn't want to tell what was wrong, and he got rid of me by saying that he had a lil argument with Leigh but he was going to make things right”....

“Shit shit shit, stupid blonde head ...” Nick started hitting his head on the wall like trying to punish himself

“Nick STOP that, you don’t need another scar on that blonde head of yours” Howie yelled

“yeah stop that,.... so it wasn’t a normal fight, it has something more to it..” said AJ as he started walking around the room

“Ok, whatever it is we have to get things clear before we head to Europe."

"I’m leaving now, I’ll call you guys about it, ok?” Nick and Howie nodded their heads as AJ: “Wait Kev, I'm leaving too..” he turned to the other two ”U guys take care, c yah” as he waved “bye!” added both D and Nick


AJ was concerned and he couldn't stop asking what so bad had happened that could possibly left Brian in the way he was... “Yes that was all we needed, more problems as we start this new album...” he couldn't help the smile, as he turned to enter in his driveway, he was talking to himself “get yourself together man” there he was again “ha ha ha”.
strange there was another car parked at his place, who could possibly be?

“Brian??” AJ, asked as he saw his friend laying there infront of his front door

“Sorry, I dunno how I got here but I couldn't drive more, so I stayed”

AJ could see that Rok had been crying and he could smell a familiar smell,
what was that? Brian was drunk????

As he opened the door..

“ You could come in, you know where the keys are..” his dogs came running to
him “How are daddy's babies felling today?? “ he said with a baby voice as Panda started climbing Brian's leg, he
couldn't help the smile, he missed Tyke...

“ Get yourself at ease Rok, my place is your place, can I get you something to drink?

“Whisky!” said Brian promptly not aware of what he actually had just said

“ juice, lemonade coke?” added J, not caring for the big bomb that had just came out of his friend's mouth.

“ oh that kind of drinks... no thanks”

“Brian, wake up, have you realized what you just said?” his face was turning red, he couldn't help the angry thoughts

“huh?..” Brian, took a look at his friend's face and then he exploded in tears right there on the couch...

“AJ, I'm so sorry man, what have I done? why am I so stupid? I don’t deserve the friends I have, I don’t deserve this life...” AJ came running from his kitchen when he realized that Brian was crying but once again...

“Don’t U ever say that again Rok! What's got into you man? Of course you deserv the beauty of life, shit man, you are probably the only guy i know that really deserves good things anyway....” they were there in one big hug

“Yeah, so IF I'M SO GOOD WHY THE HECK DO I DESERVE IT?” Brian, started crying again, he looked like a lil baby that AJ, couldn't find out what was hurting him, and worst Brian said HECK..  oh my

“Deserve what? talk to me bro...” he was now looking at Rok’s eyes, never had he seen Brian that way, never...

“ You wanna know??? ....” as he raised himself from the coach and started pacing around AJ’s living room “YOU REALLY WANNA KNOW?” yelled Brian at him

“YES YES YES!” yelled aj back at him “ I wanna help you, like you helped me when I was with all those problems last year, remember Brian? I really thought that life wasn't worth me living it, but you showed me the way bro., you opened my eyes, you and... “ AJ’s thoughts flew away for a second

“ OK; fine you wanna know , I'm like this coz I found out that, that...”
Brian's voice was trembling, what was all that about, would things change after he was going to tell him?

“Common Brian, dude you know me, you know you don’t have to be afraid of trusting me... Is it
Leighanne?” asked AJ afraid of what the answer would be

Brian cried loud as he started seeing things a lil too............*puffff* he was there in the floor

chapter 4