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Chapter 11

Ashley woke up early the next morning. She was held tight to the bed by Justin's strong arms but she managed to free herself and she went into the kitchen to make breakfast. Thoughts about the events of the previous night flew through her head. She had told Justin. She knew she could trust him, but it felt so strange, knowing someone else knew. She was lost in thought when someone came up behind her and wrapped their arms around her waist.
"Morning..." A groggy voice said into her ear.
    "Well good morning to you too." She said as she grabbed her bowl of cereal off the counter and walked to the table, with Justin still attached.
    "You know, I do like you and all, but having you as a permanent fixture doesn't sound that appealing at 7 in the morning." She pulled his arms as she talked. He squeezed her tighter and then let go to get his own cereal.

Justin sat down and looked at Ashley. She looked much better than she did last night, and she sounded it too.
    "Sleep well?" He asked through mouth fulls of cereal.
    "Actually, I havent had a good nights sleep since I was 16. I feel terrific, thank you." She beamed at him, and he just had to smile back.
    "Your welcome. what time are we leaving?"
    "Um...I want to get going by 8:30. I called the reverend of my church and I'm stopping by to see wanna come?" She asked taking a sip of some orange juice.
    "I'd love to." He took Ashley's glass of OJ and downed the rest. He looked back at her with a sheepish smile. "I was thirsty."
    "And to lazy to get your own damn drink I suppose? Well it's ok, I was done with it anyway." She got up and washed her dishes in the sink. "I'm getting in the shower. I'll be out in like 10 minutes."

Justin laughed to himself. If she could shower in ten minutes, he'd be amazed. He had never met a woman that could get ready that fast...and yet, he had never met anyone like Ashley before.
    He sat down and turned on the TV. He flipped through the chanels until he came across some Saturday morning cartoons. He laughed as the Road-Runned got away from the Coyote yet again. He was lost in the program when he heard something behind him. When he looked up Ashley had just come out of the bathroom. He starred at her, standing there in a towel, skin still wet, and he had to shake of thoughts running through his head.
    "That was fast." He said turning back to the TV, yet his mand still on Ashley.
    "I told you 10 minutes. It can be done you know. Hey, this is my favorite cartoon. My dad and I used to watch it on weekends. Well Dad used to watch it, I'd just watch him becuase I've never seen anyone laugh so hard at a cartoon." She sat down on the arm rest next to Justin. Justin watched her as she did so, and he barley heard a word she said. She smelled really good, and her sitting there in just a towel was too much.
    "I...uh, " He cleared his throat. "I'm getting in the shower too." He got up and quickly went into the bathroom.

Ashley smiled, she knew exactly what she was doing to him and she thought it funny to see his glazed eyes when she sat down. She had respect for Justin though, he didn't comment, or try anything which many other men would have done in his place. Of Course this didn't stop the thoughts running through his head, but still it was better than nothing.

After Justin had showered and they were both dressed, they grabbed the flowers off the table and headed out the door. Ashley drove the short 4 mile drive to the cemetery in the center of town. Justin watched out the window. A few people were mowing lawns, some kids were riding bikes, but for the most part, the town was quiet. As the drove past the school, which was located near the cemetery, he saw there were some people playing backetball. He looked at Ashley and saw she was wearing some baggy kahki pants and a long sleeved shirt. He decided that he would suggest playing a game later.

Ashley pulled into a small dirt driveway, and then pointed to a farm house on the left.
    "I took piano lessons there." She said. Justin just nodded his head, not sure what to say. Ashley hopped out of the truck and grabbed the flowers, Justin followed silently.
She walked up to a small stone, of a reddish color. On it were many different names.
    "My Dad, Grandmother, Grandfather, Great grandmother, Great grandfather, a 2 babies are burried here." She stated, Justin's eyes opened in shock. He had no idea. Mostly everyone on her fathers side was gone. "This is a family plot." She said bending down to place the flowers over the grave. She looked up at Justin and he smiled weakly before turning back to the truck. He knew she wanted some time, she didn't have to say a word, he just knew.

Ashley waited for him to get in the truck before turning back to the grave.
    "Hi Daddy. It's me, your baby. I just wanted to stop by. I miss you daddy. It's so hard somedays. You should see it Daddy, the dance studio I work at, theres a little boy that reminds me of you....I graduated Daddy, with honors. You would have been so proud of me Daddy. Everyone is doing fine...Jake couldn't come this weekend, but he'll be here I promise...I brought a friend Daddy. he's been so good to me, and I'm glad I have him to lean on...The weather is beautiful today, a great day for a hike. You always used to take us on hikes....Oh Daddy! Why did you have to go! Why? I feel like it was my fault Daddy, I should have told you....but I didn't." Ashley bowed her head and tears poured down her pale face. She cried until she felt as if there was nothing left to her. "I love you Daddy....and I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye..." She whispered breathlessly. She then got up and weakly made her way to the truck. Justin saw her coming and he got out and went to her. He reached her just before she collapsed into his arms.
    "It's all my fault Justin..." She sniffled as she cried into his shoulder.
    "Hey, don't you talk like that, you hear me? It's Not your fault...Not your fault." He took her chin in his hands and wipped away the tears that stained her face.

He led her to the truck and put her in the passenger side. He then got in and started it up. He drove to the school where there were still people playing basketball, he parked and looked voer at Ashley.
    "Will you be ok?" He said, taking her hand in his.
    "Yea...I think so." She said in a gruff voice. "Thank you."
    "You don't need to thank me at all...that's what friends are for. Come on Ash, let's get some fresh air. I'm gonna see if I can play basketball with these guys.

Ashley noticed the people on the court for the first time.
    "I know them." She said quietly as they got out of the truck.
    "Do you?"
    "Yea, I went to school with them...the tall dark one is my ex-boyfriend from 7th grade." She said with a smile.
    "Well let's go kick his butt, shall we?" Justin put out his arm and Ashley took it with a smile. The couple walked over to the court and played basketball.

Ashley walked up to the three men playing basketball. Jared, Steve and Tony, the only thing that had changed about any of them was the fact that they we're taller and older.
    "Jared Arsenault...Steven Difabio and Anythony Carr...what's up guys?" They all looked at her puzzled before Jared spoke up.
    "Ashley?" He asked unsure.
    "Ashley Richardson, in the have you all been?" She said giving them all hugs.
    "What are you doing here, I thought you lived in Florida?" Tony asked.
    "I came up to visit my father. And I brought my friend Justin with me. Justin's addicted to Basketball so he wanted to know if he could play."
    "I can speak for myself you know...hey guys." Justin said shaking hands with them all. They looked him up and down and a confused thought crossed Jared face. He leaned towards Steve and whisperes, but a bit to loud.
    "Is is just me, or did she find someone that looked like the guy from *NSYNC. I knew she was obsessed, but I didn't think it was that bad." Ashley and Justin laughed when they heard this, and Jared blushed.
    "No, you're right. I'm so obsessed. I found someone that not only lookes exactly like Justin Timberlake of *NSYNC, but he also has the same exact name and birthday and everyhting else." She said with sarcasm lacing her owrds.
    "Oh...I..." Jared stammered.
    "Just shut up Jay...let's play some basketball." Tony answered and he threw th ball to Justin. Justin smiled and went out onto the court. He smacked Ashley's butt on the way by.
    "whatch it boy, I'm your ride home!" She said playfully and then sat down on a bench to watch the boys duke it out on the court.

Chapter 12
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