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Chapter 12

Ashley watched as Justin pulled some of his best moves on her grammar school friends. She smiled when Jay or Tony would watch him in admiration. Steve just tried his best to beat him. Soon a sweaty Justin came over to the bench, he was breathing hard.
    "Having fun?" She asked.
    "Oh yea! These guys are good." He said pointing to the men on the court.
    "Always were." Ashley got up and walked over to the guys who were still on the court. Justin followed behind her adn when she stopped, he grabbed her waist and hugged her.
    "Ugh! Justin, your soaked with sweat! That is so nasty...ah!" She tried to pull away as Justin rubbed his head on her neck. As she squirmed, he held on tighter.
Steve Jay ant Tony just laughed.
    "Oh so you think that's funny? Gimme that ball." Ashley grabbed the ball from Jay's hands dribbled and made the shot. It went in, nothing but net. She got ohh's and Ahh's from the guys.
    "Well, I see you basketball skills have increased from 8th grade. You sucked!" Ashley threw a dirty look at Jared. Who just laughed.
    "Yea..I still do, that was a lucky shot...I'm more of the dancing type."
    "We know!" All four guys responded at the same time. Ashley was shocked at their response.
    "Oh kiss my ass!" She said turning away from the group walking towards the truck. Justin said good bye to the guys and thanked them for letting him play.
    "Ash! hey , wait up!" He said and he jumped into the truck just a she started to pull out of the lot.
    "You suck!" was all she said, but she was smiling.

They drove to Ashley's church, which happened to be about 100 yards away. Chester was a very small town. Justin ran over to the general store to get a drink and Ashley went inside the church.

Inside the pastor was waiting, along with her husband.
    "Hello Beverly, Charlie" She said, walking into the sanctuary. Nothin had changed, nothing.
    "Ashley! You look wonderful! How are you?" The Reverend said, giving Ashley a hug.
    "I'm doing really well thanks. How about you?" She took a seat.
    "Were still singing?" Charlie was a professional singer and part of the choir. He was the one that had given Ashley her first lessons.
    "Not publicly. I sing to myself, but not like I used to." She said, hiding her sad tone. Just then Justin strolled in, looking around. When he spotted the group at the front of the church he smiled.
    "Rev. Lindsy, Charlie..I would like to you meet Justin Timberlake. He's a friend of mine that accompanied me on my trip up here." Justin smiled graciously and shook hands with both of them.
    "I was just asking Ashley about her singing. She had great tallent, it's too bad she didn't follow through." Charlie said sadly.
    "I've heard a lot about her singing, but I've never actually heard her sing." Justin commented and he averted his eyes from the obvious look Ashley was giving him. He knew she didn't want to sing anymore becuase of her father. But he knew she needed it. She needed the push back into life, and not hiding in her appartment.
    "Well, I think we can fix that. Ashley we need someone to sing in Church tomorrow. The Choir isn't singing and I was wonderinf if you would do a song." Charlie asked her, handing her a sheet of music. Ashley glanced at it and saw the song. She smiled.
    "I'd love to. When do you want me to practice?" She asked. Charlie beamed back at her.
    "How about now? Do you have plans?"
    "No, Justin is stuck with me, but I'm sure he wont mind...will you?" She turned to look at him.
    "Go right ahead...I'll just sit in the audience." He said, leaning back in the pew.

Charlie and Ashley walked up to the paino in the choir loft. They talked a bit about the song and Charlie played a bit to show Ashley the melody. She shook her head and sat at the paino. She played a slightly different version and Charlie nodded in aggrement. He sat and played the music to the hymn "Amazing Grace."

Justin listened as Ashley sang. He voice wasn't breath taking, but what was was the emotion she sang with. He had found out that everything Ashley did, she did it only becuase she wanted to. She put in her heart and soul, and the outcome was always amazing. He looked at her and her eyes were closed andd hear head tilted to the heavens as she sang. After she finished the first verse Charlie stopped.
    "Tilt your head down...Sing with your eyes. You should remember this Ash. The power comes from down here, but the sound comes from up here...sing with your eyes." He sat back down.
    Ashley tilted her head down and focused on Justin in the first pew. She smiled at him and began to sing again. This time she sounded better, less strained and more confident, but the passion was still there.

After practicing a few more times, Ashley and Justin left.
    "Well, it's about wanna get something to eat?" Ashley asked as the started to drive back to her house.
    "Sure, but I need to get changed first. I'm still gross from basketball."
    "I know, I can smell you." She said with a giggle.
    "Most girls would die to have a piece of my sweaty body." He retorted.   
    "I pray for them at night." Was all she said.
    "Ha ha ha...your a smart one Miss Richardson. Hey you related to Kevin of the Backstreet Boys?" He asked comically.
    "Nope..Thank the Lord. My names better anyway." She said with a smile.

Things were getting better, much better. She felt more comfortable with Justin and with herself. This was the first time she had really gone out with a man since the night of her 16th birthday. She had allowed herself to become blocked away from the world of dating. She stopped from allowing herself to fall for anyone and get her heart broken. She knew this would be a problem for Justin. Right now she wasn't ready for anything more than friendship. She knew he wanted more, and would eventually push the issue. She didn't know how she would deal with it, but right now, she was just going to make the most of their friendship.

Chapter 13
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