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Chapter 13

"Justin, I can sing infront of large crowds. Actually, it was worse just singing for 2 people yesterday. Get me in front of hundreds and I'm all set. That's not why I'm nervous." She stated camly.
    "Then what's wrong?" he asked as he escorted her up the church steps.
    "Seeing everyone again. I've beed gone for 4 years and the only time I came back was becuase of the accident. What will they think of me?"
    "They'll think your the most beautiful person they've ever laid eyes on, and that you are the pride and joy of this town." He said and she smiled. She stood on her tip-toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
    "I needed that." She said as the walked through the doors.

Justin smiled as he remembered the reactions people had given Ashley. Most of the people that attended the church were elderly, or getting there. So most of the comments ranged from, 'Is that my Little Ashley Jean' to "Oh Harry, they grow up so fast!'. Ashley smiled graciously at every comment and took it all in stride. He was impressed, and that didn't happen very often.

He looked over at Ashley who had fallen asleep as soon as the plane took off. He watched  her chest rise and fall with each breath. She looked peacful and serene. He slouched down in his seat and closed his eyes. He felt something on his shoulder and opened one eye to see Ashley leaning against him, he just smiled fell asleep.

Justin awoke to sounds of the captian speaking over the loud speaker. He was saying something about decreasing altitude and landing in Orlando shortly. He looked over at Ashley who was reading a book.
    "Hey sleepy head!" She said looking at him.
    "Hey...when did you get up?" He stretched as he talked, getting out the kinks in his arms.
    "About 20 minutes ago, you looked so peacful, I didn't want to wake you." She smiled at him. He smiled back as he yawned.
    "What time is it?" He asked. Ashley grabed his wrist and looked at his watch, he just grinned.
    "It's almost 6." She answered then she dropped his hand on his lap.
    "No wonder I'm hungry. You wanna go get something to eat after we land?" He asked.
    "Not really, but thanks anyway. I don't feel like going out." She put her book in her carry on, and the plane made a somewhat bumpy landing.
    "Ah, I didn't feel like going out either, you wanna stop by my place?" He picked up his hat and put it back on his head. Ashley thought about it for a second.
    "Oh why not? Sure. I've never seen your house before." She commented. Now that she thought about it, Justin had always came over to her place.
    "Well, now you can come see it." He smiled and closed his eyes to realx for a bit more.

They pair got off the plane and were met by Justin's security member. He had asked him to come excort them home, incase of fans. Not only was he a bodyguard, Mike was one of Justin's closest friends.
    "Hey dude, thanks for coming." Justin said, slapping hands with Mike.
    "You gonna introduce me, or should I just wonder at the woman that got you to leave with her." Mike said smiling at Ashley, she just smiled back and stuck out her hand.
    "I'm Ashley. I'm 5'4, 18 years old, I dance and play sports and if you mess with me I'll kick your ass!" She said cheerfully. He looked shocked for a second then he laughed.
    " I like her J...I really do." He chuckled to himself as he led them outside.
    "You have no idea..." Justin mumbled under his breath as he followed Mike and Ashley outside.

They exited the doors and were met by a black suburban. Miked opened the door and Ashley climbed in followed by Justin. Then Mike hopped in (well, more like stepped in, for his size didn't allow much hopping) and he sat behind them. Ashley turned herself so she was against the window, and able to see Justin and Mike at the same time.
    "I don't think I caught your name..." She said.
    "Sorry about that, Justin's not a good hostess...I'm Mike. I protect his scrawny white ass...sorry to say." Ashley just smiled. She felt the bond, and it was amusing to see Mike dish on Justin.
    "Shut up man. My ass aint scrawny..." Justin turned so he was sideways facing Ashley, and he could look at Mike easily.
    "Ha! You wanna bet? I been watchin yo ass since your head was as bright as my Momma's smile. You ass aint got no bigger, the last time I checked!" Mike grinned as Justin searched for a comeback.
    "Whatever man. You can kiss my scrawny white ass for all I care!"
    "Why would you want that? You got the rest of America kissin yo ass...well, besides this lovely Lady here, she's got a good head on her shoulders. Don't listen to a word he says, and don't put up with his crap, that's the only way to survive..." He was about to say more when Justin punched him. Mike just laughed, but he shut up.

Ashley smiled and laughed a bit at Justin's embarassment.
    "Great, you got her laughing at me too, man! Why did I call you anyway?"
    "Becuase you'd rather live with me, than with packs of horny 12 year olds on you." Mike said with a smile.

Ashley had decided she liked Mike. he was big, but he was kind and he had a sense of humor. She liked that, and it was good to see Justin a little hot and bothered for once.
    "What are you smiling at over there?" Justin said with a sly smile.
    "I was just thinking about how ugly your hair used to be, I'm glad u shaved it." She said sweetly. He was taked aback for a second then he mumbled to himself.
    "Get her with Mike for 5 minutes and she baggin' on me too, man, this Sucks!"
    "Oh lighten up..." Ashley said punching him lightly. He caught her arm and pulled her over to him and started to tickle her stomach. She squirmed and screamed.
    "No...Please! Holy Mother of all that is good and living! Please stop!" She screamed out between fits of laughter. Justin stopped for a sec.
    "Holy mother of all that is good and living? where did you get that one?" he asked with a smirk, Ashley was twisted into a strange possition over his lap.
    "I don't know, but it worked." She sat up and moved out of his reach. She leaned back and whispered to Mike.
    "You protect him...but have you ever had to protect someone FROM him?" She asked, her eyes on Justin.
    "More often than you'd think..." Mike laughed and Justin threw them a dirty look. Ashley leaned over and layed across Justin's lap again.
    "You need to lighten up, and laugh a little..." She said, looking up at him.
    "ha ha ha." He said with a fake smile, but it turned to a real smile when Ashley leaned up and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.
    "Better?" She asked, watching him.
    "Much!.....well, not quite...lips might work though." He said with a hopeful look on his face.
    "Nice try. But no." With that she turned to the window and a smile tugged at her features. She was happy, and comfortable...what a wonderful combination.

They reached Justin's house about 20 minutes later. It was a huge house, very expensive looking, but it also looked like it was barley lived in at all. She thought to herself she'd much rather live in a small house, then never live in a big one. She followed Justin as he dropped his bags, then walked into the kitchen. He looked through the fridge, and then cupboards.
    "Hmmm, we've got cereal, Milk and OJ, that's about it..." He said looking at Ashley.
    "Wanna order in? There's a great chinese place a fwe minutes from here."
    "I know, I'll call, then have Mike pick it up, I don't want anyone to know where I live..." He sad, Ashley caught a tone of sadness, but he soon shook it off and grabbed the phone. Ashley looked over and the message light was beeping. After Justin made the necissary calls, she asked him about the messages.
    "You gonna listen to them?"
    "Nope, not until after we eat. Becuase I know that on there somewhere, someone is wanting me to do something, or go somewhere and right now, I don't feel like going. So, if I don't listen, then I wont have to answer." He said with a smile. He led Ashley to his livingroom. The room was furnished in white. A huge white tapestry hung on the walls, and a statue sat in the corner.
    "Beautiful..." She said, in a whisper.'
    "Yea, it's just sad That I can't live in it more." He said. He plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV, no sooned had he done that, the doorbell rang.
    "Ugh! That's Mike.." he started to get up.
    "No, you sit, I'll get it, I'm up already." Ashley went to the door, and grabbed the food from Mike, she was about to invite him in when she heard Justin's voice behind her.
    "Well, thanks for the food Mike, here's the money...see ya!" Justin quickly closed the door.
    "What are you doing?" Ashley asked, not believeng Justin had been so rude.
    "Um...I don't know..." Mike Chuckled as he heard the last part of their conversation...Justin knew exactly what he was doing, and Mike would only get in the way.

Chapter 14
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