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Chapter 15

Ashley knocked on Chris' door and waited. Finally he opened it, and smiled when he saw her.
   "Hey Ash..what's up?" He said, allowing her to enter his house.
   "I need to talk..." She said simply, walking towards the doorway to his game room downstairs. They two walked downstairs and sat down on the couch. Chris turned to her and said...
   "So what is it we need to talk about?"
   "Well, I have a question. What does love feel like?" She asked.
   "Love?...well...I...I don't know how to answer that...why?"

Ashley sighed and looked Chris in the eyes. "I think I'm falling for someone, but the thing is, I'm not ready. I've been through so much in the past that I don't know if I could handle anything right now. But how do I know if i'm in love...and how do I stop it?" She pleaded, looking at him. Chris held a confused expression on his face.

"Stop it? Ash...why would you even want to stop from falling in love with someone?"

"Because the last time I loved someone....they left me. I don't want to get hurt, and I don't want to hurt anyone else. I just can't...." She lowered her head and sighed.

"Well, I can't really tell you how to know your in love, I guess you'd just know. From the moment your eyes meet across the room, that is all you need. Nothing else will matter besides that person...."

"That's what I was afraid of..." She said, holding back tears. Things are just so complicated, she thought. Why him? Why someone that can't be there all the time, why someone that probably doesn't care for me more than a friend. So what if he's attracted to me...that could go away just as quickly as it came.

"It's OK, Ash. I'm sure whoever it is, you can work it out. Just let your heart tell you what you need to know. And if you don't want to fall for that person, don't. Just tell them how you feel, and if they love you too, they'll understand." Chris placed his hands under her chin so he could make eye contact.

"Thanks Chris. I don't know what I'd do without you." She smiled weakly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to go home now. I need some time to think." She said getting up.

"Well we are all getting together at the WEG compound for a  party. You can be my date...ok?" He escorted her to his door.
"That sounds great, I'd love to come. what time?"

"I'll pick you up at 12. Wear your bathing suit and be ready for fun!" He said, walking with her across his lawn to her appartment.

"Thanks Chris, I owe you one. I'll see you tomorrow at 12." She said with a smile and a wave as she walked up her front steps.

~*~Meanwhile, back at Justin's~*~

Justin walked into his house and flopped down on the couch. He ran his hands over his face and let out a sigh of regret. He looked around the room and saw the dishes and empty chinese boxes. He grumbled and picked them up, taking them into the kitchen. After he set the plates in the dishwasher, he grabbed the phone. He needed someone to talk to.

"Hello?" A female vaice answered.
"Mandy?" Justin asked.


"yea, is JC there? I need to talk." He said. Mandy was JC's long time girlfriend of about 2 years. She had become like an older sister to him, but right now he needed a man's imput.

"Sure, just a sec..." He could hear muffled speach as the phone was handed off.

"Hello?" JC's smooth tone rang over the line, bringing Justin some comfort that he had a friend.

"Hey man...I need your help."

"what's up?' JC knew this phrase all to well, and he could almost hear what was going to come next.

"I'm having problems with Ashley. I think I'm falling for her man. I mean, she's been all I can think about, but I don't know what to do. She said she doesn't want a relationship. What do I do?" Justin pleaded. JC was a bit taken aback. He had just heard his best friend say he was 'falling for her' which Justin never said unless he meant it.

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. I mean, if you are serious about liking her, then make sure she knows that."

"She knows I'm attracted to her, but I don't know how to speak around her. I look and her and forget everything. And tonight, she kissed me, and it made my knees weak." Justin stated. JC gave a slight giggle and then started to sing.

"Something happens when you look at me I forget to speak, something happens when you kiss my mouth my knees get so weak..."

"Very funny C. But I'm serious. What the hell does this mean?" He asked frustrated.

"Sorry man. Well, you said she doesn't want a relationship right?"

"Yea..." Justin answered, not knowing where this was going.

"That never stopped you before." JC said plainly. Justin thought over the words and realized that JC was right. He had never let the fact that a girl wasn't interested stop him before, why should now be any different?

Becuase it just was....or was it?

Chapter 16
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