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Chapter 17

Ashley walked at a brisk pace away from the group of people behind her. Even thought Justin was taller than she, and his legs longer, he had to jog to keep up.

"Ash...whoa! Wait a second..." He said, grabbing her arm and slowing her down. "What's wrong? You look really pale..." He said, concerned.

"'s...I need to sit down." She said out of nowhere. She stopped right where she was and sat down on a rock that over looked the lake.

Justin watched her as she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Her chest rose and fell slowly, and her blond hair was in a pony tail with a few wisps of hair falling in her face. He reached over and brushed them behind her ears, causing her to jump.

"Sorry." He said, apologizing. She shook her head and managed a small smile.

"No, it's OK. I'm being stupid. It's probably nothing." She said with a sigh. She turned to Justin and gave him a genuine smile.

"What's nothing?" He asked, his blue eyes probing hers.

"I just thought that I saw someone, that's all....nothing big." She said with a forced laugh. Justin nodded, taking her answer for now.

"You gonna be OK?"

"Yea...yea, I'll be fine. I just needed some time to collect my thoughts. No biggie." She said, more for herself than for Justin. She sighed and looked out over the water. It was so peaceful and serene. She hung her foot off of the rock and dipped her toes into the water. It was cool and refreshing. Just then, she got an idea.

"Let's go swimming..." She said. She looked at Justin. He was wearing a pair of khaki pants, and a T-shirt.

"Swimming...Ash...?" He looked at her questioningly. He watched at she stood up, and started to undress. He blushed and turned away. Ashley saw his embarrassment and laughed.

"It's OK J...I have a bathing suit on." She laughed again as he turned around. He looked at her and cleared his throat.

"I...I knew that. I was just...looking...I was just.." He stammered which caused Ashley to laugh even more.

"Whatever are you coming or not?" She said, standing on the edge of the rock, waiting to jump in.

"I'm wearing my clothes..." He said incredulously.

"What do you think a bathing suit is? Oh come on, live a little!" She said as she dived into the cool waters of the lake. Justin shook his head and decided it was now or never. He pulled off his t-shirt and wife beater that was underneath. He kicked off his sneakers and dove in after Ashley.

Ashley lay sprawled out on a huge flat rock, soaking up the hot July sun. Justin was next to her wringing what he could of his soaked pants.

"I can't believe I did that. These are expensive pants..." Justin whined.

"Oh shut up. You could but another pair like that. And it didn't kill you did it? Don't tell me you didn't have fun." She said, smiling at him.

"You didn't let me finish. These are expensive, and their JC's. I borrowed them from him, they were his favorite pair...he's gonna kill me." Justin said with a chuckle.

"Does he know your wearing them today?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Then don't tell him, and buy him a new pair. It's not brain surgery J...don't have a hurnia." She laughed at him and he threw her a dirty look.

Ashley sat up and stretched out. "Man, my back is tense. What I wouldn't give for a masuse right now." She said, turning over and lying on her stomach. She closed her eyes and then felt someone rubbing her shoulders.

"Why get a masuse when you can have me?" Justin said. He got up and straddled her backside with his legs. He worked out the knots in her shoulders and rubbed up and down her back.

"That feels so good..." She said with a slight moan of pleasure. Justin smiled and pressed his fingers into her lower back. He ran his hand back up to her shoulders, but on the way, his ring got caught on the string that tied her bikini back, and it came undone.

"Uh-oh..." He said with a nervous laugh. "Uh Ash...."

"Justin, did you just untie my bikini?" She asked, freezing in her spot so nothing would fall off.

"Um...well. Yea, you could say that." He said, getting his ring un stuck from the material of her top, but only succeding in getting it stuck more. He pulled hard, trying to break the thread, but when he did, the whole string came undone from the rest of Ashley's top.

"Shit! Justin, do you know what you just did?" She said, still laying against the rock, afraid if she moved things might just...pop out.

"Well, I tried to get my ring away from your top, but I just got the string away from you." He said with slight discomfort.

"Yea. I noticed. Well, we have a bit of a problem then don't we. I can't move, becuase if I do...well, you know. And I can't fix my top now, becuase the string wasn't suposed to do that." She said with all seriousness.

"Well, I'll get you your shirt...and i'll....oh no." Justin looked over to where her clothes were sitting, and saw that her shirt had fallen in the water and was now all muddy.

"Oh no...what oh no? I don't like that." She said the nervous tension causing her voice to break.

"Well, you see..your shirt is a little...well....wet." He told her flinching as she moaned.

"Great. just great! Good Lord why me?" She said, laying her head down with a sigh.

"Hey! You can wear my shirt. I have two, so take this one. And I'll just wear my wife beater. He took of the t-shirt that he was wearing and held it out for Ashley.

"First off, you're still ontop of me. Secondly, you will turn around becuase once I move the top will fall off. OK? So, put the shirt down, step away from me, and close your eyes." She said with extra force.

"OK..." Justin placed the shirt by her head and slowly stepped away from Ashley's back. He turned and faced the water, and when Ashley was sure he wasn't able to see her, she sat up quickle throwing on the t-shirt and pulling the broked top from under it.

"You can turn around now." She sighed as she looked at her favorite bathing suit, ruined.

"I'm sorry Ash. I'll buy you a new one." He gave her a sympathetic smile.

"You better have some spending cash, becuase you have to buy JC's pants, and me a new bathingsuit and shirt."

"What? Shirt? I didn't have anything to do with that falling in the water!" He exclaimed, looking at her with wide eyes.

"So, I was half naked out here! You can afford to buy me a new shirt...please, it was 3 bucks at Wal-Mart!" She said standing up. The t-shirt Justin had given her hung loose and Ashley felt really uncomfortable. "Can you take me home? I want to get something that offense, but this just isn't my style."

"Sure. I'm sure you don't want to facce everyone like that, so we'll walk around and get my car from the back. I parked in a different parking lot so were not near anyone else." He said getting up and grabbing Ashley's and leading her towards a walkway that led to his car.

Ashley followed Justin, letting him lead her. She smiled at the thought of what just happened, thank the Lord they weren't near  the party....that would have sucked!

Chapter 18
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