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Chapter 18

Author's note**This scene get's a bit racey at the end. If you aren't comfortable with adult content, please, skip the ending. Thanks!**

Ashley packed her dance bag and threw on her sneakers. It was 7:30, and she was late for work. She grabbed a water out of the fridge, and an orange to appease her appetite, and flew out the door and down her front stairs. She jumped into the truck her brother was letting her use becuase her car was still broken, and sped down the street, watching the clock.

"Glad you decided to show up." A very impatient Dave said with a disapproving look. Ashley checked her watch.

"I have five minutes until my first class. Give me a break will you? It's not like the world will end." She said walking into the mirrored room that served as her dance studio. A few students about the age of 14 or 15 were seated on the floor.

"I hope you're all stretching." She said, throwing her bag on the floor, and swinging her legs to warm them up. She heard a few mumbles from across the room as the students started to move about, stretching their muscles.

15 minutes later Ashley had everyone lined up, ready for instructions.

"OK, as you all know, we have 3 weeks until the competition. I'm going to teach you all a dance for that night for the whole class to do. If you want to sign up to do your own thing, feel free, but that dance you do yourself." She stated, looking at her students, as they listened halfheartedly.

"Wake up Ladies and Gentleman! This is fun!" She said with a smile a she walked to the cd player. She turned it on and placed in the Janet Jackson cd. She qued it up to #5 and left it on pause.

"OK, here's what's going to happen." She started to slowly teach the students the moves she had planned out. She was so involved that she didn't notice the man walk in and take a seat at the back of the room. Soon after the man entered, Justin walked in, and sat on the other side, next to the window, where Ashley would be sure to notice him.

"Lenny...pop your shoulder more. Move into it like this. ok? Hear the you hear that? ok, well use that and pop into it, it's a forced move, nothing liquid." She said, instructing as she showed him the move.

Ashley was very proud of her dance classes. She taught 5 different classes, each of them were for kids 14+. She sometimes taught the younger kids, but her style of dancing was a bit much for them. You see, this dance studio wasn't ballet or anything like that, it was self expression, as Ashley liked to call it. There were no set moves, and no expectations other than the fact that you must want to dance.

Justin and the silent stranger watched Ashley, neither of them knowing about the other. Justin smiled as she interacted with her class, them allowing her their full attention. He was amazed at her ability to teach them, and their ability to learn. She treated them as peers, and equals, thus allowing them to feel talked to, not talked at.

Ashley checked her watch. "OK people, class dismissed. See you all tomorrow, Lenny, work on that move at home, and you'll have it perfect by tomorrow, promise." She said with encouragement. The kids disparsed quickly and Ashley went to her bag and grabbed her water.

"Hey!" Justin called as he crossed to her.

"What are you doing here? I thought you guys had to be in the studio today?" Ashley questioned as she sipped from her bottle. He crystal blue eyes full of wonder.

"We did, but it ended early so I decided to stop by. That dance looks really good." He said, following her to a chair so she could rest a bit.

"Thanks. This was my most advanced class, so I figured they could handle it. They seem to enjoy it." She said, her breathing now under control.

"How many more classes?"

"um...none today. Monday's I only have the one class. Tuesdays I have two, and the same with wednesday and thursday." She answered.

"Do you want to grab a bite to eat with me?" Justin asked, hoping he would say yes. he hadn't seen Ashley since the little mishap at the WEG party, and he greatly missed her company.

"Sure, don't see what not. It's only 10 o'clock. But who cares!" She answered as she stood up and went to her bag, noticing for the first time the man in the corner. She pulled Justin to her and whispered into his ear. "Who's that?"

"I have no clue. Didn't even know he was there." He said with a shrug. Ashley walked towards the mystery man and extended her arm. The man stood up and came into the light. He was very attractive, with dark brown eyes, and short brown hair. He smiled, and Ashley noticed the sexy tilt his lips had.

"Hi, I'm Ashley...can I help you?"

"Yea, actually. I was wondering if you had any open classes." He said, once again flashing that smile.

"I'm sorry, but I only teach children. There's a studio down the street if you want to try there." The man chuckled lightly and shook his head.

"No, teach. I'm a dancer, and I wanted to help teach a class." He said, Ashley blushed.

"I'm sorry. I can't really answer that question. Ask for Sue at the front desk, and she'll give you what you're looking for." Ashley answered with a smile.

"I was hoping maybe I could work with you. I saw you dancing, and you're very talented. I heard you say that you had other classes, and I wondered if maybe I could help you with a dance for those." He stepped closer to Ashley, his eyes probing into her's. Ashley smiled graciuosly. There was something about this man that she didn't quite like. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry. I'm all set for dances, but again, ask Sue, and you might be able to help out with another class. I really have to go." She said as she turned to Justin. She gave him a look that said 'let's get out of here.' and he got the message. He grabbed her bag for her and the two quickly exited the building.

Ashley jumped into her truck, and Justin stood at the window. "That guy was weird. He gave me the creeps!" She said rolling down her window.

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you. He looked as if he were trying to undress you with his eyes." Justin said with a tinge of jelousy. Ashley laughed.

"He may have tried, but it would have never worked. Baby, no one could do it." She laughed again as Justin pouted.

"Not even me?" He said with mock dissapointment.

"Nope. Now let's go somewhere, I wanna get out of here." Justin ran around to the passenger side of the truck and hopped in.

"Where are we going?" He asked, looking at her.

"I want to shower first." She stated, looking back at him, Feeling comfort in his sapphire eyes.

"Come to my house. I'll make something, and you can shower there. I don't want that creep following you. If he does, he'll end up at my house, and Mike will take care of him." Justin said as Ashley started the truck and drove towards Justin's house.


Ashley walked down the stairs and into Justin's kitchen. She had finished her shower and changed into a pair of pants and a lavender colored halter top. She walked up to the counter and took a seat. She watched as Justin cleaned some lettuce and took out some lunch meat from his fridge.

"I figured we'd just make subs. It's that cool with you?"

"Sounds great." Ashley got up and grabbed some plates and the sub rolls. She brought them to the counter and started to assemble her sub.

They ate outside at a picnic table next to the basketball court. Justin had finished his sandwich, and was shooting the ball around. Ashley swallowed the last bite and walked out on the court. Justin smiled, threw her the ball, and she turned and shot it into the hoop.

"Nice shot!" Justin said amazed.

"Eh, that's nothing. You're looking at the captian of my 8th grade team, one of the best defensive players." She said with a smirk.

"Oh ho ho. Well aren't we miss cocky." He laughed " let's see how good you are against the Tennman!"

"I hope the 'Tennman' is better than that so called "Timberlake Charm" you posses."

"Oh come one. You've fallen for the Timberlake Charm. Just admit it."

"Baby, I admit nothing. Give me that ball." She stole tha ball from Justin's hands and ran in for a layup. The ball bounced off the rim, then rolled away from the hoop. She scowled and Justin laughed a bit. "Shut up boy. I don't want to play anymore."

"I'll make you a deal..." He said, trying to get her to stay.

"What kind of deal?" She said with raised eye brows.

"If you win, I'll take you out to dinner." He said, hoping she would bite.

"You already take me out to dinner...what else you got?"

"I'll...." he racked his brain.

"I've got it...if I win, you wear a cheerleading uniform to the next Challenge for the Children game." She smirked.

"OK, and if I win...You have to kiss me."

"Kiss you....that's it?....fair enough. Check me." And with that the game began.


Ashley lay sprawled out on the court, her chest heaving. "You should have told me you were good, I wouldn't have played you." She said between breaths. Justin smiled and threw up another shot, sinking it.

"Yeah, well...I am the master!" He told her.

"Now who's being cocky? Man, I need a drink of water." Ashley got up and ran into the house. She got a drink, and wipped her face with a towel. She then walked back outside, and Justin was standing on the court, looking at her.

"What?" She asked.

"I think I remember something about a little wager we made earlyer...something about, Oh I don't know...a kiss?" He said with a smirk. Ashley smiled and walked up to him planting a kiss on his cheeks.

"There." She started to walk away, but Justin dropped the basketball, and grabbed her waist.

"I don't think so...come here. That's wasn't a kiss..." he said turning her around. He grabbed her cheeks and placed his lips against her passionately. Ashley faltered but then gave into him. She snaked her arms around his neck and he tilted his head to deeped the pressure. His hands followed the curve of he body as they made their was down to her waist. He pulled her into him, so their hips were grinding into each other.

Ashley pulled back and ghasped for breath and Justin continued down to the exposed skin of her shoulder. His toung touched the tender skin of her neck and Ashley sighed with pleasure.

"Justin...." She whispered softly, not really wanting him to stop. He stopped the path of his lips for a second to lead her over to a grassy spot under a tree. He then continued to place light kisses along her jaw line. Ashley grabed his head and brought his lips to hers. He quickly responded by trailing his toung along her bottom lip, then into her mouth. His hands reached up and he untied the string to her halter top allowing it to fall down to her stomach. He started to reach for the clasp of her bra, but Ashley moved his hands back to her waist. They continued to fall deeper into the passion of the kiss, Justin's hips rubbing against Ashley's as he lay ontop of her. Ashley pulled away from his lips and over to his ear, she bite his ear lobe lightly, and flicked her toung in and out. Justin pulled Ashley's shirt down to her hips, and placed a series of kisses along her stomach. He then trailed back up to the soft skin of her neck. Ashley reached for him, pulling off his shirt and then allowing her hands to feel the smoothness of the skin on his back and stomach.

Justin reached down and played with the strings that tied Ashley's jeans. He untied them to reveal the soft pink pair of underwear she was wearing. "So cute." he said with a smile. He then placed another kiss on Ashley's lips.

"Justin what are we doing?" Ashley said as he started to suck on her neck. He stopped to answer her.

"I'm showing you what a real kiss is like." He said with a smirk, he then continued to suck on the soft skin of her neck. "You taste good..."

"mmhmmm." She said as she felt his hands roam over her body. Never in her life had she felt such pleasure, but she knew it had to stop before it went too far. "Justin...please. We have to stop." She pushed lightly at his chest. He sat up, his hips stradiling hers. He looked at her beautiful body, lying there in her bra. He smiled.

"I just tasted so Lord!" He said with a laugh. He bent down and gave her another quick kiss on the lips before getting up and grabbing his shirt. He helped her up and as she tied her halter top, he reached down and re laced her pants. "Oh, and I hope you like to wear you're hair down."


"Well, I think i gave you a hickey..." He said with a blush. Ashley moaned and follwed him into the house reaching for her neck. She stopped but the french doors to look at her reflection. Sure enough there was a big hickey on the side of her neck. Justin smiled sheepishly.

"I could give you one on the other side, to match." He grinned as she hit his chest.

"No way, way...." She smiled and walked into the house.

Chapter 19
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