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Chapter 19

Ashley walked into Justin's kitchen, grabbing a glass so she could get a drink. She was at the sink when she felt arms circle her waist, and Justin's soft lips on her neck.

"What happened to the being just friends agreement?" She said as he continued to carress her neck.

"I'm just being friendly." He said with a smile as he started to nibble on her ear.

"Well, If I remember correctly, you said that you would be the best friend I've never known. Well, last I knew, you had four other best friends, and I don't see you sucking their necks." She told him as she tried to pull away from him roaming lips.

"Mmmm, yea, well I don't spin that way baby." He laughed. "Plus Chris doesn't look as good in a bra as you do." Ashley laughed with him.

"I'm sorry that you've ever seen Chris in a bra." She laughed harder as she turned in Justin's arms and was now face to face with him. "Well, I think we should just take it slow. I'm still not ready Justin."

"God Ash! You come over here and make out with me outside, then you tell me you just want be friends. What is it?"

"Oh no, don't you turn this on me. I came here and played basketball, you threw yourself on me!" She deffended.

"Well if you didn't look so damn sexy, and you agreed to that bet, you had to kiss me." He said, trying to convince her.

"I gave you a kiss on the cheek, I upheld my end of the bargain. You were the one who started sexing me up." She crossed her arms over her chest, and glared at him playfully.

"You didn't resist. You were sticking your toung in my ear!" He glared back, with laughter dancing in his eyes.

"Yea, well you made it so hard to say no! I mean, you're standing there, throwing yourself at me. If you didn't look so irresistible with that cute little smirk that you have, I could have stopped myself." Ashley said, walking towards him, throwing her arms around his neck. Justin smiled.

"You think I'm irresistible?" He said wrapping his arms around her waist, bringing her as close as possible.

"Yea, well, don't let it go to your head." She placed a kiss on his lips, and meant for it to be light, but he pressed her up against the counter and deepend the pressure. He worked her lips with his, and proded her mouth open. Ashley pulled her head back.

"What?" He asked, not wanting to stop.

"I can't. Please! You make it so hard to say no!" She rested her head against his chest with a sigh. "Justin, I do want you, But I need to take it slowly. OK? Just take our time, becuase last time, I was forced. I don't want that. Please." Her blue eyes pleaded with his, and he looked at her.

"I promise. I can do slowly, just don't keep pulling this friend crap." He raised an eyebrow at her playfully. She laughed.

"OK, ok...we won't be friends." She pulled out of his arms before he could say anything and started to walk away.

"Woah! That's not it! You know what I mean!" Justin chased after her as she went back outside. He followed Ashley back onto the basketball court. "You wanna play a game?" He asked her.

"Last time I played basketball with you we ended up under that tree and you untied my pants!" She answered with a laugh.

Justin smiled. "You have cute underwear too."

"Oh shut up!" She threw the ball at him, and went to sit down in a chair that was at the side of the court. She looked at her watch. It was almost 1 in the afternoon. "Justin, I gotta go home. I have some things to do, and I promised my mother I'd have dinner with her tonight."

"Can I come?" He asked hopefully.

"Sorry, it's a girls night only. I'd love to have you come, yet again, I like keeping my clothes on." She smiled at him devilishly.

"Whatever. OK. But call me when you get home. Oh! I almost forgot. Can you stop by the studio tomorrow? Were planning a party for JC. His birthday is in a week." He asked as he walked with her through his house towards his front door.

"Sure. I'll come after my second class. About 12." Justin walked her to her truck, and she rolled down the window after she got in. He placed a kiss on her lips.

"Don't forget to call me, and wear a turtle neck tonight." He told her.

"Why?" She questioned.

"Well, you don't have to, but it might be strange explaining to you mom what exactly is on your neck." He smirked, she rolled her eyes at him.

"Goodbye Justin!" She yelled as she started to pull out of his drive way.

"CALL ME!" He yelled back at her dissapearing form. She waved to signal she heard, and was out of sight. Justin walked back into his house with a smile on his lips.

Ashley pulled into her small driveway and walked up the stairs. She went inside and the light on her machine was flashing. She went over and pushed the button.

"Hey Ashley, it's your mother. I was just making sure we were still on for dinner tonight, it's a nice restaurant, so please, look good. I love you, bye!"

"Hey Ash, It's Dave, I'm calling to say class was cancled for tomorrow. Feel lucky. And I'll see you wednesday. But remember, you're not getting paid for tomorrow."

Ashley rolled her eyes when she heard that. So much like Dave. She was about to walk away, but stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the next message.

"Hello Ashley. It's been a long time, hasn't it?" A deep, distorted voice came over the line, causing Ashley's blood to run cold. "It's only a matter of time before I get you. Don't think I forgot what you did. I'll get you for it'll pay...."

She stood there listening to blank tape roll. Her face pale, and her hands clammy. She swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat and shut off the answering machine. She walked into her room in a daze and sat down. All of a sudden the phone rang, and she looked at it, scared. She slowly reached for the reciever, and picked it up.

"He-hello?" She stutterd into the line.

"Ash...are you ok?" She breathed a sigh of relief as Justin's tenor voice rang over the line, washing her with a feeling of comfort.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just got home though. I was going to call." She said, returning to her normal self, forgetting the message.

"I know, but I couldn't wait to hear your voice." Ashley rolled her eyes.

"That's why I just wanted friendship, all that mushy 'woo woo' stuff is so, ugh!" She said with a laugh. The line was silent. "You still there Romeo?"

"Ha ha. Whatever, so I wont call anymore, if that's what you want. And that's the last hickey I'll ever give you!" He said, playing with her.

"No! no...I was kidding. Really...I'm glad you missed me, becuase I missed you. And it was great hearing your voice on the other line." She said softly.

"That's my Juliet! So Jules...when is dinner?" Ashley laughed at his sudden change in attitude, that's the Justin she knew, and was begining to fall for.

Ashley checked the mirror one last time. She ran her hands over the soft fabric of her dress. It was a simple spaghetti strapped dress that hugged her curves. It was a deep purple with a bit of a sparkle to it. She pinned her hair back, and brushed on some light make up. Just as she finished, the door bell rang. She exited her room, and grabbed her small black purse, then opened the door to greet her mother.

"Hi Moma!" She said with a smile, giving her mother a hug.

"Ashley! You look wonderful!'s so good to see you. You ready?" She asked, taking her daughters hand.

"Yes. Let's go." They two women got into Ashley's mother's car, and drove off to one of the finer Orlando restaurants.

They were seated, ordered their food, and were having light conversation.

"So, how's Justin, that's his name right?" He mother asked, taking a bit of the Chicken Alfredo she was eating.

"Yes, and he's fine." Ashley played with the wide choker on her neck, hoping it covered the spot Justin had so thoughtfully left for her.

"Don't try dear, I can see it." He mother told her, glancing at Ashley's hickey. "I hope you know what you getting into." She cautioned.

"Don't worry, I'm not 'getting into' anything. Not yet anyway. Mom, trust me." She sighed as her mother looked skeptical.

"Last time you 'got into nothing' you got ra-" Ashley cut her off.

"I know what happened Mother. I was there, you need not remind me of that, OK? I know Justin, and we've talked about this, were taking things slowly, and I trust him. Please, let's just drop this and enjoy our meal, shall we?" She said sharply. Her motehr sighed.

"OK, whatever you say. I trust him too you know. I like him from the moment I met him, but I worry for you Ashley. Your my daughter, and I fear for your safety." She placed her fork down, and looked directly at her daughter. "Somethings bothering you, I know it is. So just tell me."

"Nothings bothering me, what gave you that idea?" Ashley said trying to cover up her unease.

"The way your acting, looking around, jumping at the slightest thing, when the waitor came to get you water glass, you almost spilt it on him...what's wrong?" She pried.

"Nothing, please. Let's drop this. I'm a little jumpy becuase I feel rediculous in this dress, give me some shorts and a tank top anyday!" She said, hoping her mother would accept her explination. She seemed to take it, and conversation returned to normal.


Ashley sighed and slipped out of her dress, glad to be home. She threw on some sweat pants, and a tank top and sat down on her bed. The phone rang and she smiled, expecting it to be Justin.


"Ashley, you looked beautiful tonight. Remember yourself that way, becuase when I'm through with you, you'll never want to look in another mirror...wait! You won't be able to!..." A distorted laugh come over the line and then was replaced with the dial tone. Ashley felt the same feeling of dread corse through her body and she started to tremble. She had the faintest feeling.....that someone was watching her

Chapter 20
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