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Chapter 22

Steve gave Ashley and Justin one last look and the turned away to answer his cell phone. He walked to the other side of the warehouse, leaving Justin and Ashley alone.

"Ashley...Ashley...oh baby!" Justin said, sadness creeping into his voice as he looked at Ashley's beaten body. Blood was drying on her face, and bruises speckled her face.

"Look at me Ash...look."

Ashley lifted her head to see Justin infront of her. He was holding a cell phone, and his hands were free of rope. " Justin!"

"Shhh!" He whispered firecly. "I'm going to try and call 911, but you have to do something. OK?" Ashley nodded eagerly as Justin instructed her on what to do.

Steve walked back over to them, snickering. "Well that was interesting. Seems as though your stupid little friends missed you Justin. But no worry, I had someone tell them that you two were headed back to Justin's house and wanted lucky dog you." He threw Justin look of contempt and then gave him a swift kick in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain.

"NO!" Ashley screamed, it was now or never. She looked at Justin who gave her a reassuring look and she went on with the plan.

"Don't tell me what to do you little bitch!" Steve turned his atention full on Ashley. Justin moved so the person on the other end of the cell phone could pick up every word.

"You think this is going to work? You don't have balls enough to kill us! You had you son kill my father. We're in a Goddamn WEARHOUSE! right next to the WEG COMPOUND! and you have JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! Someone's going to miss him!" Ashley shouted, fear rising in her, but she refused to give into it. She enciated certain words to make sure that whoever was on the cell phone could understand figure out where they were.

"You whore!" Steve slapped her so hard the chair fell back. Justin cringed as he heard Ashley's ribs cracking under the force of Steve's blows.

"That's right, were in a warehouse! At the Outskirts of Orlando, no one's going to come look for you! I'm going to kill you and laugh as I watch you die slowly!!!" He screamed putting more force into each kick to the stomach.

"You killed my son! You made him die! You had to go fuck him and get knocked up! You little BITCH!! YOU KILLED MY SON!!!" He screamed, his kicks getting angrier, his face turning red.

"Stop it..." Justin said softly at first, but his anger soon took control of him. "STOP IT!!" It was all he could do to stay sitting while the person he had fallen inlove with sat in a helpless heap on the floor infront of him.

"Oh no you don't. I know what your trying to do, but it wont save her."

Steve removed Ashley from the chair and she sprawled out on the floor. He sat on her, straddling her thin waist with his hips. "You know, my son said what a good lay she was...let's see if he was right."

Justin watched in horror as Steve ripped off Ashley's shirt revealing her black lace bra. "Maybe someone was going to get lucky tonight, huh Justin?" Steve snickered. Justin closed his eyes.

"You will watch!" Steve reached out and kicked Justin's head, he opened his eyes.

Steve then ripped off the bra, exposing Ashley's chest. "Nice I bet you thought of getting your hands on these..." He grabbed Ashley's breast in his hand and massaged it. "Jealous Justin? huh?"

He then unbuttoned her pants to expose her underwear.

"Flowers! How cute! Not the sexy pair of panties I expected but oh what do you think Justin? Does she look like a good Fuck to you? I bet you wouldn't mind riding this. Nice athletic body..mmm." Ashley grunted and convulsed as Steve bent down and licked her stomach. Justin felt his own stomach convulse as he watched in horror the display infront of him. He ears ringing with the sounds of Ashley's weak crys.

"Leave her alone YOU SICK BASTARD!!" Justin screamed with all his force. Steve got off of Ashley and quickly made his way to Justin.

Ashley sat in agony of the floor, the cold air hitting her naked flesh. She could hear voices but they were getting farther away. All of a sudden there was a loud noise, more voices came and then a gun shot. She tried to see what it was, but everything went black as she gave into the darkness.

Chapter 23
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