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Chapter 24

Justin walked into the waiting room and looked around at all teh mouring faces. Jake looked up as Justin entered and walked to him.

"You can go see her now." Justin said in a low voice. Jake looked him over, then nodded to his mother and togetehr they left the room. Justin went and sat down, filling in his friends on what the doctor had said.


Jake rushed to the bedside, taking his sister's hand.

"Ashley!" He mother wailed from the door way. Fresh tears running down her already wet face.

"What did he do to you? Why didn't Justin stop him? He's a strong kid!" Jake threw question's at Ashley, and she closed her eyes.

"Listen to yourself Jake! I'm ok. Steve is gone, and Justin did everything he could to save me. He's the reason I'm alive right now. Jake, I know you don't want to like him, but that's too bad. Justin has been nothing but the best, and he saved me. Just leave him alone." Ashley said, her voice weak and low, but she said it with force. Jake just nodded his head and went to sit down.

Ashley's mother walked over and gave Ashley a light kiss. "How's my little girl?"

"I'm good Momma. A little sore, but nothing I can't handle." She said with a laugh that soon turned into a cough. A worried look crossed her Mother's face, and she turned to get the doctor. "No Mom, I'm fine. Please...they've been in here all afternoon, sticking me with needles, and shoving tubes down my throat, I need a break....where is everyone else?" She asked, looking at the empty room.

"They're in the waiting room. We'll go get them, come along Jake. Sleep well Ash, get better." Her mother placed another kiss on Ashley's forehead and silently they walked out of the room. A few minutes later 4 out of 5 of the *NSYNC members came into the room.

"You look like shit!" Ashley laughed as she heard Chris enter.

"Thanks Chris, way to be supportive." She said again. Everyone laughed. Lance walked to her side and looked down on her.

"I'm sorry Ash. I knew something was wrong, and I should have seen it." He said sadly.

"No, listen you guys, this isn't your fault. None of you are to blame. There are things you don't know, this attack runs a lot deeper than some man obsession with me. Believe me when I tell you that it's not your fault, and I wouldn't blame any of you for this happening. I'm just happy your here now." She smiled at the four men and then she realized Justin wasn't with them. "where's Justin?"

"Jake wanted to talk to there out in the hallway." Ashley rolled her eyes and fought back the scream that was about to escape her lips. She had told Jake to let it go, and she hoped that he had listened.

"Justin man, can I talk to you?" Jake asked, after eveyone else had left.

"Uh...yeah, Sure." Jutin said with a bit of uncertainty.

"Now, at first I have to admit that I was mad that anything happened to my sister. And I wanted to kick your ass, but I talked to her, and she set me straight. I wanted to apologize, for thinking what I did, and thank you for saving her." Jake let out a sigh of relief for getting it off his chest.

"Thanks man, and I understand you being mad at me. If I were you I would have thought the same thing." Justin gave Jake a pat on the back and smiled.

"Take care of my baby sister Justin, she loves you, and I know nothing I say can change her mind. Treat her good please." Jake said looking Justin in the eyes. Justin smiled at him.

"I love her too, and I will never hurt her. She has become my life, and never again will I let anyone try and take her away." With that he walked down the ahllway and back into Ashley's hospital room, a feeling of closure came over him and he smiled, the first real smile that afternoon.

( A week later)

"OK, Ash. Take it easy. No dancing, or any strenious activities for a month. You still need to heal. Make sure to take your meds, and if you have any problems, please call right away." Ashley smiled at the doctor and thanked him. She took her things and walked out into the waiting room to be greeted by Jake, Justin and her mother.

"I'm free!" She said with a laugh. She was greeted by the laughing of the others. Justin grabbed the bag from her hand and slung it over his shoulder.

"You ready AJ?" Jake asked, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She smiled at him.

"I was ready the moment I came in here. I hate hospitals....let's go!" She said as the walked through the doors. They walked into the parking lot and Ashley stopped.

"OK, three people, I'm asuming at least two cars, and I don't want to go back to my appartmen, so....who's taking me home!" She looked around at the three people accompaning her.

Justin looked down at the ground, afraid to ask, but not wanting Ashley to go with anyone else.

"I think Justin can take her home. They probably want to spend some time together, you know." Both Justin and Ashley looked up as Jake made that comment.


"Justin?" Ashley asked, turning to him.


"Shut up and take me home." She smiled at him and he ran to get the car. She turned to her family and gave them both a hug.

"Be careful Ash. I know you know what your doing, but Justin's a very good looking man, and sometimes...things can happen."

"Aww Mom! I'm 19 years old! I don't need the sex talk, please!" She whined and everyone laughed.

"Be good AJ, and careful." Jake looked at her, an eyebrow raised.

"Not you too! Ok, thanks for being there, and I'll call later. I love you both." She said and they watched as she got into Justin's car, and Justin closed the door for her.

"Take care of my baby sister Justin, don't do anything I wouldn't!" Jake said to Justin as he reached for his door handle.

"You just took the fun out of the whole evening!" They heard Ashley call out of her window as the two sped off out of the parking lot.

Jake and Lauren walked towards their car. "You know, I don't know if this is wrong or not."

"What?" jake asked, looking at his mother.

"Not being worried as my daughter leaves with a very attractive man to go back to his house, and by the hickey on her neck a few weeks ago, I mean Justin looks like he...." Jake cut her off.

"Please, visual! Aww Mom, that's just wrong!!!" He yelled, moving away form her. They laughed and got into their car and drove home.

Chapter 25
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