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Chapter 3

Ashley awoke the next morning with a smile on her lips. He had relived that kiss with Justin so many times in her sleep, she had almost forgotten it was real. She looked at her clock, and noticed it was already 9:30. She quickly threw herself out of bed and jumped in the shower. After taking a quick shower, she threw on a tight, powder blue tank-top, and some white cloth shorts. She grabbed her sneakers, and what in the kitched getting a quick bite to eat when there was a knock at the door.
Ashley ran over to see who it was, and was suprised to see Chris standing there.
   "Hey Chris, decide to actually knock on the door this time?" She smiled as she opened the door.
   "Yea, I thought I scared you enough last going somewhere?" He noticed her in a state of rush, and that she had toast wrapped up in a napkin.
   "Actually, I was on my way over to the dance studio. I haven't been working out lately, and I need to finish my dance can come if you want." She noticed the apprehensive look on his face.
   "Will there be classes going on?"     
   "Oh no, no kids. Just you and me, if you come. The studio's closed on weekends, and that's the only time I can work on my own dances, without kids."
   "Well then sure! I'd love to come. Let's go!" Ashley exited the house behind him, and locked the door. Chris bounced down the steps, and over to his car, humming some song. Ashley just smiled at his antics, and followed him to his roadster.
   "Mi Lady..." He opened the passenger side door, and Ashley giggled as she stepped in.

The drove down the road in silence, only for the fact that Chris had the radio blaring, and Ashley couldn't even hear herself think. She reached over, and turned down the volume.
   "Take a left, and then it's the 3rd building on the right." She instructed Chris on where to go. Soon they were pulling into a parking space at a big brick building.

Ashley led Chris inside, and up 3 flights of stairs. He was pretending to pant heavily as the reached the studio door.
   "Oh come on old're not that out of shape." She laughed at him.
   "Who you calling old?" He said, puffing out his chest, and sauntering into the room "I aint old...I just..." Ashley laughed as Chris muttered to himself as he walked into the room.

Ashley went to the sterio, and put on some music as she warmed up. She stretched and did a few quick steps before putting in the Janet Jackson cd. Chris sat back on a couch in the corner, and watched Ashley slip into a world of her own.

Trust...not an easy thing you say

never thought the game of love this way you'd play

by the things you do...

Never thought these things I would go through with you...

Chris watched as Ashley started off slowly, doing ballet like moves to the beat of the music. She flowed and her motion was so smooth she looked as if she were part of the song.

Pain, trickery, and deciet all the wrongs that you put me through.

if you don't wanna say

still love you anyway...

never do believe my words when I try telling you

my story...have no reason, still don't trust me no I'm not a cheat or liar.

Chris was suprised as the music took on a hard rock tone. Ashley's moves became angry, and hard, but never forced. Even though she wasn't doing ballet like moves, she still flowed. The expressions that crossed her face were as if she was living these emotions protraied in the song. He had never seen anyone dance the way she was. He watched as she got deeper and deeper into her own world closing off any outside distraction.

She brought him love, she brought him Joy, she brought him...

what she brought you thought you'd never see again...

she cheats and lies, made you crawl said good bye

bodies numb think you're never gonna feel again

Ashley threw herself into the song, feeling the emotions that she felt. She let out all her anguish and sorrow and made it into one of the best dances she had ever made. She watched herself in the mirror every now and then, she almost didn't know it was herself. But then she would get lost again in her own dream world. Even though she hadn't choreographed the whole dance yet, she didn't need to. Her body just moved with the notes, her legs and arms seemed to have a mind of their own as she continued into her routine. She threw herself down into a final pose. The hurried over to the sterio to stop the song. She was only dancing to about 2 minutes becuase the song was very long, and she didn't have that much time. She was still swimming with emotions and dance moves as she heard clapping behind her.
"That! That's all I have to say. You are very talented." Chris couldn't begin to describe what he had just seen, but he was blown away.
"Thanks" she said trying to catch her breath. She grabbed her water bottle, and slowly savored the cool liquid.
   "What are you doing that for?" Chris followed Ashley as she walked back over to the couch, and sat down.
   "Um...the studio is having a little production in a month. The teachers all put together a dance of their own, or with someone else, along with the dances we teach the classes. I had heard this song, and it struck a cord. I just started dancing to it...and there you go." She motioned to the dance floor, reffering to the dance she had just performed.
   "That was amazing. really. I've never seen anyone dance like that should persue a career in dancing. Maybe choreographing or something. That was amazing." Chris started to tell her everything she should do, but she shook her head.
   "No...I like my job. Where I am. When I was younger, I wanted to be famous. I took paino lessons, vocal lessons, everything I could just to make myself better. But I didn't go anywhere. I did great in school plays, but never got anywhere else. Then I came here, and saw these children. They were from homes that couldn't afford private school, or lessons. It touched me to see these kids try so hard and push themselves.
   "I had always gotten everything I wanted. If I needed it, it was mine, no questions asked. Even though my mother couldn't really afford it, she still gave it to me. These kids gave me something that i could never have gotten from a store. They taught me what it was like to really want something, and work for it. To achieve something that I did on my help from momma. I couldn't leave them behind. I own them that much, to stay and help them achieve their dreams, if nothing less, gain self respect."

Chris was blown away. She was nothing like he'd expected. She could have anyhting she wanted. She was beautiful, yet she was very humble. She was like a breath of fresh air, and agreed with Justin again. there was something about her, you just couldn't describe, yet you didn't want to.
   "You have rendered me speechless....would it be ok, if they guys and I came to watch? I mean, it's ok if you don't want to...but I think they would appreciate it, just as much as I did." Ashley blushed at the comment.
   " I'd love to have you all there. It will be filled with kids though, so you'll need security."
   "They'll love it too!" He said, jumping up onto the dance floor. "Now what do you say you teach me some of those kick ass dance moves!"
After dancing for about an hour. They decided to call it quits. Ashley and Chris walked to his car.
   "Hey Ash... I have a question I've been meaning to ask you."
   "what's up?" She said, climbing into the passenger side of his car.
   "What happened when Justin took you home last night? I mean, It's non of my business but he came back with a smile plastered on hi face, and he wouldn't tell anyone what happened...." He eyed her closly to see her reaction. She sighed, and for some reason felt as if she sould tell she did. She also had a few questions of her own.
   "He kissed!" She blushed as she remembered the events that took place on her porch.
   "I knew it! I knew he kissed you...I could just tell, but man! Sweet! I can hold this bit of evidence over his head now!" Chris smiled as he lightly hit the steering wheel to the beat of the radio.
   "I need to know something though. Unless Justin and I are on two totally different pages, this was more than a goodnight kiss....but isn't he with Britney?"
   "Um...I guess you can know, because he did kiss you. No, they're not. They both decided to end it when they could never see each other, and they just weren't feeling it anymore. That's all I'm going to tell you, it's really Justin's place to tell you the horrific details. But don't go telling every girl you know...our PR still wants them to pretend becuase it's great for publicity...." He faded out, getting lost in a thought. Ashley was happy to know that she wasn't stepping on Britney's toes, but she was noe more confused than ever. Confused about what this could mean, and confused becuase never before had she felt feelings like this toward a man she had only met about 3 times. This were about to get sticky....real sticky.

Chapter 4
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