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Chapter 5

She was in a dance studio with the guys of *NSYNC and Wade, one of their choreographers. They had all asked her to come and give them a hand with their dances, but she didn't see why, considering their tour was over, and they had the time off. But she agreed anyway. Both Justin and Chris told her not to show anyone else her dance, becuase they wanted it to be a suprise for everyone else that went to watch.

   "5...6...7...8..." Wade counted off beats as the music started. The hard, techno- like music filtered through the room, and the guys performed what little part the had finished. Ashley watched from a chair in the back.
   They all had their different styles. Justin was smooth, he made everything look easy; Lance was a bit lost, but he hed his own; JC was high-enegry. He put 150% into every step and turn; Chris was respectable, he knew what he was doing, but he never tried to add anything extra; Joey was just hammy. He made faces and funny little moves whenever he could.
   All in all, they guys put forth one hell of a performance. Ashley closed her eyes as she listened to the music. She had been quiet at first, not wanting to step on anyone's toes, but now ideas were just itching to get out of her head. She moved in her chair to the beat and formed the moves in her head.
   She opened her eyes asa the music stopped. Wade had turned it off, so they could add more to it. 'it's now or never' she thought to herself.
   "Um...I have some moves to add...if you wanna check them out. Nothing spectacular, but maybe..." She said that with more conviction than she felt. It was no problem teaching kids, but adults her own age was something totally different.
   "Sure...go ahead and show us, and we'll work from there." Wade had the guys clear the floor, and they happily accepted the break. He went over to the soundsystem.
   "Where do you want me to start the music from." His voice broke through Ashley's haze of thoughts. She had been maping out the steps when he spoke.
   "um...the first chorus...that's where what you have stops right?" wade nodded his head, "Then from there it fine.." She retreated into her thoughts as Wade qued the music, and the guys watched as she worked her magic.

They all stared in disbelief as she moved around the studio. She had a style all her own, and they all respected that. JC, Lance and Joey had all heard how amazing she was from Justin and Chris, but they didn't really believe it....until now.
   She had grace, style but she had a raw talent that hadn't been seen in a while. Wade was impressed by her ability to think of something so quick, and he didn't mind getting to work with her at all.

The music stopped and Ashley breathed heavily as she waited for a response.
   "Awesome!" The guys chorused together. They all laughed after that happened.
   "Now I know why they call you *NSYNC..." She said with a giggle.
   "That was great wanna teach us those?" Wade said, returning to the tape to rewind the track. Ashley just nodded her head in agreement and took her spot on the floor.
After about an hour of dancing, everyone decided to call it quits. Ashley was glad to get out of there, because it just didn't feel right. She didn't want to impose on anyone, and that's exactly what she felt she was doing.
   "You need a ride?" Ashley jumped as Justin came up behind her.
   "Um...Chris picked me up today, my car still isn't fixed...but sure. You can drive me home if you want. I just have to tell Chris.." She started to walk back to the studio when Justin's voice stopped her.
   "I ah...I already told him I'd take you home..." She turned around to see Justin with a grin on his face.
   "How did you know I would say yes?" She said slyly walking back to him.
   "Becuase no one can resist the Timberlake Charm!" He laughed.
   "Yea right...Charm my ass!" She laughed as a shocked expression came over his face. He clutched his chest as if she had really hurt him with the words.
   "Oh...that one hit right here baby...right here!" He stumbled around the parking lot, and Ashley just stood there shaking her head.
   "Whatever..let's go Timberlake...I have things to do!" She walked over to him, and pushed him deeper into the parking lot.
   "I have a you like motorcycles?" He watched for a reaction.
   "Have you ever ridden on one?"
   "Um...not that I know of....why?" She eyed him carefully.
   "Well...I hope you're ready, becuase that's how your getting home." He smiled as he walked up to a red HondaCBR600 in the parking lot.
   "Oh no! way! I know how you drive, it's scary enough in a way!" She pulled as he grabbed her hand, and started to move her towards the bike.
   "Oh...come on, I'm not that bad. I'll be careful, and drive slowly. I promise....Live a little do trust me right?" He asked as he handed her a helmet.
   "I don't know why....but for some reason...I do." She said quietly as she accepted the helmet, and climbed on the bike.
   "Now...put your arms around my waist.." Ashley felt a shiver go down her spine as he gently grabbed her hands, and brought them around his stomach. "And hold on tight....I won't hurt you me." He looked over his shoulder at the girl behind him. She smiled a bright smile before saying.
   "You better not...My brother would kill you!" Justin just laughed as he started the bike and they drove away.

At first Justin went easy, but after he realized Ashley was comfortable he sped up a bit. He felt on top pf the world, sitting there with her behind him, holding onto him like she never wanted to let go. Meanwhile Ashley was enjoying the ride imensly. She was holding onto Justin for dear life, but at the same time...she didn't want to let go, because it felt so right. For the first time she felt comfortable. She had always had very bad luck with guys, and she thought Justin would be no different. But he didn't try and take advantage of her, he seemed to like her company. She was genuinly happy.
   She had never really had a friendship with a guy, besides her brother. They all looked at her and automatically thought, 'Quick lay' becuase she was blond, and had a full figure. But they never got to know her after she declined to go home with them. They would just look disgusted like she had rejected God and walk away, looking for a new girl to get in bed. She sighed as she remembered the countless number of times that had happened.
   "You ok back there" Ashley felt Justin's hand on hers and she smiled. Realizing her couldn't see that she answered.
   "I'm fine, really...this isn't so bad. I think it helps that I can't see infront of me, So I don't know how fast we're really going.." He laughed and gently rubbed her had before putting his back on the handle bars. She was something else all right...and he was going to figure out just what that was....even if it took forever.

Chapter 6
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