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Chapter 6

"Do you want anything to drink?" Ashley and Justin were now in Ashley's kitchen, and Justin watched as she busied herself around the house.
" you have any soda?"
"Coke OK?" She asked, looking into her fridge.
"Sounds great....Ashley I've been meaning to ask you something." He said as she sat down at the table handing him his beverage and popping the top on her own.
"Sure...what do you need?" She said taking a swig of her drink.
"I think that you should become part of the *NSYNC team. Helping Wade're really talented, and we could use that." He held up a hand as she started to protest." You wouldn't have to be in the spotlight very often. I mean, we'd have to give you credit, but you could still lead a private life...Please think about it." He begged her.
"No...I couldn't..." She said weakly, avoiding his intense gaze.
"Why not? Your so talented Ashley! Don't you see it?" He was getting upset, but he calmed himself quickly.
"I can't....Justin, that's your life not mine. I don't want that. I like being a simple dance instructor, a simple girl...that's me...not some famous choreographer." She was getting upset also, at the fact he wouldn't let up.
" have a should share that, what you have is amazing! You could go so far!" He stood up and started pacing.
"Justin! Listen to me! I don't want that! That's YOUR life!! Why are you pushing this issue? You offered, and I said NO! End of story. I don't need to share my talent with America, I like sharing it with 50 kids from the lower end of the poverty scale! That's what I do, I help the kids...I don't want fame. Don't you get that?" She said the last part softly and with so much emotion that Justin really felt for the first time, the weight of what he was doing. He couldn't believe that he was being so rude, but this was the first time he had been turned down, especially for an offer like this.
"People would kill to be in this position Ashley...." He started in on her again, but she stopped him.
"They don't have to, because I DON"T WANT THE JOB!!" She angrily yelled and slammed her can onto the table. When it's contents sprayed out of it all over the floor she grabbed a towel and started furiously wiping it up. "If that's all you wanted, to give me the job..then No ThankYou, and you can go now...if there's nothing else." She spat out words, trying desperately to hold onto her control.
"I....I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you, but your so good Ash....I just don't want to see that talent go to waste." He bent down to help, but she pushed him away.
"It's not being wasted. It's helping children achieve their dreams...this is my life Justin. I like it the way it was. I can't stress enough how much this means to don't understand. I mean, how would you feel if someone took everything away from you? All your dreams, hopes,loves,....gone." She waited for an answer as she stared into the polls of blue that were his eyes.
"I would feel..empty." He said quietly.
"That what it would do to these kids if I left. I'm their hope Justin. Their hope that they can do something with their lives. I keep them off the street, out of crack houses, and show them what it's like to feel special...that's why I can't leave Justin...I'm all they have." She ended quietly, while she stood up from the floor, and threw the paper towel away. Justin sighed and what seemed like an eternity he simple stated.
"I'm sorry...truly...but the offer still stands, anytime you want it, it's yours..." Ashley sighed and sat down in the chair. She didn't like fighting, but she didn't want the job, and he couldn't seem to understand that. She looked up at him, and he was looking at everything else avoiding her. "Thanks for the offer. I'll keep it in mind...IF you'll leave me alone about it. Please, I don't want to fight with you Justin...I hardly know you..."
"Then get to know me." He cut her off and she snapped her head up at him.
"What was that supposed to mean?" She asked making him look at her.
"I...that came out wrong, really wrong. All I'm saying is I would like to get to know you. Be your friend, go out to eat or whatever. Hang out with you...I want you to know me, and I want to know you..." He looked into her eyes, and she smiled for the first time since they got there.
"I'd like that Justin...I really would, but promise me you'll not push me about the dancing thing...please?" She stood up to meet his gaze.
"If you'll promise to have dinner with me tomorrow night." He said with a sly grin.
"Is that supposed to be the 'Timberlake Charm' " She asked.
"Did it work?" His grin got wider.
"I'd love to have dinner with you...." She smiled at him, eyes sparkling.
"Then yes it was..." He gave her a wink before pulling her into a hug. Ashley breathed in his cologne mixed with the smell of soap and sighed a bit to herself. This was going to be one wild that she would totally enjoy.

Justin left about 30 minutes later. He and Ashley just talked. About anything and everything. They talked about favorite past times, and least favorite movies...anything that came out of their mouths. Ashley felt she was getting more comfortable with Justin, but he showed interest in her, and she wasn't sure how to handle that.
She sat down on her bed, and opened up her book. She started reading and soon fell asleep. She was suddenly awakened by the shrill sound of the phone ringing.
"Hello?" She mumbled groggily into the receiver.
"'s your favorite big brother...did I wake you up?"
"Jake, your my only big brother..." She said, ridding her eyes of sleep.
"I know...just thought I'd remind you I was your favorite too..." He listened to her yawn and laughed.
"Rough night with the boys?"
"NO! I was reading, I swear!" She defended herself, against what, she didn't know.
"OK, ok....calm down!" She could hear him laughing. "I just wanted to see if you're coming with me up to see Dad next weekend...I don't know if your busy or not, but that's when I'm going." His tone saddened a bit.
"Yeah...I'll be there. Promise." She held back tears. "How long will we be gone?"
"For three days. Leave Friday morning, and return Sunday night."
"OK, call me closer to the time we leave, and we can go over the details."
"Ash?....Mom wants you to come over to dinner tomorrow. She's worried because you haven't called." Jake's voice held a concerned tone.
"I have plans for tomorrow night Jake. Can I come the next night?"
"No...Mom and Jim are leaving on a business trip. What are your plans?" He questioned.
"Um...I'm having dinner with a friend...with Justin." She closed her eyes against his reaction but surprisingly he didn't really react.
"All right...well ask Justin if you can go out some other time...or maybe he could come to dinner here" Ashley could almost hear the gears working in her brother's head. "Yea...ask him to come to dinner, so he can meet Mom." Jake voice was cheerful. Ashley just groaned.
"Ugh! If he does come, which I highly doubt he'll want to...You can't give him the third degree. He gets grilled for interviews all the time..." She sighed, and silently prayed Justin would just reschedule the dinner.
"OK, OK....I'll think about it. But you better ask him, If you get it over with now, Mom and I wont worrie about who your hanging out with, and You wont get calls from us all the time." Ashley could tell her brother was enjoying this, but she let it slide.
"What time is it?" She asked.
"About 9:30pm."
"Alright, I'll call Justin...and call you back. I'm not promising anything, you get me?" She sighed as Jake laughed a bit.
"Yessum. I love you Ash." Ashley smiled
"I love you too...even though you're a butthead!" She laughed and then hung up the phone.
She dialed the numbers to Justin's cell phone, both hoping her was there becuase she wanted to talk to him, but also not wanting him to answer becuase she didn't want him to say yes.
"What's up?" A very cheerful Justin answered the phone.
"Hey...this is Ashley."
"Hey! something wrong? Are you ok?" Ashley laughed as he became worried.
"I'm fine...really. I want to ask you about dinner tomorrow."
"What about dinner?" He asked.
"Well, My mom wanted me to have dinner with her becuase she and my step dad are going on a business trip. Of Course they wanted to get together tomorrow. My brother decided to extend the invitation to you...but if you just want to get together some other time...I'll understand." She held her breath hoping he would not want to come.
"No! That's fine! I'd love to meet you mom...really. I'll be at your appartment around 6 that ok?" Ashley let out her breath.
"Yea, yea that's fine." Justin could hear a tone of dissapointment in her voice.
"Is everything ok? You sure you want me to come?"
"Of course I want you there...but I don't want my Mom there, or my brother...oh well, it had to happen sometime right?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Ok, well I'll see you tomorrow."
"'ll be fine. Be ready at 6...see ya."
"Bye Justin." And with that, she hung up the phone, and sighed walking back to her room. She fell back on her bed, and fell into a fitfull sleep. It was going to be one interesting dinner.

Chapter 7
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