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Chapter 7

The next day Ashley called Jake to confirm that Justin was coming for dinner, and after that she worried. She wasn't worried about what her Mother or step-father would think of him, but worried about what he would think of them. He mother and brother had the tendincy to grill every man Ashley talked to, and if they weren't satisfied with his answers, it made for a very tense rest of the evening.
She sighed as she paced her bedroom for what seemed the millionth time.
"I have to get out of here." She checked her watch and it was only 2pm. She threw on some baby-blue draw string pants, and a deep red tank-top. She grabbed her dance bag and headed out to the studio.

She had 4 hours until Justin arrived and she needed to be busy. She had pent up anxiety and she was getting really restless. So she went to the studio and danced it off. She found this to be a great way to let out anguish or anything else she was feeling. She could escape from whatever was bothering her and when she was done she felt better and it helped keep her sane, not to mention in-shape.

After dancing and running around for about 2 hours she stopped and took a rest. She felt somewhat better, having finished choreographing her dance, she atleast accomplished something worth wile. She decided to go home and get ready. She took a shower, taking her time, the water taking away stress of tired muscles as it beat down rythmicaly on her back. After her shower she put on a pair of jean shorts and a simple pink t-shirt that clung to her curves. Ashley threw her hair into a bun and lightly toushed her face with make-up. Content with how she looked, she sat down and started writing.

Ashley never wrote to show anyone, she wrote to take care of her own needs. It was a way to let it all out, and feel better, yet never have to show anyone if she didn't want to. She wrote mainly poems, sometimes songs, but she would never finish them or put them to music. This was something she found out durring her childhood. Everyone told her how talented she was, but she never did it for recognition, she did it for personal release. Since she was swarmed with different emotions in the past few days, she decided now was the time to write.

A cloud of confusion
A pool of wonder.
I find myself lost
starting to go under.
What I feel
is so new and strange
yet completely euphoric
Nothing I would ever change.
Sometimes I think
it's too good to be true
How could someone like me
find someone like you?
You have many faults
but that's what makes you real
You've become everything I want
and everything I feel.
She became lost in her writings she didn't notice the time. After he shower and sitting down to write, about an hour had gone by. She would have kept writing if it weren't for the fact someone had knocked on the door. She left her writing and got up to meet Justin standing on her small porch.
" wanna come in?" She said, opening the door wider.
"Well we don't really have time, if we want to get over there. I was a bit late." Ashley glanced at her watch and noticed it was 6:17.
"Wow! I didn't even notice. Let me grab my purse and i'll be right out." She ran through her house and got what she needed. Soon she and Justin were racing down the interstate towards Ashley's mother's house.

They drove in silence for a while, listening to the radio. But the silence became unbearable and Justin turned down the volume and spoke.
"Are you OK? why are you so nervous?" He stole glances at Ashley and she tapped her fingers on her knee. He reached over and put his hand over hers. "Stop! You're driving me crazy!...what's wrong?" He said, rubbing his thumb over her hand.
"I don't know. I know everyone will love you...but I'm warning families really weird, I mean...really." Justin laughed at the comment.
"Ash, I've lived with Chris...if that's all your worried about, then let it go...everything will be fine. By the way...what's you mother's last name?"
"Huh? oh....Stark, Lauren Stark. My step-father's name is Jim, and my brother is Jake." She looked down at her hand. He had stopped rubbing, but his hand was still on her knee. She picked up his hand and placed it on the wheel. "I think you need that to drive...but thanks." He just laughed and starred back at the road.

Ten minutes later they pulled into the driveway and Ashley noticed Justin looked nervous. She threw him a glance, and smiled...she didn't feel so bad anymore.
"Hey Mom! Jim..." Ashley gave her parents a peck on the cheek. "This is Justin." Justin extended his hand and shook with both Ashley's parents.
"So this is the man that's taken away my daughter....very nice to finally meet you." Ashley's mother smiled at Justin and he laughed a bit.
"No I didn't steel her..she followed me home, and I haven't been able to get rid of her." He laughed again as he got a dirty look from Ashley, who slapped him on the shoulder.
"Where's Jake?" She said looking around the kitchen.
"He's upstairs with Becky...he just gave her a bath, and he was going to bring her down to feed her." Ashley sighed and followed her mother into the dinning room then back into the kitchen asking if there was anything she could help with.

Jim invited Justin out onto the porch and he noticed when Justin looked longingly at the kitchen door.
"I wont bite...and She'll be back out." Justin realized what Jim was talking about and managed to give a weak smile before heading out onto the porch. Jim sat down in a rocking chair, and Justin Chose the swing, facing the chair.
"So Justin....Ashley tells us your in *NSYNC...well Ashley and every other girl in America." He chuckled a bit and Justin just smiled.
"Yes, that's right. I love music, singing is my life." Justin got comfortable as the entered familiar territory to
"Ashley loves music too. Did she ever tell you she wrote?" Justin shook his head no..." Yea, she loves music. Dances like you wouldn't believe, sings too. She had the talent, but after her father left, she just didn't feel like trying anymore. It's a sad thing." He sighed and Justin didn't know what to say. He just sat there in silence waiting for an opportunity to talk.
"That your car..." Jim pointed to Justin's BMW.
"Yes sir." He answered as Jim looked at it from the porch.
"Show Jake that...he'd fall in love with it, that boys obsessd with cars."

The conversation was weak, and mostly one sided. Jim would ask questions and Justin would answer. Both were very grateful when Ashley came to the door and said dinner was ready. She held open the door and waited for both men to go in. She gave Justin's hand a quick squeez of encouragment before leading him into the dinning room.

Dinner was filled with polite conversation and bursts of laughter every now and then. Justin seemed more comfortable and for once he felt normal. He looked around at the family sitting around him and it warmed his heart. Even though they weren't perfect, they were happy, and someday he hoped to have a family of his own.

After dinner Justin helped clear the table and started to wash the dishes before he was shooed away by Ashley's mother. She told him that he was a guest and he shouldn't do the house work. So he followed the sound of Ashley's voice and found her in the living room with her baby sister, Becky.
Justin's face lit up. He loved children, and he imediately went to Ashley and took the baby from her, sitting down on the couch. Ashley smiled as he made funny faces and cooing noises at Becky who laughed back.
"I remember my little brother as a baby...he was so cute. I miss that, but he's a great kid..." Justin tickled Becky and she erupted into fits of giggles and a big grin crossed her face. Ashley looked at her watch.
"Wow! It's bedtime for Miss Becky. You wanna help me put her to sleep?" Ashley asked standing up. Justin smiled and said yes.

They went into becky's room, and Ashley pointed to where Justin should set Becky. She walked over and stood next to him, and started to change her clothes. Justin watched as Ashley worked with skilled, soft hands. He saw her struggle with a clasp, so he reached around her and helped her. Ashley smiled as a thank you, but they realized the possition they we're in.
Justin was directly behind Ashley with his arms around her. He also noticed the possition, but did nothing to change it. Ever since he had met Ashley he had been extremely attracted to him, and what made it worse was that she didn't jump all over him and that was exciting. She resisted his 'charm' and treated him normally, this made him attracted to her even more.

Ashley put Becky's dirty clothes on the back of the table and started to get her pj's ready. Justin had moved some, but that was only to bring his arms tighter around her waist. She jumped nervously as he did this, but when the warmth of him surrounded her she gave in a bit and leaned back into him. She closed her eyes for a second and sighed a bit but then realized her main goal, and started to finish dressing Becky. Justin frowned as Ashley pulled away to dress the baby, but he dipped his head down and placed his lips gently on her neck. He felt her flesh rise into goosebumps, but he continued a path down her shoulder, then back up to her earlobe. He started to nibble gently when she turned her head quickly, placed a quick kiss on his lips, then pulled his arms away from her waist, and picked up Becky to put her in her crib.

Justin goraned inwardly, but didn't let this get him down. He knew he was getting to her...he just hopped it wouldn't take too long, becuase he wasn't too sure how much longer he could wait.

Chapter 8
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