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Chapter 9

"Justin, we're in Manchester. No press, no fans. It's not like you publicly announced where you were going, relax. We're leaving now anyway. Come on!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the luggage claim. They grabbed their bags, and then went outside. Ashley looked around until she spotted what she was looking for. She pointed to a blue chevy pick-up and she and Justin walked over to it.
    "Hey Jess! This is Justin, Jusin...this is my friend Jess." Ashley introduced the two and then threw their bags into the bed of the pick-up.
    "Nice to meet you Jess." Justin was looked at a girl, about 17 he guessed. She had dark brown hair with purple highlights, and startling blue eyes.
    "You too Justin." Jess said, then leaned over to say something to Ashley, who blushed.
    "You can shut up now Jess. Just drive the damn car." She said as the climbed into the truck. Ashley was still a bit red.
    "What's the matter?" Justin whispered into her ear, but apparently it was loud enough for Jess to hear.
    "I just brought up some really embarasing moments for Ashley...but If I tell you, she'll kill me." Jess laughed and Justin just shook his head.
    "How long have you two been friends?" He asked. Ashley shifted in her seat, so she was now facing jess, leaning against Justin shoulder. He put an arm around her shoulder and hugged her to him.
    "Um....since about 6th grade, right? I don't remember it seems like forever." Ashley said.
    "Yea, especially since it was with you!" Ashley threw Jess a look that said suck. Justin just laughed. They reminded him of being with the guys. Best friends, yet they'd always find someway to make fun of each other. That's what kept them so close, their ability to laugh at themselves.

Justin looked out hte window as the two girls caught up with each other. They we're driving through a city, but soon it turned rural. Houses were spread apart, and there were farms dotted along the country side. It was relaxing, and quiet. He knew he was going to enjoy this trip. They were now driving through a town that looked as if they had gone back a few years. A church stood in the center, and across the street there was a post office, a small diner and a general store. They passed a school that looked more modern, but other than that, the town was old. It was beautiful.
    "This is where I grew up...The Boondocks! It was always quiet and there was nothing to do, but I loved this place, still do." Ashley broke into Justin's thoughts, and he tore his eyes away from the window to look at her.
    "Hey, at least you got away!" Jess comented, turning onto a side road.
    "Yea, but for reasons that i don't like very much." Ashley added sadly, Justin squeezed her shoulder, and she laid her head back onto his chest.

Soon they were pulling into a long dirt driveway. And there was a long cabin at the end. Justin, got out, and helped Ashley down. She stretched and looked around.
    "Home sweet home!" She said excitedly. Justin couldn't help but feel her joy. She ran up onto the house and went inside. Justin satayed outside, and just took it all in. The house was quaint, and not very big, but it was homey. There was a farmers purch that wrapped around half of ther house, and the whole thing just looked like something out of a John Wayne movie. He heard Ashley yell for him, and he went inside.

The inside was open, and there wasn't anything to define the different rooms, besides a counter that seperated the kitchen from everything else. There was a loft over head, but all it was, was a floor that came out about half way, and was held up but a large beam that crossed the middle of the house. The ceiling was a cathedral style, so everything seemed very open.
    "This was my old stomping ground. I lived my childhood fantasies here, feel special, you're one of the few that get's to see it!" Ashley laughed as she watched Justin look around.
    "Where's your room?" He asked, looked around.
    "Oh ho! He's already taking you to the bedroom Ash...whoo! You don't waste time do you boy!" Jes laughed as she put down their bags.
    "Ha ha! Very funny...but lookes arent everything." Ashley shot back, before taking Justin down a very short halway. On the left there was a samll bathroom and on the right a door that led to the cellar. Straight infront was a door decorated with some pictures, and one of them was *NSYNC.
    "'s me." Justin pointed to the picture.
    "Yea, I didn't have a chance to get the stuff off of my door. I got what was on my walls thought...thank God." She mumbled the last part under her breath. They both turned when they heard Jess yell out..
    "She was obsessed with your pretty little face and that God awful fro...feel lucky she's over it!!" Ashley told Jess to go screw herself, and they all laughed. Ashley opened the door to her old room and sighed. Memories flooded her mind and she sat down on her bed. The room was bare now, because she took everything with her when she moved, but sounds of her childhood still echoed through-out the walls.

Justin watched as she looked around the room. He sat down next to her and looked up at the ceiling.
    "Whoa! forgot you ceiling..." He said, with a slight blush.
    " I feel like a dork.
    "It's ok, I just wont look, strange" He said with a slight shudder. He took another glance at the many pictures of him and *NSYNC before looking at Ashley.
    "You really over your obsession with me?" He asked slyly.
    "Oh yea, totally. I mean, it was a simple crush and I am way over you. I've moved on..I like that Ashley guy from O-Town...he's got a good name." Justin clutched his chest as she said the words.
    "That was harsh, really harsh." He said, making a sad face.
    "Oh...get over yourself. I was joking, I can't stand O-Town. But i'm not obsessed anymore."
    "Damn." He laughed at her shocked expression."Kidding" He held up his hands in surrender. She threw him a dirty look before walking out of the room, he got up and followed.

"Well, I think we should go pick up some food, unless you want to starve. We will be here tonight, all day tomorrow and atlest breakfast on Sunday. So, what do you say, wanna go shopping?" Ashley asked, picking up her bag.
    "Sure, but how are we going to get to the store?" He asked, also picking up his bag.
    "Jess is leaving the truck. It was my fathers, but we left it up here in case we needed it. So, she picked it up for us, we just have to drop her off before we go." Justin nodded his head to the idea.
    "How crowded will it be?" He asked.
    "Um...well, actually. You have more of a chance getting rocognized if we go to a big store, but I think we can get what we need at Your Variety." She noticed the confused look on his face.
    "Local store. There's also a pizza place right next to it, so we can pick up dinner." Justin just nodded in aggrement. He watched as she talked and moved around, it seemed as if she never took a breath. He could feel her excitement, it was contagious.
    "Hey, you have to slow down, you're making me tired just watching! Let's get Jess home, and we can get some food, then come back here and eat...see? it's really rather simple." He laughed as she stared at him as if he had two heads.
    "You make it sound so boring!" This comment only made him laugh harder.
    "You are the only person I know that will get excited about shopping...come on, let's get Jess home, and let's get our food." He grabbed her hand, and pulled her out the door to a waiting Jess.

Chapter 10
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