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Julie sat in the waiting room of the Downtown Orlando Hospital dabbing her puffy red
eyes and tear stained cheeks with a tissue. “God why hasn’t Emily called me back, I left a
message a hour ago!” She thought to Herself. Just then she heard the ring of her new cell
phone she got for her birthday. She was praying silently it was Emily. It was.

*Phone Convo*
“Hello? Em? Is that you?” She asked trying to silence her tears unsuccessfully.
“Yeah it’s me! What’s wrong? Have you been crying?”
“No, No, I’m fine!”
“I know you all to well, whats wrong?”
Julie immediately broke down in tears and whimpered,“It’s Justin...”
“What happened? Where are you?”
“I’m at the hospital...”
“I’ll be right there!”
*Convo Ended*

   Her head shot up when she realized she still hadn’t called Lynn and the guy and
told them about what happened. “They are going to hate me...” She said softly to herself.
One by One she called them all and asked them to come to the hospital about Justin.
When everyone including Emily arrived she told them this.....


“Oh I can’t wait sweetie tomorrow is our 1 year anniversary!” Julie squealed.

“I know and I have something special planned!” He said with a devilish grin on his face.

“What is it?! Oh Tell me Tell me! Please!”



“Sorry to say but I have to go do some things. OK, Bye Sweetie!”

“Ummm, Bye I guess.”

 Once he was gone was the perfect time to go and get him his gift. So she headed
out to the car and drove to the mall. “Where should I go first?” She said out loud to
herself. “I think I’ll try A&F and then ummm...I’ll buy myself some chocolate!”

“Excuse me Miss would you like some help?” the store clerk asked.

“Yeah I think I’ll be needing some.”

“How do I know what size to get my boyfriend?”

“Well that would depend on the person, does he come here a lot? Cuz if so I’ve probably
helped him before.”

“Yeah, actually he does, but I would feel kinda stupid because you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Try me.”

“Ok, Justin Timberlake.”

“Whatever you say, and yes I have helped him before so I can help. I’m guessing you
want something baby blue.”

“No, not necessarily, just something nice.”

“Ok, How about this?” he said holding up a maroon shirt and some dark blue jeans.

“Perfect!!!”She said and grabbed it thanking him and got in line at the checkout. Then she
left thinking about her favorite chocolate. Walking through the mall Julie ran into one of
her good friends. “Hey Alyssa whats up?”

“Nothing, what are you doing?”

“Tomorrow is Justin and me’s anniversary! 1 YEAR!!!”

“Really? Awesome!”

“Yeah I got him this great outfit for him!”

“Cool well I gotta go, ok? Bye!”

“Bye!” she said as she headed towards the Chocolate Shop. As she walked over she saw
through the window Justin at the counter. Her heart just about melted. He was the only
one who knew she absolutely loved their chocolates. So she just watched and was waiting
for him to leave so she could go in. But before he left a strange looking young man
walked in and all of a sudden the mall was in total chaos. Everyone in their was on the
floor and the strange man was shouting and holding a gun. She let out a small cry of
distress and slowly walked in without being noticed by anyone. And just then cops could
be heard so he took a hostage.

“No...” She whispered tears streaming down her face as she stared wide-eyed at who the
hostage was.She sat there and prayed as the assailant interegated Justin. Her heart ached
as she looked into the distressed eyes of Justin who timidly answered the man

Then without thinking she screamed and fainted, the criminal let go of Justin and walked
over to Julie. “Whats wrong with her? Wake her up? Jesus, I should have gone to A&F!”
he shouted. No one moved. Except for one young women who went over and woke her
up. He walked back over to Justin and he grabbed him and brought him over to Julie and
the other hostages looked to see what would happen. When Justin saw Julie his face went
white.The “Bad Guy” saw and commented.

“What? What are so scared of? Do you know her?ANSWER ME!!!”

“Yes, I know her.”

“Oh, really?” He said pointing the gun at her.

“No, Don’t please!”

He cocked the gun and was about to shoot. She fainted again. Then Justin punched him in
the jaw. He forgot about shooting Julie and he brought the gun up and pointed at Justin.
He shot once and missed, a 2nd time and missed, a 3rd time and well this time he didn’t
miss, he didn’t on the 4th and 5th time either. Julie woke up when she heard the shots and
stood up, when she saw  Justin she broke down sobbing.

“Justin I’m so sorry! Please don’t leave me! Hold On!”She cried.

Somewhere in the crowd someone screamed, “Call an ambulance! Hurry!” Julie stood up
and walked over to the gunman screaming.“WHY?!WHY?!WWWHHHYYY!!!???!!!”
Pushing him backwards as she kept screaming at him to tell her why. Finally an
ambulance came and  rushed him to the hospital. By the time she got there he was already
in the ER.

She sat there for hours and was completely out of it when she finally called  her best
friend Emily.....


“And thats how it all happened...And I’m sooo sorry! It’s all my fault!” she said while
crying her eyes out.

“What? Sweetheart it’s not your fault!” Lynn through her tears.
“Come here.” Emily said holding out her arms to Julie, “I’m sooo sorry!”
The guys stood there in total shock trying to fight the tears.

Then the doctor came out and told them Justin asked to see his brothers and mother.
When they came out with tears on their cheeks Julie went in to see him.

And she followed the doctor to Justin’s room.

She peeked into the room he was awake but looked really bad. He had bandages
eveywhere and was very pale. She walked in slowly, more tears rising into her eyes. She
walked over and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He was so happy to see her she leaned
down and tried to give him a hug but he grunted with pain so she stopped.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah sure I’m fine.”

She tried to hold in the tears and tried to be stronger, but gave in.
“I’m sooo sorry, Justin! It’s all my fault!”

“What? None of this is your fault that guy was just a little crazy,  thats all!”

“No, if you hadn’t been buying those chocolates for me, and if I hadn’t fainted, and
screamed he wouldn’t have done anything! It’s all my fault!”

“No! It’s not! I Love.....”


Julie ran out the door screaming for the doctor. He sent her away and ran in with the
nurse. A few hours later the doctor came out and asked to see Julie and Lynn and the
boys. They went up to him  and all of them flooded him with questions about him.

“Is he in pain?”

“Will he be ok?”

“Is he awake?”

“Can we see him?”

(Etc. Etc. Etc.)

The doctor had a distressed look on his face.“I have some bad news...” Julie and Lynn
hugged each other. “Mr. Timberlake has passed on, we tried as hard as we could, I’m so
sorry!” Everyone was screaming pounding on the walls and crying.

The End...

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