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Chapter 2

Torrance slipped into her favorite pajamas and picked up her guitar. Her red hair slung whispily in front of her eyes as her fingers danced across the fret board. She breathed in a sigh before she started singing the lyrics she knew all too well.
"I sit by your side day and night
and wonder why you're not mine
and if I had the chance I'd change it
and life would be divine"

She continued on with her song and as she finished she felt a tear slip down her cheek. That was Sydney's favorite song. She sung that song to her dad before he died. She set her guitar down and slammed her body down onto her back. She stared up at her red ceiling. Her house in America had a blue ceiling. She rolled onto her stomach. The carpet was red. In her old house, there was wood floors. Everytime she looked somewhere, it reminded her of the old life. When she was Torrance, not Princess. Tears stained the carpet beneath her eyes and she looked up to see deep brown ones. Her mirror reflected Chris's face behind her.
"Are you ok?" he asked staring into her reflection.
"I'm fine," she sniffed as she wiped her tears and fixed herself up.
"Come on, tell me whats wrong. I won't tell, I promise," Chris smiled.
"'s just...I miss New York. I hate having no friends, and being a Princess...whatever...It means nothing to me," she said starting her tears again.
"The publicity?" he asked.
"Well yeah! No one talked to me because they didn't want to know me. They knew my past from the tabloids and well nothing has gone right here. No offence but I wanted NFG or the Strokes and I got..."
"Nsync," Chris chuckled. "I had a feeling you weren't too into us."
"I'm sorry...that was's just..."
"Don't apologize. I understand completely. Honestly, I think more people don't like our music than people who do. But, atleast you gave us a shot. Plus, I know publicity sucks, but you get used to it. AND, when you get back to America, even though people will know you there, it's still home," he said brushing her hair behind her ears again.
"Thanks Chris...but I have to know...why are you guys so compasionate towards me. I mean, it's been one night, and already you guys have been joking, hugging...It's not normal. Honestly, I thought you guys would be stuck up," she chuckled.
"Well, we know what you're going through. We just wanted to make you feel like a normal kid again...It's hard being a celebrity eh?"
"Tell me about it," Torrance smiled. She sat herself in Chris's lap and turned on the TV to find Toy Story 2.
"Great movie...wanna watch?" she asked.
"Sure," Chris replied laying back on her orange comforter. He wrapped his arm around her midriff feeling the small tight skin around her bellybutton. She giggled softly as she moved her shirt down. Chris kissed her earlobe and pulled her closer to him. In a matter of minutes they were out cold, forgetting about the movie, and dreaming about the day to come.

The next morning Torrance rolled over inhaling the sweet scent of a man's cologne. She moaned softly as the sunlight danced across her eyelids. She slung her arm over to reach for Chris but nothing was there. When she strained her eyes open, there was a note lying beside her pillow. She picked it up frantically and ran her fingers through her knotted hair.
I'm sorry we had to leave early...stupid tour bus...stupid Johnny...have to get an early start. Anyway, it was nice watching Toy story 2 with you...for 5 minutes before we fell asleep! Just remember to keep your chin high! Hope you had a good time at the concert, even though next time you'll be punking out to NFG. Just give me call if you ever feel overwhelmed...I'll run the guys over and we'll make you feel like the normal Torrance that we met last night...


Torrance smiled and then frowned that he was gone. But it was a sweet gesture, and when the going got tough...she was going to call him.


"You SLEPT with him?"
"Shut the hell up J, you know that people get the wrong idea here," Torrance laughed.
"He's're 17...I see a MAJOR age difference here," James laughed.
"Hello, we are friends...we are not dating, i don't LIKE him...I just said we had a good time...jeeze way to blow things outta proportion!"
"I saw the eyes you were giving about JC...and HE is younger...more in your age range...yet're illegal!" James laughed.
"Ok...listen here...We're talking about friends here...and although I'd love to give JC some loving, he's 25...." Torrance said taking another bite out of her sandwich.
"'d give him your virginia ham if you had the chance," James mumbled. Torrance pushed her off the edge of the seat and she brushed herself off. She looked at her evily and hit her on the shoulder.
"Thanks for being here by the way," Torrance said quietly.
"No prob, I know you're just a dork with a crown," James laughed. Torrance kissed her shoulder and smiled.
"And you are a dork with blue hair," she smiled.


Chris sat staring up at the top of his bunk. Darkness filled the whole cabin except for a single ray of light shining through one crevice. He smelt the aroma of bacon and turned his body over. Wishing someone was next to him he kissed his pillow and rolled onto the floor.
"Trouble getting up? It's 11:30 you bum," Lance said as he watched the TV.
"Yeah...I felt bad leaving Torrance this morning," he sighed as he rubbed his eyes.
"She was nice...too bad she's overwhelmed...but she was hot," Joey said taking a bite of a salami.
"Joey...can you eat your deli meat somewhere else?" JC asked politley.
"Hmmm....nope," he said taking another crunch and nearing him. Jc sighed and turned back to his laptop.
"What are you typing today...oh guru," Chris asked JC sliding over to him.
"Actually, writing a letter to Torrance. I figured we could keep up with her, she's going through alot," he smiled.
"Like i didn't JUST say that," Joey laughed.
"You didn' said she was overwhelmed," Justin said sliding out of the bathroom.
"Shut UP J...I had a point...almost..."Joey laughed. JC scooted over to let Chris type his part of the letter to Torrance. The guys took turns typing and promised to write her back. They signed off just as they reached their nearby hotel for them to get dressed.


Torrance flipped through her mail quickly and received a letter in her mailbox titled, "To the boys". She saw the screen name "SleepyKing76" and sighed knowing it was JC. She opened it quickly and scanner her eyes down.
It's Jc, you're fav Nsync member. We felt bad for leaving quickly so I thought we could be pen pals on the road! :) I had a really good time last night, getting to know you...maybe you could come visit us and we'll send you some tickets or next time we're in town we will visit. We're on our way to somewhere in England...who knows...but Chris is nagging here he is... hope you got my note this morning! Toy Story 2 was great....riiiight...anyway...we all knwo I AM your fav nsync member so dont listen to JC. I just wanted to say a quick hello and call me if you ever need anything babe! Love you!
Hey Torrance...tis Lance. I just wanted to tell you if you ever have any talented friends, give em my number...I need a new representative! Lata chick!
Jesus...Lance was harsh..this is Joey...the Italian Stallion at your me a fav and find me a fine looking girl...yep...and make sure she is legal...
This is J signing off for you....I'll see ya on the road...and I know you love us even more if you spend a week with us on tour...I'll nag JOhnny about it!

The Boys
Torrance smiled and saved the letter to her filing cabinet. This was the start of a beautiful relationship.


"December first...third letter," James sighed reading the printed out paper.
"Do you have a problem with this?" Torrance asked taking her letters back and sticking him in her knapsack.
"No...just that five illegal guys have taken my best friends heart!" she laughed.
"Stop it J...You and I both know there is nothing but friendship with them...and well...sure I'd wanna rape one of em every once and a while...but it's impractical!"
"I knew you had some sick thoughts in that pure mind," James pointed.
"Oh please....this mind was never ever pure!" Torrance laughed. She stepped out of her limo with James and walked past the guards at her front door to her wing. She stepped inside with James leading her up to her room. James sighed in awe as she entered the red and orange palace she called her room.
"This is amazing..." James sighed.
"You wouldn't want it if you lived here," she sighed. She sat in her desk reading a letter that came up in her e-mail.


All the other guys are sleeping...and we're on our way to Australia for a show. And I was bored and I miss you...and Toy story 2. We need another sleepover! haha...anyway, we'll be back on our way to the states for a while and I was wondering if you were interested if you wanted to come with us on the break to New york. We'll be doing promotions and shooting the new video and then well Christmas we'll be off. I'm going to PA to spend it with the parentals and my sister and if you're mom lets you, you are welcome to come...cuz I know its crazy there on Christmas, and give me a ring back...soon...


Torrance stared at the screen is Disbelief. James smiled evily at her.
"I knew he wanted you....mistletoe...come ON!"
"Please J, we met once...and he's just trying to be nice since he knows i'm not gonna having a good Christmas without my dad....friendly..remember?" Torrance complained.
'Sure...whatever me...boys don't invite you on Christmas for no apparent reason..."
"I don't care...what you say...but I KNOW I want to would mean the WORLD to me, to spend it with anyone but my mother..."


"Absoultely....NOT" her mother stated.
"Hold up...this is no fair...its my first christmas without dad!" she complained.
" its your first christmas with ME. Think about this, my own daughter doesn't want to spend Christmas with me," she huffed.
"It's not that mom...I just...Chris was so nice...and..."
"Chris is think i want my 15 year old daughter spending time with some pop star..."
"MOM...I'm 17...and if you were a real mother who honestly would know that," she sniffed as she ran up to her room. Her mother caught a flame in her eye as she ran up the stairs.
"Stupid bitch...I should have never introduced her...I'll fix her wagon," she muttered. As Torrance reached her room she collapsed onto her bed in sobbing fits. She angrily grabbed her portable phone and ran to the ledge of her bay window. She dialed the number to Chris's cell and hoped he was there.


Chris stared at his cell phone in agony and shoved it back into his pocket. He fiddled with his small goatee and tried to listen to JC's lecturing. He sighed as he went on about that night's performance. It was a half hour before the show. Then he was off to New York the next morning. It was comming up quickly. Most presents had been bought and most cards had been sent. Only a week until the big day. Chris loved Christmas the most...maybe because it had his name in it. Suddenly he felt the vibration of the phone in his pocket. He excitedly grabbed it out and saw the unlisted phone number. He ran from JC's lecturing to answer it.
"Chris?" Torrance sniffed.
"Hey whats wrong?"
"She said no...Chris, she is SUCH a bitch...I can't belive I have to see her face on that morning,"
"Calm down...what did she say to you?" he asked sympathetically.
"Well, I don't want you hanging out with some thirty year old pop star..."
"Hey....ouch," Chris laughed.
"Chris, I don't know what to do...I miss my dad," she cried.
"Listen, I know its a shame you don't want to be with your mom, but she is your mom and you should spend some time with her. Atleast try with her ok? I was just offering but...You'll be ok," he said.
"Thanks Chris...I'm sorry I couldn't come with you," she sighed.
"No probably would have looked weird to my parents anyway," he laughed. He whispered goodbye and she flopped over to her bed.
"What would I do without a friend like him?" she smiled as she drifted off to bed.

Chapter 3
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