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Chapter 1

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Sometimes I wonder why I took this job in the first place. I get transfered from a hospital in little old Alabama to Orlando. Thats a big change for a rural girl like me. They said I had a gift...a gift my ass. Thats no fair to take a girl out of her humble home and shove her into a life of more important and fatal tasks. I've got to take these five guys just slapped together as a boy band a little less than a year ago and solve all their love problems. It seems so unrealistic. But when I look into their eyes, I see their whole life crumbling, their whole body shattering into pieces. Perhaps a place like this isn't the best for them, but I've got a job to do. I've gotta get these guys lives back on track and let them skyrocket to the top of the charts...remind me again why I took that job?
Anyway, JC was the first to crack. His frustration was built up so tight and I knew he needed to let it out somehow. Justin had some connection to him before this whole boy band started. I think Justin is his way out of this hole, but he won't admit it yet. He's got to open up his feelings to someone soon, or he's going to crack again...and that's a scary sight to see.

"I can't take this much longer," Jc said pulling on the short chocolate brown strands upon his head.
Atleast we're in this together," Justin said wrapping his arms around him sweetly. JC pushed his away angrily and curled up into a corner.
"Get the fuck away from me you fag," he said as fresh tears dripped out of his icy blue eyes. It seemed as if the ice blue color in his eyes had shattered. Bloodshot veins in his eyes crawled out to the pink corners of his eyes. The tears rolled off his cheeks and onto his wounded flesh on his hand. JC picked at the scab remembering why he was here in the first place.

*Flashback* <
Meet me at Studio 3 at 12:00

JC smiled as he read the note diligently. Bobbie was so sweet to him. She left him notes, laughed at his jokes and held him close at night. The last two years had been heaven. After his last ex-girlfriend he thought he would never get back on track. Jc shook the thoughts of the girl that had hurt him so much and made his way to Studio 3. He pulled into the studio and made his way to the backstage door. A security guard met him there and led him to an all white room.
"Treat yourself to some water or fruit. I'll be back when Ms. Bobbie wants to see you," he said closing the door.
"What the fuck?" he said slamming on the door and trying to turn the knob. JC gave up after a minute of fighting with the metal door and sat back down on the starch white couch. He sighed angrily and laid down to stare at the white ceiling.
"I wonder what this is about?" he asked himself as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
*End Flashback*

JC rocked back and forth on the cold cement floor and stared at the pattern the padded wall made. He didn't know what the purpose of it was. The padding was hard...even if he did have a breakdown and try to hit his head, it would still hurt. He sighed at his stupid thoughts and looked over at his other four roomates.
"Idiots," he muttered. Justin looked up from his intense staring out of the window and stared at JC with evil eyes.
"You wanna say that louder?" Justin shouted.
"I called you an idiot juinor. Just don't mess," Jc said staring back into the wall.
"TAKE IT BACK!" Justin screamed slamming JC into the wall. JC winced at the overwhelming power that Justin had and tried to turn his head from the shooting pain he was getting in his neck. A man in a white suit ran into the room quickly and seperated the fight. JC leapt for the open door but another guard stopped his way and pushed him back into the corner.
"Sit down and shut up until you go into your session!" he screamed with anger. JC's eyes welled up again and his lip quivered.
"Shut the fuck up pussy...stop crying..." JC mumbled to himself.
"Why the hell do you have to act like tough shit? We're all here because we're weak...don't you understand that?" Justin whispered. JC sniffed and stared into Justin's cerulean orbs.
"Maybe you're right," JC muttered.

"Miss Bobbie is ready to see you now," the security guard said waking JC from his slumber. JC was led to a stage where several people "ooohed and ahhed" as he stepped onto the set. JC looked nervously around and sat next to Bobbie. He was opposite some talk show host he had never seen before.
"Today...Bobbie has something to tell JC," The host explained. JC looked astonished and scared. Bobbie took his hands and smiled fakely. Tears welled up in his eyes but he struggled to keep them in. Suddenly a doorbell rang before Bobbie could let the words roll out of her mouth. A rushed applause was heard from the crowd. Jc looked down the line of sad couples and realized that what Bobbie was going to say, wasn't going to be happy. A gruff looking man appeared in front of JC and Bobbie. Bobbie rose and wrapped her arms around the man happily. She leaned into his stubbly chin and kissed his cracked lips passionatly. Bobbie backed up and anger bubbled in JC's veins. His chest rose angrily and he lunged for the man. JC felt a punch smash his cheek and his head became numb. The next time he woke up he was back in his bed with a note beside his pillow.

I'm sorry it had to turn out this way Jayce. But I never had the heart to tell you there was someone else. You're a nice person C, but I could never love you.

Tears spurng to JC's eyes and they ran down his scratched cheek. The salty tears burned his flesh and he rubbed them off with anger.
"She could NEVER love me?" JC screamed. Tears flew out of his eyes fast as he stumbled towards the bathroom. He grabbed his razor from the bathroom counter and trembled with fear. He brought the razor down slowly to his wrist. His sobs shook him violently and tears fell onto his fresh skin.
"Goodbye...Bobbie..." JC muttered bringing the razor down.
"JC!" Justin screamed lunging for him. The razor slashed Jc's palm instead of his wrist and blood pooled onto the floor. JC shook with anger and pushed Justin off of himself. Justin sighed as he saw the origin of the blood.
"Thank god you didn't kill yourself...this has gone to far...We need to get out of here," Justin cried as JC shivered in his arms.
"Let's get help," Justin huffed.
*End Flashback*

JC shivered in his silk pajamas as Justin curled his arms around JC again. JC stared at the blackened scar on his palm and started to tear again.
"I'm here to help the both of us...I love you Jc, You're my best friend," Justin said as a glazed look ran over his eyes.
"Sleep in my bed tonight, I need someone to hold me," JC sniffed. Justin smiled for the first time that day and climbed beneath the covers with him.
"Sleep tight JC," Justin whispered as he drifted off to sleep. JC smiled and fell asleep in his arms.

Chapter 2 ~Justin
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