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Chapter 3

Log Entry three
The person I expected the least from, gave me the most. Chris finally opened up and being as stubborn as he is, I figured he would never crack. I have a feeling it has to do with Justin. If the youngest member could do it, so could the oldest member I guess. Chris finally realized that love is SO much more important than buisness.

"Chris...I...I were there when," Justin stammered. Chris hugged Justin closely as he cried into his chest.
"Justin...just calm down, it's been a long day," Chris sighed.
"Be a man and realize that she's gone and there are others," Chris whispered.
"But see thats your problem haven't realized it yet," Justin said angrily.
"I'm not one of thoes guys who goes and cries their problems to doctors...I'm sorry JuJu," he chuckled.
"Listen Chris, maybe Dani WAS right for leaving you, because right now you are being such a tough guy prick," Justin said stomping to his bed.
"I'm sorry J, I was just joking," he said quietly. As Justin turned out the light in their room, Chris sighed heavily. He felt wetness on his cheeks and he brought his fingers up to his eyes in the dim light to see he was crying. He brushed them away angrily and put his fist down on his pillow.
"Great...Now I lost Dani and Justin," he whispered.


"I promise no phone, no nothing...just you and I and a picnic in the park," Chris said kissing the tip of Dani's nose. Dani scrunched it up excitedly as they pulled into the parking lot. They made their way to a big shady tree where they layed a blanket and a picnic basket. After finishing lunch, Chris lied down in Dani's lap. She tugged at his braids playfully and smiled as she brought a small kiss to his forehead. Chris's beeper vibrated and he ignored it by throwing it to the side. Chris flipped over and started to kiss Dani quickly when his phone rang. Dani pulled away angrily and crossed her arms.
"Let me just get it quick," he said pulling it out of his bag. He answered it to hear the sound of JC calling him to go into the studio.
"But Chris--" Dani started. Chris held his finger up to shush her and listen to JC's words. Dani picked herself up and started to walk away briskly.
"Alright Jc...later" Chris sighed. He turned around to see no one there. He saw the outline of Dani's shadow going down the hill and he stood up to see better.
"What did I DO?" he asked loudly.
"When you care more about me than your stupid buisness, then come see me," she shouted slamming the door to her car. Chris pushed everything back into the basket and used his phone once more.
"Lance...come pick me up at the park...don't ask," he sighed. Chris threw the phone against the tree as it shattered to pieces. His hands started to tremble and he stopped them furiously.
"This is ridiculous," he sighed as Lance pulled up.

**End Flashback**

Chris sniffled loudly and turned over in his bunk.
"What the hell is WRONG?" Lance asked peeking his head down at Chris.
"Nothing" he said hiding his face.
"Come on tough guy...tell me..." Lance said hopping down from his bed.
"GO away," Chris sobbed. Lance sat down on the edge of Chri's bed and tickled the bottom of his foot.
"I'm serious Lance...I don't feel like talking," he said pulling a scrunchie to release his dreads.
"You ALWAYS say that," Lance laughed.
"Can you two SHUT up? I'm trying to write here," JC said holding a flashlight to his notebook.
"Sorry to disturb you maiestro," Chris said flailing his arms. The guys chuckled softly and rolled over again to go back to sleep.
"THAT is the Chris I know," Lance said lying down next o him.
"Lance...I'm upset because I miss Dani and Justin is mad at me," he sighed.
"Ok...thanks...night," Lance said hopping back up to his bed.
"What? you're just gonna leave me hurting by myself?" Chris asked angrily.
"You said you wanted to be left alone!" Lance joked pulling up his covers. Chris hid his feelings once more and tried to fall asleep. After several tears and sniffles he finally drifted of into a not so peaceful sleep.

Chapter 4 ~Lance
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