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Chapter 4

Log entry number 4

And so the quiet one speaks...there isn't much to say about Lance. I think he really does miss his girlfriend...but I don't think she was a valuable asset to him after what she did.


"Lance?...Lance?" Sara called.
"Where are you? Do you want anything?" Lance asked.
"Jesus didn't get here FAST enough...what IS your problem?" she asked slapping him across the face.
"I'm sorry...please forgive me?" Lance sobbed.
"Not this time...You're so irrisponsible," she sighed.
"What do you want me to DO?" Lance asked impatiently. The girl hit him again and kicked him to the floor.
"You mean WHAT do you want me to do to YOU?" she asked beating him. Lance felt his stomach curl as she kicked him. He finally managed to squeak out a helpless plea.
" want me to help you? You never HELPED me...forget it's were just a poor piece of Mississippian shit who only cares about HIMSELF," she said. She disappeared with a poof and--

**End Flashback**

"SARA?" Lance called angrily.
"You ok buddy?" Joey asked looking over sleepily.
"No," Lance replied. Tears came streaming out of his sea green eyes and he crawled out of his bed.
"Lance...She was a bitch...she was a control FREAK...She didn't want you...she--"
"You're NOT making me feel better!" Lance shouted. The others started to stir, so Lance quieted himself.
"Come here Lance," Joey said patting his bed. Lance crawled up to his bed and snuggled under the covers.
"You are worth SO much more than she said. She took you for granted Lance...and letting her go was the right thing to do," Joey comforted.
"I know...its just that STUPID dream I keep having OVER and OVER...she keeps hurting me," he sighed.
"Don't worry Lance...Everything will be better soon," Joey said sending him back to bed. Lance smiled as he curled back into his bed.
"Night Joe," he said falling asleep faster than usual.

Chapter 5 ~Joey
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