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Chapter 5

Journal Entry 5

Finally, only one boy to go. This wonder boy was the hardest to crack...but that italian was the closest to more ways than one...

Joey pulled his cape closer around his body and rocked back and forth in his chair.
"Come on's time to go into see her," One of the bodyguards said pushing him into the room. He stared down at his superman emblem and tears dripped onto it.
"Superman...psh...." he said lying down on the cool leather chair.
"Joey...How are you?" the psychotrist asked patiently.
"I...I...Just...I was such an idiot..." Joey cracked as more tears fell.
"Joey baby...I'm here for you," she said letting her hair down.
"'ve never said that to any one else before," he muttered running his fingers through his chocolate brown hair.
"I only need to say it to you," she said straddling his waist.
"WOAH! You can't...HEY!...I'm crazy! You don't want me!" he screamed. He pulled away from her before she could kiss him. She grabbed his cape and inhaled its heavenly scent before he ran straight out of the room. JC was there waiting and saw Joey run frantically.
"She did it TOO! She tried to kiss me...I CAN'T TAKE this!" Joey screamed.
"Woah...calm down Joey...What the hell! You like the girls attention!" JC admitted.
"'re right," Joey smiled. He sauntered down the hall and winked at some girl while he walked by.
"Wish I had that," JC chuckled.


"Joey baby, let's go get some ice cream," Eliza asked taking his hand. Joey wasn't concentrating on her though. He had saw some girls walk by and he looked at them nicely. While Eliza turned around some girl came up and kissed Joey softly.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" She asked. Joey opened his mouth but nothing came out. Eliza slapped his face and started to walk away.
"I've had enough," she screamed as she walked out of his life.

**End Flashback**

The five guys sauntered out of the hospital happily. As they walked past the guards that had treated them so harsly they looked at the new comers going into the rehabilitation center. They saw their ex's staring angrily at them. The guys walked past pretending not to notice and ran out of the gates where a limosine was waiting for them.
"Guys...I think I have a great new song," Jc smiled as he handed them his journal.
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