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“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t see you...”He said as he stared intently at the young lady’s
beautiful blue eyes. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. “Thats all right, would you believe
me if I said it happened all the time?” Angie said flirtatiously.

“Of course!” He said with a laugh.

“Well then don’t worry your pretty little head cuz it happens all the time!”

They both turned to walk away but on a whim Justin turned and yelled “What’s your
name?” She ran over and said “What?”

“I said whats your name.”  

“Oh, it’s Angie.”

“So Angie, I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out with me on Friday night.”

“Well first I have to ask you one very important question, OK?”

“All right, shoot.”


“Yeah, go on.”

“What’s your name?”

“Oh my name......”He said laughing at his own stupidity. “It’s Justin.”

“Well Justin I would love to go out with you this Friday!” They exchanged phone
numbers and parted with huge smiles on their faces.


“Hey J what’s with the goofy grin?”Chris asked mimicking Justin.

“Ya know Chris normally I would have socked you but I have a date on Friday with the
most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I’m just to happy to be mean!” He replied with a
hint of confidence.

“Whoa you go to the grocery store to get us cereal and you come back with a date?! Next
time I’m going!” Chris said in sarcasm, “So what’s her name? What color hair, eyes, tall
short, fat thin? Tell me! I’m just dying!”He said trying to be funny. “Well she has this
beautiful long brunette hair and legs for days, and OMG don’t get me started on her eyes,
there so blue and....”He stopped mid sentence daydreaming. “Gosh I can’t wait until
Friday!!!” “OK whatever you say man you are so weird!” Chris mumbled walking off

Justin sat down so intrigued by the memory of her beauty and her wit. He decide to call
her right now to set everything up, he couldn’t stand to wait any longer.

*ring ring*

“Hey um is Angie there?”
“This is her.”
“Oh hi Angie it’s Justin.”
“Hey what’s up? Did you call for a reason? or just to talk?”
“A reason actually.”
“OK go ahead.”
“Well first off I wanted to make sure about our date, and say I’ll pick you up around
7ish.” He said. “And I just want to get it out of my system and tell you that your the most
beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Yes we are still on and 7ish is fine and thank you very much I’m flattered you think
that.” She continued to say, “I have one thing to ask to you, why didn’t you tell me you
were Justin Timberlake?”
“I dunno just figured you knew and if you didn’t I knew you would figure it out.”
“OK I guess it’s fine. So Bye”
“See you then! Bye”
*They hung Up*


*Friday Came and Went*
*3rd Date*
*Knock Knock*

Angie ran down stairs only half ready. When she went to answer the door she was very
surprised to find her date behind it. Along with her Justin was mighty surprised to see his
girlfriend in her underwear with rollers in her hair. “Oh, um, I’m sorry am I early? my
watch says 7:20.” He said nervously.

“No, no, no I should be sorry I’m just not ready, your right on time! You can come in if
you want but um dont go into the kitchen or the living room.”
“Why not?”
“Because my friend Crystal, she is staying the weekend with me, will jump you quicker
than you can scream for help!”
“Oh well in that case where can I go?”
“You can go to the bathroom, my room, or her room but I don’t suggest her room cuz
thats just inviting the girl to jump you!”
“Thanks for the advice, but where are you going to be?”
“Two places my room and the bathroom! So anyways what are we doing tonight?”
“Well first we are going to go get some food then we are going to a movie and then where
ever we want.”
“OK sounds great, well I’m ready let’s go!”


“Thanks for dinner Justin! It was great! So what movie are we seeing?”
“Well I thought maybe we could go see a movie called ‘Jeepers Creepers’. Is that all
“Is it scary? Cuz I get scared easily.”
“Well then you can get closer to me and I’ll keep you safe.” She quickly looked away
nervously when he brought up being close to him.


“No Mark I said I dont want to get so close tonight we barely know each other!”
“Don’t you love me, Angie?!”
“Well yes I think so but I still don’t want to!”
“If you love me you wont scream!” He said as he threw her onto the bed. Angie was
balling and begging him to stop. But he wouldn’t.

*End Flashback*              

Her eyes started blur, she didn’t want for him to see her like this so she whispered, “Stop
the car.” “What?!?” He replied astonished at what he was hearing. “I said stop the
car!!!”She yelled still staring out the window. He pulled over and started to say
something, “Whats going.....” but was interrupted by the door slamming and Angie
running away down the street. She always ran, she didn’t want to get close to anybody!
She thought back to the last time she was close with someone and remembered how
horrid it was. She wouldn’t be able to stand that again, so she ran faster but she still heard
Justin’s footsteps behind her. So she stopped short. Angie could feel his hand on her
shoulder. By then her mascara was at her chin and still tears came. They turned to look at
each other and he pulled her into a hug. She looked up at him a solemn look on his face
and they locked eyes. “Oh God those eyes, theirs something about those eyes I can’t get
away from, their so blue and beautiful.”He thought. He was moving closer for the kiss
when she relinquished from his grasp and ran away saying, “I thought you would be

Justin still stood there dumbfounded. He was totally and utterly clueless to why she did
all of this. So he walked back to his car and drove around to find her. About an hour later
he found her on a bench waiting for a bus. He parked and went to speak to her. She
started by saying, “Thank you for dinner it was lovely. But...I...Can’t be with you.” (“I
really wish I could but I can’t.......I’m so scared........scared of........scared of falling in love
with you.”) When he finally got it that she meant what she said he was crushed he was
looking at her with those puppy dog eyes and then he just asked her, “Why?” “I’m sorry
Justin it just wouldn’t work.” She said never looking directly into his eyes, for fear he
would ask why she was crying again. She couldn’t just tell him everything, besides she
didn’t want to be close to anyone. But he had no hesitation to ask her,

“If you wont tell me why we can’t be together will you atleast tell me why you jumped
out of my car and ran down the street crying?”
“I...I can’t....I wont. I can’t be with you......or anyone!” She just sat there and cried with
her head in her hands for about another hour. Justin sat there intently watching waiting
for that glimpse of her face, of her eyes which he couldn’t seem to get enough of. Angie
finally fell asleep, Justin quietly carried her to the car and drove her home. when they got
there and he carried her to bed and tucked her never once fully awakening her. He just
stood there for a second admiring her beauty from afar. He placed a soft kiss on her nose
and both tear stained cheeks. Right then she mumbled something in her sleep, “Thanks
Justin, I love you...” He smiled at that, He knew she just needed some time. Tonight was
gonna be their first kiss, until she ran of course. But if she needed more time he would
give her more time.

As he walked out the door he whispered,
“Sweet Dreams Blue Eyes...”

The End

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