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Chapter 1

Ashley quietly unlocked the door and slipped inside. She looked at her watch and hoped that she didn't wake Justin. It was 1 o'clock. She quietly made her way to the stairs but was stopped when she saw a light on in the livingroom.

"Justin?" She called out in a whisper. She put down her bag and made her way into the room. She smiled when her eyes fell upon his sleeping figure. "Hey baby..." She said softly, leaning over the back of the couch, putting her arms across his chest.

Justin stirred at the contact. "Hmm?" He opened his eyes and smiled up at Ashley. "Hey you...did you just get home?"

"Yea, Wade wanted me to watch some music videos to get ideas for dances, and afterwards we got carried away with the dancing." She smirked as she talked.

"Well you're home now..." He turned his face upwards and gave her a light kiss. "Let's go to bed..." He said getting up and coming around the back of the couch to face Ashley. He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her waist. Ashley sighed as she breathed in the scent of soap and aftershave, a smell that was all male, and all Justin.

"You smell good..." She said into his chest. He chuckled.

"I'd say the same about you...but you just danced for four hours." Ashley hit him in the arm.

"Ok, I get the hint. I'm going to jump in the shower." She pulled away from him and headed up the stair case, grabbing her bag. She heard Justin walking behind her, and laughed as he called out.

"Can I join?"

"You already took a shower..." She said over her shoulder.

"So? can never be too clean!!" He said after her.

She laughed and went into the bathroom. Justin smiled as he walked into the bedroom and jumped on the bed, turning the lamp on. He sighed a tired sigh and pulled out his notebook. He started writing to keep himself awak, but his eyelids were heavy, and he was fighting a losing battle.

Ashley smiled as she entered the room, now in shorts and a wife beater. Justin was stretched out on the bed, notebook cross his chest, sound asleep. She tiptoes over and removed the book. She then climbed into the bed, and under the covers, soon she felt Justin's warm arms wrap around her, and she heard his content sigh.

"Goodnight Justin..." She said half asleep. He managed a mumbled reply.

"Nite my Juliet." Ashley smiled at the given nickname, and drifted off into a much needed sleep.

The sunlight streamed across the room, falling softly onto the two sleeping figures. Ashley stirred with the brightness of the unwanted light and rolled over. She glanced at the clock and moaned when she realized she had to get up for work. She quietly tried to pry herself from Justin's warm grasp, causing him to stir.

"Don't go..." He mumbled into the pillow, holding on to her torsoe tighter.

"Justin...I have to work, and you need to go to the studio today too." She told him, pulling at his hands.

"No, I don't have to go to the studio. I have the day off...stay with me."

"I have to work..." She pulled harder.

"You work too much, I never see you..." His head was now off hte pillow, and his blue eyes were starring into hers.

"Don't start this again please...let me go." Justin huffed nd let her go, rolling over onto his side, mumbling something about being lonly. Ashley ignored his comment and his sudden imaturaty and went into the bathroom to get in the shower.

She came out in a cloud of steam and threw on some clothes. She wore some shorts with windpants over them, and a tank top. All for a day of dancing, teaching and pure insanity.

Ashley worked at a dance studio for inner-city kids. The kids that didn't have a lot of money, and no place to go, it was sort of like a YMCA, but only for dancing. She taught 5 different classes, and when she wasn't teaching kids, she was teaching superstars.

Justin had been begging Ashley for about a year to become prefessional dancer. He swore she reaked of talent, and that it was a good thing. She dicided it wasn't such a bad idea, as long as she could stay at her other job, and help the kids. It was hectic, and she was gone just about as much as Justin was, and this created a problem with him....a big problem.

Ashley walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Justin was at the table eating a bowl of cereal and drinking out of the orange juice carton. Ashley grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured herself a glass, giving Justin a kiss on the cheek. He grunted.

"You can't keep up with this silent treatment. I'm sorry, but you know what this job means to me...It's my life." She explained as she leaned up against the butchers block in the center of the kitchen, and watched Justin.

"I know it's your life...You're never home anymore. When you are, I'm not. Jules, this sucks. I want to see you."

"Justin, we're in the same boat! You're busy too! I mean, the only differences between our lives is that you sing, and are completely famous. The feeling of being lonley isn't one sided you know. I miss you too, and it kills me to know that I can't spend every waking minute with you, but that's life. Justin, I need to know I can rely on myself. When you're not here, I need to feel like I can take care of my life, and not depend on you." She watched as Justin put his head down on the table and let out a deep sigh.

"I know Jules...I know. It's just so hard. I'm used to having this turned around. The girl always complaning about me not being's just strange." He pouted and Ashley walked over to him.

She placed her arms around his neck and rested her chin on his shoulder. "I promise that It'll get better. I'm almost finished with Britney's video, and classes will be out soon for Christmas. We'll have a month together. I'll be all yours for a month. Now I have to go, or I'll be late for work." She kissed him on the cheek and started to leave but was stopped by his hands.

"Please stay...I miss you so much. I only get to see you at night, and then we're sleeping...please Jules..." He pleaded, that all to familiar puppy dog look crossing his face.

"Oh no you don't. Babe, I have to go. I'll try and skip out early, and I'll tell Wade that I need to cancle, He can finish Brit's dance alone anyway." She barganed with him, and he seemed somewhat pleased.

"Alright, but one more thing before you leave."

"What?" She asked. Justin pulled her in, wrapping his arms around her waist.

He leaned in a placed his lips over her slightly parted ones. The quick, passionate move startled Ashley, but she soon recovered and deepened the pressure. A tingle ran through her body, and she felt Justin's hands rub up and down her back. The kiss started to escilate, and she knew it needed to stop.

"Whew! Was that all?" She asked as she pulled away, a smile playing on her lips.

"Yeah, that was about it...but I think I should run that by you again." He bent his head down for another kiss, and was about to touch her when she pulled back.

"Not so fast Romeo, I really need to leave. But keep that in mind, and we can get back to that later..." She gave him another quick kiss, grabbed her bag, and before he could say anything, she was out the door.

Justin sighed and sat down on the stool by the kitchen counter. He rubbed his hands over his head and face in frustration. He hated the fact that she was always gone, but he shouldn't complain, because he did the same exact thing to her. Things were so hectic, and he didn't know how much longer he could hold out.


Ashley looked at her watch and sighed a sigh of relief. It was quater past 12, and she was done for the day. She picked up her cell phone and dialed Wade's number.


"Great way to answer the phone...Hey, this is Ashley."

"Hey! sorry about that...Hey, I'm glad you called, becuase I wanted to tell you not to come in today." He stated right away and Ashley's was a bit taked aback.

"Um...ok...not that I'm ungrateful or anything, but ah...Why?" She stuttered a bit, not sure why Wade, of all people, would not want her to come in, espically when Britney had a video in two days.

"Um...well, let's just say it's your lucky day. Anyways I have to go, I need to finish up with Dream, then I have Brit comming in. By the way, we're short a dancer, so You'll need to fly up to Ney York in two days, I think it's a Monday...anyway, I'll get you your plane tickets later." He rushed and Ashley had a hard time catching what he was saying.

"Yea, ok...I'll just meet you at the studio tomorrow around 3ish...ok?"

"Sure...bye." And before she could answer, he hung up. Ashley shook her head, he was acting very strange. She shrugged it off and walked out of the dance hall and to her car. Soon she was speeding off towards home, and Justin. Finally, some time with Justin.

Ashley pulled into the drive way and ran to the door, before she could touch the handle, the door flew open and she was pulled in by two strong arms.

"Jesus" She was cut short by a pair of lips crashing down on hers. Droping the bag she was holding and wrapped her arms around Justin's neck, deepining the pressure. Justin turned them into the foyer of the house and closed the door with his foot, moving them towards the livingroom.

Ashley soon felt the softness of the couch underneath her back as the kiss escilated. She needed air, he needed air, but neither of them wanted to let go of the other. They hadn't had time together for a while, and now that Justin had her for the whole afternoon, he planned to make the most of it.

"Justin..." Ashley said, her breath short as she ghasped for air.

"Hmm?" He studied he kiss swolen lips and so badly wanted another taste...just one more.

"I need to breathe. I love you too, but it wont be fun when I turn blue and can't kiss back." She mused and Justin looked into her eyes for the first time. He smiled.

"Sorry, I got carried away...It's so good to see you, in the daytime!" He got off of her and helped her off the couch. Ashley started walking up the stairs, and Justin followed.

"I know...Justin I'm sorry about the whole, never being home thing. It's just that I need a life other than waiting for you. You know?" She stopped halfway up the stairs and turned to him. Justin closed the distance between them and took her in his arms. He smiled, and his eyes sparkled with that ever present mischief.

"Jules...don't worry. I understand, and I want you to be happy. If working your butt off makes you happy, then so be it. I can't complain, because I'm gone too...let's not ruin the mood with this though. I have you for the rest of the afternoon, and we're not going to be sulking over not being together."

"I hate to tell you, but there was no mood. Now, I'm going to get in the shower, because I'm all hot and sweaty." She finished her treck up the stairs, Justin still close behind. "You know, it's strange, becuase I wasn't that sweaty when I came home, but ever since...."

"I know, I'm good like that." Justin gave her a cocky grin as he followed her into the bedroom.

"No. I was going to say that ever since I saw those construction workers that are re paving the road, it's been getting mighty hott!!" She laughed as his smile fell into a pout and she walked into the bathroom.

"That wasn't funny!" He yelled through the door. Ashley managed to stop laughing enough to answer.

"I thought it was." She giggled again as he huffed and walked out of the room. That was too easy.

When Ashley came downstairs, she couldn't find Justin. She walked into the kitchen and was about to leave when something caught her eye. A note sat on the counter top, and Justin's attempt at hand writing covered it's surface.

Ashley walked over to the letter, looked around the room, and them read the words.

OK. Now it's time for the fun. Please, I can see you rolling your eyes already. Lighten up, I never get to see you. Humor me, ok?

Go upstairs, and check the bedside table.

Ashley did roll her eyes but she smiled. It was the simple things like this that made her fall in love with Justin. They way he would send her flowers, or make her a candle lit dinner. He was always finding ways to spice up their realtionship, and it made it fun, and she loved the attention. This was their time, and the only thing they would focus on was eachother.

She quickly ran upstairs and to the bedside table. There was a rose laying there withe anothe note attached. She put the rose up to her nose and breathed in the sweet aroma. She then unfolded the letter in her hands and read it over.

A rose for my Juliet.

Now, you'll have to think about this one. Find the place I spend hours thinking and releasing stress. It's musical, and you love this room.

Ashley laughed a bit. She didn't have to think about this one. She skipped to the music room. A ghasp escaped her lips as she opened the doors, and her eyes fell upon the sight that lay there.

A dozen red roses sat in a crystal vase on the white baby grand piano, and rose petals were scattered about. There was a sign set on the keys that simply said 'Play your favorite song'. Ashley went and removed the sign, and carefully sat down upon the bench. She lifted the cover and it sent petals flying everywhere. She stroked the keys, and began to play a soft melody that she and Justin had written together one night.

She han't gotten very far when a note went very flat. She struck the key, but it made almost no sound. She carefully lifted the cover and another note was tucked inside. She shook her had and wondered if Justin knew that he could damage his piano.

Very good. You're almost done, I promise.
The next place you need to be is where the stars shine brightly, and the moon casts it's spell. You and I know this spot very well.

"He's rhyming now..." She smiled and tucked the note into her pocket and made her way outside.

Ashley looked around and searched for a sign of where he might be. She had Justin had spent countless nights outside looking up at the stars. Lately they hadn't done that though, becuse both their schedules had them working late, so by the time they got home, they just wanted sleep.

Ashley walked across the basketball court, and saw something shining in the distance. She quickly made her way down to the grassy knoll by the lake that Justin's house was on.

Ashley stopped and took in the sight before her. The sun was setting causing the purple-bluish shade to paint the sky and the sun cast a golden hue across the horizion. The top of the sky was dark and peaking through clouds were sparkling stars. Infront of her was a row of paper lanterns hung from two trees, and a blanket set with a picnic basket. Ashley smiled as Justin stepped out from the shadows with a white rose, and a red rose in his hand.

He stepped forward and took her hand, leading her to the blanket. He sat her down and when she was about to speak, he placed his finger over her mouth.

"This is our night. Lately we've both been too busy to spend any time together, so This is for us alone. I've turned off the cell phones, and left them inside. I'm sorry for getting mad earlyer, because I had no reason to. I work just as much as you do, maybe even more, and I never thought about you being lonley too. So,'s just you and me babe!" He handed her the two roses and she smiled.

"Thanks Justin...It's times like these that make me fall in love with you all over again." She leaned in a gave him a kiss. She then pulled away and looked at the basket. "So, what's for dinner?" Justin laughed at her question and pulled the basket over to them.

Things were getting better

Chapter 2
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