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Chapter 10

Justin walked apprehensively into the conference room. Seated at a table was Johnny, Bill their PR, and the rest of the guys. Justin gave a weak smile and closed the door behind him. Johnny stood up, and in all seriousness said,

"I got one thing to say Justin...." Justin braced himself for the words that would reprimand his actions. "Congratulations man!" Before he could even respond, he was wrapped in a big hug. Justin smiled and thanked Johnny, but was soon hushed by the icy glare he was getting from Bill.

"Sit down please." A short, sharp sentience. Justin didn't blame him, because it was Bill's job to 'keep the image clean' and Justin just made that job very hard. He sat down between Joey and JC, he faced Bill, but looked down at his hands instead of the dark brown eyes that said death.

"We need to discuss this issue. First off, it was stupid Justin. Very stupid, how the hell do you expect me to keep this from the press? Huh?" Bill's usually calm and professional tone was gone. He was frantic and scared for what this might do to his job, and *NSYNC careers. "You're the attraction to the group Justin. As much as you don't like it, it's you they want. You're young, and very attractive. It wasn't that bad with just the girlfriend. Actually people seemed to like you with Ashley better than Britney. But now, you're pregnant! What am I going to say....'Sorry girls, he's having a baby, and he's no longer available...?' they'll be devested. All those girls that think they have the slightest chance, you can rule them out for fans now. What were you two thinking?"

Justin's eyes flared with anger, and the rest of the guys sat rigid in their chairs, counting down the explosion.

"You wanna know what I was thinking? I was thinking about how good she tasted, how much I wanted her. I was thinking about how good she smelled, and how this time I wasn't holding back, and neither was she. I was thinking we should play it safe...and we DID Bill! It just so happens the condom broke. None of this was planned, but there's nothing that's going to stop it now. There is no way in Hell she's getting rid of that baby, and I would never ask that of her. First off, you have NO right to tell me what I did was wrong. I'm a big boy Bill. I'm 22 years old, I'll be 23 in a month! You know I love the fans, but right now, I DON'T CARE! If they're fans, they'll support me, if not, WHO CARES!?! It's not like our lives will be over. So, my fan base will lessen, big deal!" He was now red in the face, standing with his finger pointed in Bill's face. Bill had his hands folded and was listening to Justin's ranting with an eerie calmness about him.

"No one got mad when Joey had Brianna...and it's not like were teenagers anymore. this would have happened sooner or later. Why not sooner? So don't sit there and run my life, because I run my life...not you. I have the support of my friends, my family, it won't faze me a bit if I don't have the support of my PR. No skin off my ass. So go ahead, tell the papers what you will. You know, I bet none of them know about this, because only the guys and our families know." Justin had grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door.

"I'm outta here. I'm going baby shopping...." They all cringed as the door slammed shut and silence filled the room. Chris was the first to speak up.

"Well, that went well." A small chuckle erupted throughout the silence, but Bill remained stone faced. They all stopped laughing and quieted down.

"Well, I think he needs some time to cool off. We'll discuss what we want to do with the press later, when he's rational and we should have Ashley too, because he'll be calmer with her here. Thanks for coming guys, and Bill, don't take it personal." Johnny stood up and was followed out the door by everyone else. Bill sighed and wished he'd stayed in the mail room. At least the mail wont bite back.


Justin vented all the way back to his house. He was in a fowl mood now. He swore at passing cars, finding some little thing they were doing wrong. He turned on the radio and put in his AC/DC cd, blaring the music through the speakers, releasing stress. He pulled into the drive way, and walked up the stairs. He slammed into the house and was about to yell for Ashley when he saw her in the living room. He walked in and his heart melted when he saw her curled up, asleep with an old photo album and their baby books out, scattered on the floor. He soon forgot all that had caused his anger and now he smiled. She looked so peaceful, asleep, the stray strands of hair softly laying against her cheek.

Justin walked over slowly, he picked up the books, and put them on the coffee table. He picked her up off the floor, and sat down with her on the couch. He laid back, and pulled her up to him, her head resting on his chest. She wrapped her arms around him in her sleep, and he smiled. Justin brushed the hair out of her face, and kissed her forehead. He listened to her breath for a while, before falling asleep himself.

Ashley stirred and her eyelashes fluttered open. She yawned and looked around, noticing she hadn't woken up in the same place she'd fallen asleep. She then realized she was on the couch, and she could hear it breathing. Justin was lying sideways with his back to the couch cushions and Ashley was laying with her back against his chest. He had draped his arm over her waist, and his hand was on her stomach. Ashley flipped herself over so she was face to face with him. He had a boyish look on his face as he slept, and his eyelashes tickled his cheeks. She placed a light kiss on his nose, and his eyelids slowly opened, revealing his deep blue orbs.

"Hey beautiful. What time is it?" His words were heavy with sleep. Ashley looked at the watch on her hand.

"Um....4 in the afternoon. How was your meeting?" She asked him, placing her head on his chest.

"Ugh...I don't wanna talk about it. Let's just say, It lasted about 5 minutes and I listened to AC/DC on the way home."

"Ohh, that bad huh? Well,...." she placed a kiss on his lips. "What can I do to make it better?" Justin's eyebrows rose with wonderment, and his eyes sparkled.

"I can think of one thing..." He said wiggling his eyebrows. Ashley giggled.

"And what might that be?"

"Baby shopping!!" He said with a laugh. Ashley rolled her eyes and lightly hit Justin on the chest. "Why, what were you thinking dirty girl you!"

"What a dork, ok..let's go. But Justin, remember, this is for the Baby, not the baby's father." Justin let out a defeated sigh, but his eyes still held their mischief. Shopping was a favorite past time of Justin's...and he was going to make the best of this trip.


Justin helped Ashley into the car, and then hopped into the driver's side. He grabbed his cell phone and put it on speaker, hitting a button for speed dial.

"Hello?" A deep, resonate voice sounded in the car.

"Hey Mike..." Justin spoke to his body guard, and one of his best friends. "Ashley and I are going out shopping, you wanna meet us at the mall?"

"Ashley, you're actually going shopping with that guy? You poor thing, I hope you get something out of this trip." Mike joked, he knew just how bad Justin's fetish was.

"Shut up man, We're going shopping for baby stuff...."

"Ahem....why's that?"

"Well....Ashley's having a baby." Justin said apprehensivly.

"God Lord! He's recreating! I hope it's a girl, and just like you Ash, because Lord knows the last thing we need is another Justin Timberlake running around." His deep laughter shook the windows. Ashley laughed along with Mike, but Justin didn't.

"Whatever man, Just remember who pays you..anyway. meet us at the back entrance...I'll see you there." He hung up the phone and shook his head. "That guy is just too much." But it was said with a smile on his face.

Chapter 11
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